IEEE 2024 Antennas & Propagation Society Doctoral Research Grant Winners
Marceau Bouchez, Université de Rennes - Institut d'Electronique et des Technologies du numéRique (IETR)
Title: Study of modulated metasurfaces for high gain and wideband antennas
Sponsor: Gonzalez-Ovejero, David
Sougata Chatterjee, Indian Institute of Technology (BHU), Varanasi
Title: Orbital Angular Momentum (OAM)-Driven Metasurface based Transmitarray Antenna for Advanced Wireless Communication and Radio Astronomy Applications
Sponsor: Bhattacharyya, Somak
Hui Chen, City University of Hong Kong
Title: Design and Development of A Three-Dimensional Microwave Head Imaging System with High Detection Capability
and Implementability for Brain Stroke Diagnosis
Sponsor: LUK Kwai Man
Christos Exadaktylos, Florida International University
Title: Realizing UWB In-Package Antenna Arrays for Future High mmWave Communications
Sponsor: Georgakopoulos, Stavros
Yuki Gao, University of Wisconsin–Madison
Title: Development and Implementation of Ultrawideband Polarization-Rotating Antennas for Subsurface Sensing
Sponsor: Sun, Haihan
Alireza Madannejad, Royal Institute of Technology, KTH, Sweden
Title: Implementing a High-Resolution THz Imaging System Using Low Dispersion Antennas
Sponsor: Joachim Oberhammer
Aditya Singh Shekhawat, Arizona State University
Title: Millimeter-Wave Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces for Future Generation Wireless Communication Systems
Sponsor: Trichopoulos, Georgios C.
Luca Tosi, ELEDIA@UniTN, University of Trento
Title: SbD-Based Design of Low-Cost Compromise and Reconfigurable Tiled Phased Arrays for MIMO Communication
Sponsor: MASSA, Andrea
Mahsa Zabetiakmal, Polytechnique Montréal
Title: Multi-functional Metasurfaces for Hybrid Energy Harvesting and Sensing Applications
Sponsor: Elham Baladi
Shengchi Zhu, Southeast University
Title: Advanced Absorption-Radiation-Integrated Electromagnetic Functional Surfaces and Array Antennas for Antiinterference and Low-Observability
Sponsor: Cao Zhenxin
IEEE 2024 Antennas & Propagation Society Eugene F. Knott Pre-Doctoral Research Grant Winners
Álvaro Rodrigo Allendes Castro, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso
Title: Design and implementation of feeding matrices using Half-mode groove gap waveguide for antennas arrays in mmWave
Sponsor: : Pizarro, Francisco
Ozcan Burak Ferhat, Bogazici University
Title: Design and Development of a Yagi-Uda Inspired Antenna as an Epidermal Strain Sensor for Wireless Muscle
Contraction Monitoring
Sponsor: Dumanli, Sema
Cristhian Saavedra Florero, Universidad Privada Boliviana
Title: Modelling overwater propagation at high altitude conditions for LoRa-based sensing applications
Sponsor: Siles Soria, Gustavo
Filip Vladimír Setnička, Czech Technical University in Prague
Title: Methods for increasing the range of insect-tracking harmonic radar based systems
Sponsor: Polívka, Milan
Elígia Simionato, São Paulo State University, School of Engineering, São João da Boa Vista
Title: Impact of Metallic 3D-Printed Surface Roughness on the Radiation Efficiency of a Coaxial Horn Antenna at Ka-Band
Sponsor: Abrantes Penchel, Rafael
Mingyi Yao, Georgia Institute of Technology
Title: Development of a Novel Measurement System for mmWave Antennas Using Robotic Arm Control and NF to FF
Transformation Algorithms
Sponsor: Ghalichechian, Nima
IEEE 2023 Antennas & Propagation Society Doctoral Research Grant Winners
Idban Alamzadeh, Arizona State University
Title: Smart Communication Links using Hybrid Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces
Sponsor: Seyedmohammadreza Imani
Matteo Ciabattoni, Cornell University
Title: Overcoming Conventional Electromagnetic Performance Bounds with Temporally Modulated Microwave Circuits
