
AP-S Chapter Award

Description:  To recognize annually the best chapter of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society.

Prize:  $1,000 and Certificate. More than one chapter may be awarded per year.

Funding:  Funded by the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society

Eligibility:  Chapters that are in good standing and fully functioning in the year prior to consideration for the award. Chapters that are joint with other Societies are eligible for consideration. The same chapter may not receive the award more than three consecutive years.

Basis for Judging:  High level of performance in the areas of: extent and quality of presentations or other activities in the field of antennas and propagation; special projects or societal activities; fellow nominations and awards; increases in membership and attendance.

Presentation:  At the Awards Banquet during the annual Antennas and Propagation Symposium.

Best Student Paper Award

Description:  To recognize the best student paper presented at the annual IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium.

Prize:  $700 and Certificate for 1st place winner; $500 and Certificate for 2nd place winner; $300 and Certificate for 3rd place winner.

Funding:  Funded by the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society

Eligibility:  Full time students that clearly indicate that the paper is entered in the judging at the symposium. The student must be the first author. The student’s advisor should attach a statement that their contribution is primarily advisory. The paper must conform to all other normal symposium submission requirements. There is no requirement for IEEE membership.

Basis for Judging:  Significance of the contribution to the fields of antennas and propagation, originality, and clarity, based on the written summary paper and the oral presentation.

Presentation:  First place award presented at Symposium Awards Banquet; Second and Third Place Awards recognized at Banquet.

Chen-To Tai Distinguished Educator Award

Description: To recognize an individual who has given outstanding service to education in the field of antennas and propagation, and who exemplifies the special human qualities of Chen-To Tai, whose exemplary career in teaching and research represents the highest qualities of service.

Prize:  $2,000 and laminated certificate/plaque

Funding:  Funded by an endowment provided by the Tai family and administered by the IEEE Foundation

Eligibility:  A significant contributor to education in the field of antennas and propagation; preference given to AP-S members

Basis for Judging:  A distinguished educator recognized in general by an academic career; documentation of having received other teaching awards; effectiveness as an educator supported by a list of graduates in the field whose accomplishments have become recognized; letters of support; outstanding record of research contributions documented in archival publications; service to AP-S.

Presentation:  The award is presented at the annual symposium, which is normally July each year.

Distinguished Achievement Award

Description:  To honor recognized outstanding technical achievement in the fields of Antennas and Propagation.

Prize:  $2,000 and Certificate

Funding:  Honoraria funded by contribution directly from the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, managed by the IEEE Foundation, certificate funded by the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society.

Eligibility:  Preference given to APS members.

Presentation:  Annually, at APS Symposium.

Harold A. Wheeler Applications Prize Paper Award

Description:  To recognize the best applications paper published in IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation.

Prize:  $1,000 and Certificate

Funding:  Funded by the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society.

Eligibility:  Authors of papers published in IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation during prior year.

Basis for Judging:  Applications contents, technical contribution, clarity of presentation.

Presentation:  Annually, at APS Symposium.

Honorary Life Member of AdCom

Prize:  Complimentary Society membership (Society fees paid for life).

Funding:  Funded by the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society.

Eligibility:  Must have been a member of APS for at least 10 years and an elected member of AdCom.

Basis for Judging:  Significant technical contributions in the Antennas and Propagation field and outstanding services to the profession and IEEE.

Presentation:  On occasion, at APS Symposium.

IEEE Antennas and Propagation Edward E. Altshuler Prize Paper Award

Description:  To recognize the best contribution published in the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine (the “Magazine”) in the preceding calendar year. Currently, there are no awards or recognition for high-quality manuscripts published in the Magazine. The presence of the award will provide an incentive that will attract outstanding contributions to the Magazine. This award is named in honor of Edward E. Altshuler, a Life Fellow of the IEEE and long-time member of the Antennas and Propagation Society, and is being established by his family. This award does not conflict with the other existing IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Awards recognizing best papers published in the IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation (IEEE TAP) or the IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters (IEEE AWPL).

Prize:  The award consists of a certificate and a one-time monetary prize of $1,000. In a case where the recognized paper has multiple authors, each author will receive a certificate while the prize of $1,000 will be shared equally among the authors.

Funding:  The award is to be funded through an endowment donated by the family of Edward E. Altshuler.

Eligibility:  Authors of all feature articles and contributions to columns and departments appearing in the Magazine during the preceding calendar year are eligible for the award, regardless of age or their membership status in IEEE and the Society. Two exceptions to this eligibility are that contributions authored or co-authored by the Editor-in-Chief or the Chair of the Best Paper Awards Committee are not eligible to be considered for the award.

Basis for Judging:  Initial selection of the contributions to be considered will be based on comments from reviewers, Associate Editors, Editors, and the Editor-in-Chief. The list of manuscripts so distinguished will be forwarded to the Awards Committee Chair by the Editor-in-Chief as described earlier. Any member of the Society not serving on the Best Paper Awards Committee can also request that papers be placed into consideration by directly contacting the Chair of the Best Paper Awards Committee. Each member of the Best Paper Awards Committee will then review the papers and rank them according to their technical quality and value, clarity of presentation, innovation, and impact. Each committee member’s ranking will carry equal weight. The Best Paper Awards Committee Chair will then compile the results of the rankings, and hold a meeting with the committee that will culminate in the selection of a winner.

Presentation:  The award will be presented annually at the Society’s awards banquet at the IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation.

IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Distinguished Industry Leader Award


Established to recognize an industry executive whose leadership in a large company or smaller consulting firm has resulted in major advances, new directions and developments in the antenna and electromagnetics industry. An electromagnetics trained industry executive who has played a major leadership role in research or development and the introduction of antenna related systems, devices, applications or services that have significantly impacted the global community.


2,000 USD and a laminated certificate. This will be a single annual award given to an individual.


The award will be funded from the AP Society.


