2023 IEEE AP-S Fellows Evaluated by AP-S

Francesco Andriulli
“for contributions to computational electromagnetics”

Mauro Ettorre
“for contributions to large antenna arrays based on quasi-optical beam formers”

Wonbin Hong
“for contributions to millimeter-wave mobile and base station antennas”

Ahmad Hoorfar
“for contributions to sensing and imaging in stratified media and optimization in electromagnetics”

Oscar Quevedo-teruel
“for contributions to glide symmetry based metasurfaces and lens antennas”

Paolo Rocca
“for contributions to clustered and time-modulated antenna arrays”

Jack Schuss
“for leadership in the development of antennas for satellite communications and radars”

Kin Tong
“for contributions to wideband and circularly polarized printed antenna designs”

Giovanni Toso
“for contributions to multibeam antenna developments for satellite applications”
2023 Fellows elevated from other societies

Jaleel Akhtar
“for contributions in microwave planar sensors and nano- composites-based microwave absorbers”

Walid Ali-ahmad
“for leadership in development of low-cost direct-conversion cellular RF systems”

Muhammad Imran
“for contributions to energy efficient and self-organized wireless systems“

Anthony Martone
“for contributions to the development and validation of cognitive radar systems”

Yihong Qi
“for contributions to over-the-air testing of massive MIMO systems and development of over-the-air measurement systems”

Smail Tedjini
“for contributions to the development of harmonic backscattering RFID systems and chipless tag solutions”

Hua Wang
“for contributions to high-efficiency microwave and millimeter-wave power amplifiers”