Sponsor: Francesco Monticone
Arianna Benoni, University of Trento
Title: Towards an Easy and Flexible Deployment of Static and Passive Electromagnetic Skins
Sponsor: Adrea Massa
Joshua Tetzner, University of Rostock
Title: An Adaptive Cross Approximation for the Magnetic Field Integral Equation
Sponsor: Simon Adrian
Jian Xu Sun, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China (UESTC)
Title: Millimeter-Wave Beam Scanning Antenna with Distributed Array of Array Architecture Optimized by Null-Pull Strategy
Sponsor: Yu Jian Cheng
Rosalind Agasti, University of Oklahoma, Norman
Title: Development of a System-on-Aperture (SoA) Front-End using Spatio-Temporal Modulation
Sponsor: Jessica E. Ruyle
Rosette Maria Bichara, American University of Beirut
Title: Bistable Beamsteering Passive Reconfigurable Intelligent Surface
Sponsor: Joseph Constantine
Seung Yoon Lee, Georgia Institute of Technology
Title: Low-loss Electronically Scanned On-Chip Arrays
Sponsor: Nima Ghalichechian
Xiao Yu Li, Tongji University
Title: Liquid Crystals-Based Electronically Scanning Antenna for Sub-THz Applications
Sponsor: Mei Song Tong
Oskar Zetterstrom, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Title: Compact lens antennas for SatCom on-the-Move
Sponsor: Oscar Quevedo-Teruel
IEEE 2023 Antennas & Propagation Society Eugene F. Knott Pre-Doctoral Research Grant Winners
Jadon Peters, University of Manitoba
Title: Inverse Design of Reconfigurable Metasurfaces
Sponsor: Puyan Mojabi
Cecilio Obeso, Arizona State University
Title: Advancing Nondestructive Evaluation through Metasurface Antennas
Sponsor: Seyedmohammadreza Imani
Almudena Toronjo-Ruiz, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Title: Lenses Combined with Array Antennas for Grating Lobes Mitigation
Sponsor: Oscar Quevedo-Teruel
Wenrui Zheng, Dalian University of Technology
Title: Automated Antenna Design based on N-port Network
Sponsor: Li Hui
Saim Rehan, Indian Institute of Technology Indore
Title: Design and Analysis of Wide Band Reflectarray for Beam Steering Applications
Sponsor: Ghosh Saptarshi
Joaquin Sandoval, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Valparaíso
Title: Design and implementation of Half-mode Gap Waveguide components using 3D-printing and traditional manufacturing techniques for W-band
Sponsor: Francisco Pizarro
IEEE 2022 Antennas & Propagation Society Doctoral Research Grant Winners
Tessa Haldes, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Title: Real time adaptive beamforming for non-invasive microwave hyperthermia of cancerous tumors
Sponsor: Susan Hagness
Pilar Castillo Tapia, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Title: Non-rotationally symmetric geodesic lens antennas for 5G/6G communication systems
Sponsor: Oscar Quevedo-Teruel
Zhan Wang, University of Electronic Science and Technology of China
Title: Adaptive Intelligent Antenna Array
Sponsor: Yuandan Dong
Christos Mystilidis, KU Leuven
Title: Probing the Limits of Computational Mesoscopic Electromagnetics: Nonlocality and Electron Spill-out
Sponsor: Guy Vandenbosch
Abel Zandamela, Trinity College Dublin - The University of Dublin
Title: Multi-functional Small Antennas for Enhanced Security and Localization in On-body IoT Devicess
Sponsor: Adam Narbudowicz
Ilir Gashi, University of Siena
Title: Inhomogeneous Gradient Index (GRIN) Lens Antennas: Analysis and Design
Sponsor: Matteo Albani
Hae-In Kim, University of Florida
Title: Metaconductor Based Antenna-in-Package for Highly Efficient Millimeter-Wave Wireless Communication
Sponsor: Yong-Kyu Yoon
Shixiong Yin, City College of New York
Title: Time Metamaterials
Sponsor: Andrea Alù
Wei Wang, University of Notre Dame