The award shall be open to individuals at any level who were industry employees at the time of the accomplishments being recognized. The recipient must be a member of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society for a minimum of three years prior to the nomination. Eligibility and Selection process shall comply with procedures and regulation established in IEEE and Society/Council governing documents, particularly with IEEE Policy 4.4 on Awards Limitations. Previous award winners are not eligible for substantially the same achievements (per IEEE Policies 4.4: An individual shall receive only one award for a given achievement, unless the significance merits a higher award, which may be given in the following year or thereafter).

Basis for Judging:

Executive leadership resulting in major advances, new directions and developments in the antenna and electromagnetics area. Evaluation is based on factors such as the impact on the industry, global acceptance of products and services, financial success and growth of the business, ubiquity of the products and services, emulation of the contributions by the competition, and the degree of the candidate's global recognition. Other selection criteria include time of service and and specific innovations. The awardee will be selected by a majority (>50%) of the members of the Awards Committee and submitted to the AP-S AdCom for approval.


The award will be presented at the flagship IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society annual symposium.


All material must be submitted before December 31, 2023.

Nomination Form:

1. Nomination Form (maximum of 5 pages, minimum 10pt font)

  1. Name of Nominee(s):
  2. Professional Affiliation and Title:
  3. Address (include Email):
    IEEE Member: Yes/No, IEEE APS Member: Yes/No, IEEE Number: ##, IEEE Grade: Member/Senior Member/Fellow/Life Fellow
  4. Principal Employment: Years, short description
  5. Education beyond twelfth grade. Please include institution/location, degree, year received.
  6. Achievement pertinent to the qualifications for the Award (please address criteria listed above pertinent to the specific Award).
  7. Evidence of the significance of the nominee's contributions relevant to the award.
  8. Proposed Citation. (maximum 25 words)
  9. Nominator's Name, Business Affiliation, Work or home address, Telephone, Fax, Email.
  10. As nominator, how long and in what capacity have you known the candidate?
  11. Is this a NEW or UPDATED nomination? (Nominations may be carried forward for up to 5 years from the date of their initial submission.)

2. Endorsement Letters (maximum of 4 letters, maximum of 2 pages per letter, minimum 10pt font)

Letters should include the name, address, and email of the endorser, and how long and in what capacity they have known the candidate.

Letters cannot be written by current members of APS AdCom or Field Awards SubCommittee.

Please mail the completed nomination packet to:
Dr. Cynthia Furse
IEEE APS Awards Committee Chair
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

If you have questions, I may also be reached at phone (801) 585 7234

IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Fellowship Program

The IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (AP-S) allocated $240,000 for its Fellowship Program in 2023. The program aim is to promote areas of interest to AP-S among graduate students and postdoctoral fellows worldwide to facilitate their career pursuit in these areas. Researchers affiliated with an academic institute and mentored by a faculty or industry supervisor for the academic year 2023-2024 are invited to apply for support of their work on a proposed research project. The AP-S is committed to demographic, geographic, and disciplinary diversity in the selection of high merit applications.

To be eligible to apply:

  • Both the applicant and their supervisor must be a member of the IEEE AP-S.
  • Students must be enrolled/admitted to a full-time Master’s or Doctoral degree program at an accredited institution for the year 2023-2024.
  • Postdoctoral applicants must hold a full-time appointment at an accredited institution for the academic year 2023-2024.
  • Former APSF student recipients may apply again only as higher degree students (or postdoctoral fellows).
  • A supervisor is not allowed to mentor more than one APSF applicant during 2023-2024.
  • The AP-S Fellowship (APSF) may be held in conjunction with AP-S travel grants and other AP-S awards.

Value of Awards

  • APSF value is US$5,000 to support research project specified in application.
  • APSF will be paid directly to the recipient (student or postdoctoral fellow).


  • Project must continue for at least two semesters (26 academic weeks or longer) during the academic year 2023-2024.
  • Project may commence on any date agreeable to both the student and the supervisor.
  • APSF recipients are expected to remain active and engaged members of AP-S for 3 years from the date of award.

Project Site

  • Students and postdoctoral fellows: accredited universities worldwide.
  • Postdoctoral fellows only: Companies having a line of business in the AP-S areas of interests (listed below).

Advising Process

  • Academia and industry supervisors must be individuals who are authorized by the university or company to conduct direct independent supervision of the student or postdoctoral fellow.

Research Areas of Interest

  • Relevant areas include: antennas, including analysis, design, development, measurement, and testing; electromagnetic theory, including analytical and numerical modeling of radiation and scattering, propagation, interaction of electromagnetic waves with discrete and continuous media; and applications and systems pertinent to antennas, propagation, and sensing, such as applied optics, millimeter- and sub-millimeter-wave techniques, antenna signal processing and control, radio astronomy, geoscience, terrestrial and space-based communication, including wireless, mobile, satellite, and telecommunications, bio-EM imaging and techniques.

Application Process

  • Applications will include a single pdf file, composed of the following items:
    • Application form, including the applicant and advisor names, the institute information, and the research topic.
    • Evidence of active AP-S membership in 2023 (screenshot from, membership card, etc.)
    • Applicant Curriculum Vitae, separately listing: previous education and current academic status, relevant research/work experience and projects, journal publications, conference publication, distinctions and awards.
    • Research project statement describing in detail the project, the applicant’s aptitude for successfully carrying the project, and their intent to pursue a career in topics of interest to the AP-S. The statement should be no longer than 2 pages (including figures, not including a reference list of up to 1 page), single column, in a 10pt font size.
    • Students within the first 2 years of their graduate program must attach also university transcripts.
  • Applications will be accompanied by a single pdf file by the advisor, sent confidentially, including:
    • Advisor filled applicant evaluation form.
    • Advisor letter of endorsement that confirms the student’s eligibility to apply.
  • The applicants are responsible to verify their eligibility and that all material is submitted before the deadline. Missing items will result in significant reduction in score. Missing advisor file will automatically disqualify the application.
  • Applications and advisor support letters must be submitted, separately, to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., with the subject line “APSF’2023: Last Name, First Name – Application” or “APSF’2023: Last Name, First Name – Advisor”.

Application Evaluation

To applications will be reviewed and assigned scores based on the following criteria:

  • Quality and relevance to the AP-S of the research statement.
  • Applicant’s aptitude for the proposed research, as reflected from their track record and experience.
  • Advisor’s evaluation and endorsement letter.
  • Academic standing of the applicant, as reflected from their CV (and transcripts, where relevant).


All material must be submitted before June 15, 2023.

Notification of Results

IEEE AP-S will send an award decision to each applicant after the screening process is completed.

APSF Payment

The selected applicants will receive APSF payment in one installment of US$5000. AP-S will require students to fill out and submit forms W8/9 to process the payments.

Travel Allowances

APSF is not intended for covering travel expenses.

For More Information

Please contact Prof. Yaniv Brick at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Download PDF

IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Industrial Innovation Award


Established to award major industrial accomplishments, standards, deployment of important processes or products that are of substantial benefit to the public in the field of antenna and electromagnetic technologies and visible beyond the company or institution where the contribution was made. The award shall be open to individuals at any level who were industry employees at the time of the accomplishments being recognized.


2,000 USD and a plaque. This will be a single annual award and may have multiple recipients. If there are multiple people/team that collaborated on the achievement/contribution, each member will receive a plaque, however the money will be split equally amongst the awardees.


The award will be funded from the AP Society.


The award shall be open to individuals at any level who were industry employees at the time of the accomplishments being recognized. The recipient must be a member of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society for a minimum of three years prior to nomination. Eligibility and Selection process shall comply with procedures and regulation established in IEEE and Society/Council governing documents, particularly with IEEE Policy 4.4 on Awards Limitations. Previous award winners are not eligible for substantially the same achievements (per IEEE Policies 4.4: An individual shall receive only one award for a given achievement, unless the significance merits a higher award, which may be given in the following year or thereafter).

Basis for Judging:

Major industrial accomplishments, standards, deployment of important processes or products that are of substantial benefit to the public in the field of antennas, propagation and electromagnetics and visible beyond the company where the contribution was made. The awardee will be selected by a majority (>50%) of the members of the Awards Committee and submitted to the AP-S AdCom for approval.


The award will be presented at the flagship IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society annual symposium.


All material must be submitted before December 31, 2023.

Nomination Form:

1. Nomination Form (maximum of 5 pages, minimum 10pt font)

  1. Name of Nominee(s):
  2. Professional Affiliation and Title:
  3. Address (include Email):
    IEEE Member: Yes/No, IEEE APS Member: Yes/No, IEEE Number: ##, IEEE Grade: Member/Senior Member/Fellow/Life Fellow
  4. Principal Employment: Years, short description
  5. Education beyond twelfth grade. Please include institution/location, degree, year received.
  6. Achievement pertinent to the qualifications for the Award (please address criteria listed above pertinent to the specific Award).
  7. Evidence of the significance of the nominee's contributions relevant to the award.
  8. Proposed Citation. (maximum 25 words)
  9. Nominator's Name, Business Affiliation, Work or home address, Telephone, Fax, Email.
  10. As nominator, how long and in what capacity have you known the candidate?
  11. Is this a NEW or UPDATED nomination? (Nominations may be carried forward for up to 5 years from the date of their initial submission.)

2. Endorsement Letters (maximum of 4 letters, maximum of 2 pages per letter, minimum 10pt font)

Letters should include the name, address, and email of the endorser, and how long and in what capacity they have known the candidate.

Letters cannot be written by current members of APS AdCom or Field Awards SubCommittee.

Please mail the completed nomination packet to:
Dr. Cynthia Furse
IEEE APS Awards Committee Chair
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

If you have questions, I may also be reached at phone (801) 585 7234

IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Mojgan Daneshmand Grant for Women

Description:  The IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (AP-S) is happy to announce the award to increase women's visibility at the annual IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting. The grant is named after our late colleague Prof. Mojgan Daneshmand, whose research achievements and commitments to the Antennas and Propagation Society are a model to promote women. There will be 12 grants ($1,500 each) annually, which will preferably be awarded to applicants across the 6 continents. In addition to the grant, the Symposium registration fee and banquet ticket are covered by the IEEE Antennas and Propagation.

Prize:  There will be 12 grants ($1,500 each) annually, which will preferably be awarded to applicants across the 6 continents. In addition to the grant, the Symposium registration fee and banquet ticket are covered by the IEEE Antennas and Propagation.


Recipients must meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • Applicants must be women scientists, including Master, Ph.D. students and engineers from the industry.
  • Applicants cannot have more than 10 years of experience after the Ph.D. degree or 10 years of industry experience.
  • Applicants must be the first author of an accepted paper (oral or poster) at the Symposium.
  • Applicants must be the presenter of the paper (oral or poster).

Selection criteria:

  • Applicants' potential or demonstrated track record of research.
  • Research potential or achievements will be judged based upon the number of years of experience.
  • Applicants must be the first author of an accepted paper (oral or poster) at the Symposium.
  • Obtaining a balanced representation across the 6 continents.
  • Application Submit a short biography and a research activity summary no more than 3 pages long. For students, the biography should include the expected and completed graduation dates; for graduated applicants the current work position must be included.
  • A list of published and submitted journal and conference papers and, if applicable, the relevant research-related awards and the research projects and funding.
  • Provide copies of all the papers submitted to the Symposium.
  • Provide an endorsement letter. The endorsement letter must explicitly state that the applicants commit to attend the conference, present at least one paper and obtain any additional funding needed to cover travel expenses from alternate sources.
  • Provide an e-mail address that should be used for the notification of acceptance for your accepted papers to the conference. Provide the acceptance email of the paper that will be presented by the candidate at AP-S/URSI 2023.
  • Applications must include all items listed above to be considered for review.
  • All application materials must be written in English and be combined into a single PDF document.

Please send the completed application as a PDF document via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. using the email subject "Application for the Mojgan Daneshmand Grant" by the deadline indicated below.

DEADLINE: March 23d 2024

Each grant recipient will be required to:

  • Submit a photo that may be used in an announcement during the symposium and/or in the IEEE Antennas & Propagation Magazine
  • Complete a United States Internal Revenue Service Form W‑8 or W‑9.
  • Disbursement of award funds will be contingent on receipt of the photo and the appropriate form.
  • Applicants must be the presenter of the paper (oral or poster).
  • All applicable taxes are the responsibility of the recipient.

This award is administered in accordance with the IEEE policy on conflict of interest. The grant funds will be delivered by wire transfer

IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Young Professional of the Year

Description: Young Professional (YP) Committee of Antennas and Propagation Society (AP-S) selects 10 to 20 Young Professional Ambassadors every year to serve for one year term. Ambassadors are selected by a call for nominations to all YP members of the Society. This award is to recognize one Young Professional (YP) member of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society for significant service to AP Society during the one-year term as IEEE AP-S Young Ambassador, which includes:

  1. Number of Technical and Nontechnical Talks at IEEE Sections and AP-S Chapters as well as quality of the talks, visibility, and attendance at the talks.
  2. Participation in other YP Activities including organization of YP events.

Prize:  US $2,000, Single Annual Award - Only One Allowable Recipient Selected Annually. Recipient receives full prize including honoraria, and, if applicable, plaque and/or certificate. Award will be given only if a suitable awardee is identified.

Funding: The award will be funded from the AP Society

Eligibility: A member of the IEEE AP Society who has served as IEEE AP-S Young Ambassador and under 40 years old can be nominated for the award in the year after their one-year term as Ambassador. If a nominee is not selected, they can be renominated in subsequent years until no longer eligible as a Young Professional. Previous award winners are not eligible for substantially the same achievements (per IEEE Policies 4.4).

Basis for Judging: 

  • Number of Technical and Nontechnical Talks at IEEE Sections and AP-S Chapters as well as quality of the talks, visibility, and attendance at the talks.
  • Participation in YP Activities including organization of YP events

Presentation: The Award will be presented at the annual IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation.

IEEE AP-S C.J. Reddy Travel Grant for Graduate Students

Description:  AP-S awards travel grants annually to help graduate students attend the annual IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation. If the IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting is held in a given year solely as a virtual event, recipients may be selected for an educational grant instead of the travel grant. In the case of a hybrid event, both travel grants and educational grants may be given.

Prize:  Up to six (6) travel grants to be given each year, nominally $1,500 each, adjustable by the AP-S Education Committee as costs change over time up 10% per year with a maximum of $3,000. The grant does not include the conference registration fee. Grants will be given only if suitable awardees are identified and necessary funds are available.

Funding:  The award will be administered by the IEEE Foundation and funded by an endowment provided by Dr. C. J. Reddy.

Eligibility:  Recipients must:

  • Be a graduate student (MS or PhD) at the time of application enrolled in electrical engineering or a related field at an accredited institution of higher learning.
  • Be an IEEE AP-S student member.
  • Have the endorsement of a faculty advisor who is a member of IEEE AP-S.
  • Have submitted at least one first-authored paper to be presented at the AP-S Symposium.
  • A student may receive only one travel grant. Previous award winners are not eligible. An advisor may endorse only one applicant at a time.

Basis for Judging:  Applications must be submitted by the deadline and must include all items listed below to be considered for review. All application materials must be written in English and be integrated into a single PDF document:

  • Completed application form.
  • First-authored conference paper to be presented at the AP-S Symposium.
  • Brief research project description no more than one page long (including figures, if any) with a font size of at least 11 points. The project may be a new one or extended from the submitted conference paper. The list of references may extend beyond the first page.
  • Brief curriculum vitae or resume no more than two pages long that includes periods of attendance at all schools, expected and completed graduation dates, and a list of published and submitted journal and conference papers.
  • Recommendation letter from a faculty advisor, who must be a member of the IEEE AP-S. The letter should discuss the student’s aptitude to perform the research, and provide justification of the student’s need for the travel grant.

Selection will be based on the following criteria:

  • A first-authored conference paper accepted for presentation at the AP-S Symposium.
  • Quality of research and writing in the brief project description.
  • Recommendation letter, with particular emphasis on the items listed in the last bullet above.

Presentation:  Recipients are notified via email by the committee chair. Recognition ceremonies are at the discretion of each recipient’s institution.

IEEE AP-S Doctoral Research Grants

Description:  To encourage students to pursue a career in the area of electromagnetic in electrical engineering or a related field at an accredited institution of higher learning. These grants are intended to support doctoral students involved in research directed by a faculty member at their institution who is a member of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society.

Prize:  Up to 10 Grants are given annually. Each recipient receives a full grant amount of $4,000 and a certificate. Up to 10 grants are given annually with one competition. The application deadline is October 1. Grants will only be given if a suitable awardee is identified.

Funding:  APS will be responsible for funding $40,000 ($4,000 per recipient) annually

Eligibility:  Recipients must:

  • Be a student pursuing a PhD in electrical engineering or a related field at an accredited institution of higher learning.
  • Be a member of the IEEE AP-S at the time of application.
  • Have completed or be enrolled in at least one electromagnetics course at the time of application.
  • Show strong interest in a career in the area of electromagnetics.
  • Have the endorsement of a university/college faculty member who is a member of the IEEE AP-S.
  • Intend to work on a research project of at least one year in length that falls within the scope of the IEEE AP-S. The project may be started before the grant recipients are announced but must end before the student’s current degree requirements are completed. Applications who expect to graduate less than six months after the application deadline are not eligible.
  • Previous recipients of the IEEE AP-S Eugene F. Knott Memorial Pre-Doctoral Research Grants are eligible for the grant. No more than one award of each type will be granted to a given student.

Basis for Judging:  Selection will be based on the following criteria:

  • Creativity and quality of the proposed project and the thoroughness with which it is described
  • Discussion of the technical interests and skills of the student and how they relate to the proposed project.
  • Quality of writing in the proposal (e.g. spelling, grammar, word choice, organization, style, clarity of figures).
  • Recommendation letter, with particular emphasis on the items listed in the fourth bullet above in the application requirements.

Presentation:  Recipients are notified via email by the committee chair. The grant is delivered via wire transfer or US mail; certificate delivered via US mail. Recognition ceremonies are at the discretion of each recipient’s institution.

IEEE AP-S Eugene F. Knott Memorial Pre-Doctoral Research Grants

Description:  To encourage students to pursue a career in the area of electromagnetic in electrical engineering or a related field at an accredited institution of higher learning. These grants are intended to support pre-doctoral students involved in research directed by a faculty member at their institution who is a member of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society. These grants are named in memory of IEEE Life Fellow, Eugene F. Knott, who was well known for his contributions to the theory, reduction, and measurement of radar cross section.

Prize:  Up to six (6) Grants are given annually. Each recipient receives a full grant amount of $2,500 and a certificate. Recipients will also be reimbursed for their IEEE student membership dues and AP-S membership dues in either the year in which they receive the award or the following year. Up to six (6) grants are given annually with one competition (cycle) held each year. The application deadline is October 1. Grants will only be given if a suitable awardee is identified.

Funding:  The IEEE APS Eugene F. Knott Memorial Pre-Doctoral Research Fund has been established and will provide a maximum of $3,000 ($500 per recipient) annually. APS will be responsible for funding $12,000 ($2,000 per recipient) annually. APS will also reimburse the IEEE student membership dues of $32 and the AP-S membership dues of $15 in either the year in which the recipient receives the award or the following year for a total expenditure of $282. The reimbursable amount for membership dues may be reviewed, if cost of student dues changes.

Eligibility:  Recipients must:

  • Be an enrolled undergraduate (3-5 year program), or a master’s student in electrical or a related field at an accredited institution of higher learning.
  • Have completed or be enrolled in at least one electromagnetics course at the time of application.
  • Show strong interest in a career in the area of electromagnetics.
  • Have the endorsement of a university/college faculty member who is a member of the IEEE AP-S.
  • Intend to work on a research project of at least one year in length that falls within the scope of the IEEE AP-S. The project may be started before the grant recipients are announced but must end before the student’s current degree requirements are completed. Applications who expect to graduate less than six months after the application deadline are not eligible.

Basis for Judging:  Selection will be based on the following criteria:

  • Creativity and quality of the proposed project and the thoroughness with which it is described
  • Discussion of the technical interests and skills of the student and how they relate to the proposed project.
  • Quality of writing in the proposal (e.g. spelling, grammar, word choice, organization, style, clarity of figures).
  • Recommendation letter, with particular emphasis on the items listed in the fourth bullet above.

Presentation:  Recipients are notified via email by the committee chair. The grant is delivered through US mail. Recognition ceremonies are at the discretion of each recipient’s institution.

IEEE AP-S Student Design Contest

Description:  The APS Student Design Contest is an annual contest on the design of a device or system involving principally antenna and propagation aspects. It culminates with a demonstration by finalists at the annual IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, whereby finalists are subsidized to attend the Symposium to present their designs. Awards are given for first, second, and third prize. The Contest is designed to engage and encourage study in the areas of electromagnetics, particularly antennas and propagation. The Contest is targeted towards involving more undergraduate students in these fields, with teams of 2-5 students consisting of at least 50% undergraduates. Each team is advised by a professional mentor who is a member of the IEEE APS, but the work needs to be done by the students. The goal of each Contest edition will be announced during the symposium one year in advance the contest actually held and the call for proposals will be published within the following two months. The Contest involves three funding stages: a design subsidy for the top 6 design entries to be developed, a travel subsidy for 6 finalist teams to attend the IEEE AP-S International Symposium, and cash prizes for first, second, and third place.

Prize: Design subsidies for finalist teams: Up to 6 subsidies to be given each year. Each team receives an amount of $1,500 to develop their designs between the fall submission deadline and the Symposium deadline.
Travel subsidies for finalist teams: Up to 6 subsidies to be given each year. Each team receives an amount of $5,000 and a certificate of participation for competing in the contest.
Cash prizes for the top 3 teams:3 prizes to be given each year. 1st, 2nd, and 3rd prize winning teams receive certificates and cash prizes of $1,500, $750, and $250. Cash prizes are to be split evenly (undergraduate and graduate). Design and travel subsidies are awarded as a single lump sum to a designated team member or trustee.

Funding:  Funded by the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society. Design subsidies cost $9,000 annually; Travel subsidies cost $30,000 annually; Cash prizes cost $2,500 annually. APS will be responsible for funding the sum ($41,500) annually included in its Education Committee budget.

Eligibility:  Contest applicants must:

  • Be an enrolled undergraduate (3-5 year program), or graduate student in electrical engineering or a related field at an accredited institution of higher learning.
  • Not required to be a member of the AP-S.
  • Organize a team consisting of 2-5 students with at least 50% being undergraduate students. For a 5-year Bachelor-cum-Master degree program, students in years 1 to 3 are considered undergraduates.
  • Have their team advised by a professional mentor who is a member of the IEEE AP-S. The mentor contributes in an advisory role. Work needs to be done by the students. No student or mentor should be involved in more than one team.FPELS
  • Have the endorsement of a university/collage faculty member who is a member of the IEEE AP-S
  • Intend to work on the design project as specified by the Contest’s annual Call for Proposals
  • Submit the following materials as part of the contest:
    1. A preliminary design by the fall deadline, consisting of a two-page proposal detailing the design and bill of materials (which cannot exceed $1,500)
    2. A letter from their mentor confirming their membership in AP-S and verifying the applicants are enrolled in degree programs.

The materials are assessed by a college of reviewers from the IEEE AP-S Education Committee. Six finalist teams are selected. Those finalists must submit, by a spring deadline:

  1. A final report (up to 8 pages) describing the design, providing a list of parts and materials, presenting photos of the final system, summarizing performance achievements with the design, and providing biographies of the team members.
  2. A video demonstration of the system (up to 5 minutes).

These materials are further evaluated by the college of reviewers and assigned merit scores used alongside evaluations of the final demonstrations at the Symposium.

Basis for Judging:  All application materials submitted by the deadlines determined by AP-S must be written in English and integrated into a single PDF document. Electronic copies of each submitted application are distributed among the college reviewers, who are selected from the members of the Education Committee. A minimum of three reviewers are assigned per application, but occasionally we are able to assign four reviewers per application. Each application has a differentset of reviewers.

Selection of finalists will be based on the following criteria:

  • Creativity of the proposed project.
  • Likelihood of achieving the design goal and meeting specifications as defined in the Call for Proposals.
  • Quality of the written materials.

Numerical ratings of 1-5 for each criterion are assigned by the reviewers and a weighted average score is generated from the compiled scores of all of the application’s reviewers. The group of applicants among the cluster of highest scores is then reviewed again by chair of the Design Contest.

Evaluation of finalists will be based on the following criteria:

  • Justification of achieved performance of the final design.
  • Creativity of the proposed design.
  • Completeness of the description in the written report.
  • Functionality of the system as determined by the video

Numerical ratings of 1-5 for each criterion are assigned by the reviewers and a weighted average score is generated from the compiled scores of the application’s reviewers. The scores here are augmented by scores from judges on the same criteria during the live demonstrations at the Symposium. The judges collectively decide the ranking of the finalists at the Symposium.

Presentation:  Recipients are notified via email by the committee chair. The subsidies are delivered through wire transfer. Recognition of the finalists and award winners is done at the Awards Banquet during the Symposium.

IEEE Donald G. Dudley, Jr. Undergraduate Teaching Award

Description:  The Award will recognize outstanding and original contributions to undergraduate education by an individual at the early stage of his/her career as an educator in the general field of electromagnetics including theory, analytical solutions, numerical methods, antennas, propagation, phenomena visualization, and measurements. The award is aimed to recognize an individual who exemplifies the special human qualities of Donald G. Dudley, Jr., whose exemplary career in teaching and research represents the highest qualities of service.

Prize:  The award consists of a plaque, a one-time monetary prize of $1,000, and a voucher for $500 for professional books and/or other educational aids.

Funding:  Funds for this Award come from three sources: Mrs. Marge Dudley, the SciTech Publishing, Inc. will provide annually vouchers of value of $500 to be redeemed for professional books, and the AP Society which will assume the responsibility for the monetary prize for this award after the funds provided by Mrs. Dudley are depleted. The award will be managed by the IEEE Foundation.

Eligibility:  An individual employed at the level of assistant professor or equivalent at an accredited engineering educational institution is eligible for this award.

Basis for Judging:  The recipient of this award is expected to have made an outstanding contribution to undergraduate education, whose impact extends beyond the individual’s institution of employment. Criteria considered by the AP-S Awards Committee include (but are not limited to):

  • Development and implementation of teaching/learning tools that are or can be made available to students and instructors worldwide and have gained documented acceptance by students and professors;
  • Documented excellence in undergraduate teaching;
  • Involvement with and direction of undergraduate students to prepare them for successful engineering careers;
  • Curriculum development with inclusion of current research and knowledge that reflects the state of the art in courses, and
  • Authorship of educational material.

Presentation:  The award will be presented annually at the Society’s awards banquet at the IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation.

IEEE Harrington-Mittra Award in Computational Electromagnetics

Description:  To recognizes the past technical accomplishments and future potential of an outstanding contributor to the area of Computational Electromagnetics.

Prize:  The prize consists of a plaque and a monetary prize/honorarium of $1,000.

Funding:  The award will be administered by the IEEE Foundation and funded by a contribution from former students, colleagues, and friends of Roger F. Harrington and Raj Mittra. In the event that the funds donated by the original proponents for this award are depleted after the initial twenty-five year period, the Antennas and Propagation Society reserves the right to terminate the Award, unless additional funds are deposited to the gift account of the IEEE Foundation to enable the Award to continue.

Eligibility:  The recipient must be a member of the IEEE in good standing.

Basis for Judging:  Factors to be considered for evaluation of nominees include a letter of nomination, two additional letters of reference, and a resume/curriculum vitae that demonstrates a strong record of prior accomplishments and future potential. Accomplishments and markers of future potential may include but are not limited to, noteworthy contributions to publications in leading journals, such as the Transactions of Antennas and Propagation and Radio Science.

Presentation:  The award will be presented annually at the Society’s awards banquet at the IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation.

IEEE Lot Shafai Mid-Career Distinguished Achievement Award

Description:  To recognize the past technical accomplishments and future potential of an outstanding woman of mid-career status in the field of antennas and propagation.

Prize:  The prize consists of a plaque and a monetary prize/honorarium of $1,000.

Funding:  The award was proposed by the family of Lot Shafai, represented by his wife Joanne Therrien and his daughter Leili Shafai, with donated funds provided by the family, in honor and recognition of Prof. Lotfollah Shafai's recipient of the 2011 Killam Prize in Engineering, and in support of outstanding mid-career women engineers in the field of antennas and propagation. In the event that the funds donated by the family of Lot Shafai for this award are depleted, the Antennas and Propagation Society will provide the funds for this Award. The duration of the Award is indefinite. Endowment managed through the IEEE Foundation

Eligibility:  Eligible nominees consist of women who are members of the IEEE, are less than 41 years of age on December 31 preceding the year of nomination, whose prior technical accomplishments and future potential earmark them as current and future leaders in the field of antennas and propagation, as well as role models for future generations of women in the field. Preference shall be given to members of the Antennas and Propagation Society.

Basis for Judging:  Factors to be considered for evaluation of nominees include a letter of nomination, two additional letters of reference, and a résumé/curriculum vitae that demonstrates a strong record of prior accomplishments and future potential. Accomplishments and markers of future potential may include but are not limited to, noteworthy contributions to industrial, government, or academic based research and development, technical commercialization activities, publications, patents, technical project or program management, leadership positions, education activities such as mentorship and/or promotion of the field of antennas and propagation, etc.

Presentation:  The award will be presented annually (if a qualified candidate is nominated) at the Society’s awards banquet at the IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation. If required, travel expenses to the Symposium for the recipient and one guest shall be provided by the Society.

IEEE Piergiorgio L.E. Uslenghi Prize Paper Award

Description:  The award will recognize the best paper published in IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters (IEEE AWPL) in the preceding calendar year. Currently, there are no awards or recognition for high-quality manuscripts published in the Letters. The presence of the award will provide an incentive that will attract outstanding contributions to the Letters. IEEE AWPL was established in 2001 by the AP Society. Prof. P. L. E. Uslenghi was the founding Editor-in-Chief of this periodical and this award is named in his honor. This award does not conflict with the other existing IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Awards recognizing best papers published in the IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation (IEEE TAP).

Prize:  The award consists of a certificate and a one-time monetary prize of $1,000. In the case that the recognized paper has multiple authors, each author will receive a certificate while the prize of $1,000 will be shared equally among them.

Funding:  The Antennas and Propagation Society will provide the funds for this Award. The duration of the Award is indefinite.

Eligibility:  The eligibility and selection process shall comply with procedures and regulations established in IEEE and Society governing documents, particularly with IEEE Policy 4.4 on Awards Limitations. Authors of all papers appearing in AWPL during the preceding calendar year are eligible for the award, regardless of age or their membership status in IEEE and the Society. Two exceptions to this eligibility are that papers authored or co-authored by the Editor-in-Chief or the Chair of the Awards Committee are not eligible to be considered for the award.

Basis for Judging:  Initial selection of the papers to be considered will be based on comments from reviewers, Associate Editors, and the Editor-in-Chief. The list of manuscripts so distinguished is forwarded to the Awards Committee Chair by the Editor-in-Chief as described earlier. Any member of the Society not serving on the Awards subcommittee can also request that papers be placed into consideration by directly contacting the Chair of the Awards Committee. Each member of the Awards subcommittee will then review the papers and rank them according to their technical quality, innovation, and impact. Each subcommittee member’s ranking carries equal value. The Awards Committee Chair then compiles the results of the rankings and holds a meeting with the subcommittee that culminates in the selection of a winner.

Presentation:  The award will be presented annually at the Society’s awards banquet at the IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation.

IEEE Ulrich L. Rohde Humanitarian Technical Field Project Award

Description:  This annual award will be given to the top proposals (maximum of 2) submitted by the members of the IEEE AP society on advancement of technolgy for Humanitarian activities. The objective is to provide low cost solution for humanitarian technology and a clear path for low cost production so that technology can be available for mankind. This award is intended to engage and motivate members from IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society and increase AP memberships.

Prize:  Recipients of the award will receive funds to construct the winning project selected by the Award Committee. It is recommended to disperse $10,000 for the development in two stages (50% in beginning and 50% after the winning team submits expense receipts for reimbursement to avoid tax implications). One, at most two, projects will be selected per year. If two projects are selected, total prize including travel and installation expenses will be split between two projects equally. The funds distributed will be based on the estimated expenses proposed by the winning team but limited to a maximum of $8,000 for the project and $2,000 for logistics that include travel expenses. If the Awards Committee selects two projects, then both winning teams receive $4,000 (for a total of $8,000 per year) and $2,000 estimated travel expenses. Recipients will also receive a Certificate of Recognition.

Funding:  The award will be administered by the IEEE Foundation by a contribution from Dr. Ulrich L. Rohde. Annually, the AP Society will receive $10,000 to support this award. If two projects are selected, the additional travel expenses of $2,000, if applicable, will be supported by AP-S. Certificates of Recognition will be funded from AP-S MGA and Chapter Activity Budget. If additional funds are needed in the future to continue supporting the award, the donor will be glad to support additional funding in conjunction with financial support from AP-S MGA and Chapter Activity budget.

Eligibility:  Recipients must be members of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society and in good standing.

Basis for Judging:  Proposals are invited from AP-S members who are involved in developing know how and technology for responding to natural calamities, humanitarian, and disaster needs. Participation is encouraged from groups (maximum 5- persons on a team) involved in development of a system, or products, which utilizes antennas and wireless for humanitarian applications including but not limited to disaster relief, affordable healthcare, quality and safety monitoring of edible materials etc. The design may consist of a broad spectrum of science and technology; however, the focus should be how to take advantage of novel antennas & propagation technology. The design proposals will be evaluated using the following criteria:

  • Novelty – the idea should be relatively new with near term application potential, must be possible to implement if selected for a prize.
  • Impact – the proposal should demonstrate that, if implemented, the idea should be of significant benefit to many people.
  • Depth – a superficial overview will not be sufficient; all claims must be backed by quantitative data, including available devices and prices, potential manufacturers, potential users, robustness, cost-effectiveness etc.

A report on the projects will be invited for submission to the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine after going through the usual review process for publication as an Invited Paper. Proposals awarded will be selected upon the merits. After completion of the project, the Awards Committee will explore the follow-up for low cost production, which is the key requirement for humanitarian needs. The complete know-how of the technology will be uploaded on the IEEE AP-S SIGHT website ( Selection of the award is in line with IEEE SIGHT and HAC Project Awards. The reason for establishing a similar type of award is to motivate members of APS. This is because proposals submitted by APS members in the past consequently were not approved by IEEE SIGHT and HAC because of limited budget.

Presentation:  The announcement of the award will be made at the annual awards meeting of the IEEE AP society. The recipent will receive the Certificate/Plaque and funds for the completion of the project.

IEEE Ulrich L. Rohde Innovative Conference Paper Awards on Antenna Measurements and Applications

Description:  This annual award is given to two most innovative conference papers presented at the annual topical meeting on Antenna Measurements and Applications.

Prize:  The two best innovative conference papers award consist of a monetary prize/honorarium of $500, each.

Funding:  The award will be administered by the IEEE Foundation by a contribution from Dr. Ulrich L. Rohde.

Eligibility:  The recipient/s of each award must be members of the IEEE and in good standing.

Basis for Judging:  Factors to be considered for evaluation of the innovative papers will be determined primarily by the Technical program Committee associated with this conference. In addition, a larger version of the paper will be invited for submission to the IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation and published after going through the usual review process for publication as an Invited Paper.

Presentation:  The award will be presented annually at the awards banquet of this annual topical meeting on Antenna Measurements and Applications.

IEEE Ulrich L. Rohde Innovative Conference Paper Awards on Computational Techniques in Electromagnetics

Description:  This annual award is given to two most innovative conference papers presented at the annual topical meeting on Computational Techniques in Electromagnetics.

Prize:  The two best innovative conference papers award consist of a monetary prize/honorarium of $500, each.

Funding:  The award will be administered by the IEEE Foundation by a contribution from Dr. Ulrich L. Rohde.

Eligibility:  The recipient/s of each award must be members of the IEEE and in good standing.

Basis for Judging:  Factors to be considered for evaluation of the innovative papers will be determined primarily bythe Technical program Committee associated with this conference. In addition, a larger version of the paper will be invited for submission to the IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation and published after going through the usual review process for publication as an Invited Paper.

Presentation:  The award will be presented annually at the awards banquet of this annual topical meeting on Computational Techniques in Electromagnetics.

John Kraus Antenna Award

Description:  To honor an individual or team that has made a significant advance in antenna technology. Award established by John D. Kraus, whose exemplary career in teaching, research, and invention represents the highest qualities of antenna engineering.

Prize:  $1,000 and Plaque. If multiple awardees, the honoraria will be shared equally. Travel and lodging expenses to the AP-S Symposium may be authorized by the AP-S President.

Funding:  The prize is funded by John D. Kraus through the IEEE Foundation. Additional incidental expenses to be funded by the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society.

Eligibility:  A significant contributor to education in the field of antennas and propagation; preference given to AP-S members

Basis for Judging: The criteria considered by the AP-S Awards Committee include:

  • Excellence in teaching.
  • Involvement with and direction of students to prepare them for effective careers in electromagnetics.
  • Curriculum development with inclusion of current research and knowledge that reflects the state of the art in courses.
  • Authorship of research and course material

Presentation:  At the Awards Banquet during the annual IEEE Antennas and Propagation Symposium.

Outstanding Service Award

Description:  To recognize significant contributions and outstanding service to the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society.

Prize:  Plaque

Funding:  Funded by the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society.

Eligibility:  For individual awards, members of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society are eligible; for team awards, the leader of the team should be a member of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society.

Basis for Judging:  Exceptional service to the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society.

Presentation:  When presented, the award will be given at the annual Antennas and Propagation Symposium.

R. W. P. King Award

Description:  To recognize the best paper by an author under the age of 36 published in IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation.

Prize:  $1,000 and Certificate

Funding:  Funded by the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society.

Eligibility:  Original papers published in IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, submitted by author less than 36 years of age at the time of submission.

Basis for Judging:  Technical contribution, clearest style of presentation.

Presentation:  Annually, at APS Symposium.

Raj Mittra Travel Grant

Description:  To support and encourage participation in the International IEEE Antennas and Propagation Symposium by providing travel funds to individuals exhibiting high aptitude or potential for research and who might otherwise be unable to attend.

Prize:  One grant in the amount of $1,000.00. The annual event registration expenses for the Raj Mittra travel grant awardee that attend the International IEEE Antennas and Propagation Symposium to receive the award is waived, that is, it is paid by the IEEE AP-S. The expenses for the award recipient that attend the International IEEE Antennas and Propagation Symposium Luncheon or Dinner is paid by the IEEE AP-S, in case the award is given at the Luncheon or Dinner

Funding:  Funded by an endowment from Prof. Mittra managed by the IEEE Foundation. Registration Fee and Banquet Ticket for the awardee covered by the IEEE APS. Banquet ticket free only if the award winner is announced at the banquet.

Eligibility:  Eligible candidates need not be members of IEEE, but must have contributions accepted for presentation at the International IEEE Antennas and Propagation Symposium. Candidates for an award in either the student or researcher categories cannot have previously received an award in that category. In order to receive the award, Awardees must personally present their contribution at a regular AP-S session organized at the Symposium.

Basis for Judging:  Candidate’s potential or demonstrated aptitude for research and his or her need for travel support. The candidate’s research potential will be determined from his curriculum vita, letters of reference, and conference abstract or summary, all of which are to be submitted to the Awards Committee.

Presentation:  Annually at the International IEEE Antennas and Propagation Symposium.

Sergei A. Schelkunoff Transactions Prize Paper Award

Description:  To recognize the best paper published in IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation.

Prize:  $1,000 and Certificate

Funding:  Funded by the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society.

Eligibility:  Authors of original papers published in IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation during prior year.

Basis for Judging:  Technical contributions, clearest style of presentation.

Presentation:  Annually, at APS Symposium.