Title: Low-Cost, Low-Power Phased-Array-Fed Lens Antennas On Mobile Devices for Millimeter Wave 5G Wireless Communication
Sponsor: Jonathan Chisum
Viviana Giunzioni, Politecnico di Torino
Title: On a Wideband, Refinement-Free, Preconditioning Strategy for the PMCHWT Formulation for Full-Wave Electromagnetic Compatibility and Interference Circuit Simulations
Sponsor: Francesco P. Andriulli
IEEE 2022 Antennas & Propagation Society Eugene F. Knott Pre-Doctoral Research Grant Winners
Ahmet Bilir, BogaziciUniversity
Title: The Design and Development of a MultiAntenna System for Microwave Ablation and Monitoring
Sponsor: Sema Dumanli
Alexander B. Murray, University of Alberta
Title: Loading of Electrically Small Folded Dipole Antennas for Improved Impedance and Radiation Characteristics
Sponsor: Ashwin Iyer
Iryna Mikhailikova, V.N. Karazin Kharkiv National University
Title: The scattering of waves from layered circular dielectric rod partially covered with graphene
Sponsor: Alexander Nosich
Tasin Nusrat, South Dakota Mines
Title: Equivalent Circuit Approach of Array Antennas with Periodic Defected Ground Structures to Achieve Far-Field Wireless Power Transfer
Sponsor: Sayan Roy
Andrea Avila, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Valparaiso
Title: 3D-printed antennas for CubeSat applications
Sponsor: Francisco Pizarro
Matteo Masciocchi, Polytechnic of Turin¬
Title: Scattering Matrix Spectral Analysis in Reduced Complexity by Spherical Harmonic Transform
Sponsor: Francesco P. Andriulli
IEEE 2021 Antennas & Propagation Society Doctoral Research Grant Winners
Bernd Hoffman, Technical University of Munich
Title: Low-Frequency Stabilized Inverse Surface Source Reconstruction Based on the Boundary Element Method
Sponsor: Thomas F. Eibert
Bharath Gundappa Kashyap, Arizona State University
Title: Terahertz Programmable Electromagnetic Surfaces
Sponsor: Georgios C Trichopoulos
Woosol Lee, University of Florida
Title: Metaconductor-based rectenna for high efficiency mmWave radiative wireless power transfer system
Sponsor: Yong-Kyu Yoon
Rahul Kumar Jaiswal, Indian Institute of Technology Kanpur
Title: Design and development of low profile wideband bidirectional endfire circularly polarized (CP) antenna with same sense for coal mines or long tunnel communications
Sponsor: Kumar Vaibhav Srivastava
Md Rasheduzzamanan Al-Amin, Polytechnique Montréal
Title: On/In Package Connected Antenna Arrays for Future Millimeter Devices
Sponsor: Mohammad Sharawi
Fedir O. Yevtushenko, Institute of Radio-Physics and Electronics NASU
Title: Resonant scattering and absorption of terahertz waves by infinite gratings of graphene strips on dielectric substrate: analytical regularization-based analysis
Sponsor: Alexander Nosich
Naman Baghel, Indian Institute of Technology Jodhpur
Title: : Design of Antenna and its Arrays for Millimeter wave application using Substrate Integrated Coaxial Line technology
Qianyi Li, University of Idaho
Title: Investigation of Physical Limitation of Non-Foster Circuits Matched Antennas
Sponsor: Shih Ting-Yen
Kundan Kumar Suman, Indian Institute of Technology (Indian School of Mines) Dhanbad
Title: Analysis of a dielectric resonator-based phased antenna array transmitter system for 5G mmWave applications
Sponsor: Ravi Kumar Gangwar
IEEE 2021 Antennas & Propagation Society Eugene F. Knott Pre-Doctoral Research Grant Winners
Omar Orgeira Alvarez, KTH Royal Institute of Technology
Title: Novel Measurement Technique for Body Absorption in mm-Waves via an IR Sensor
Sponsor: Oscar Quevedo-Teruel
Kapil Gangwar, University of Alberta
Title: Ultra-wideband (UWB) radar system to study child obesity via adipose tissue characterization
Sponsor: Rambabu Karumudi
Alaguraj Ramkarthick, Sri Sivasubramaniya Nadar College of Engineering
Title: Mutual Coupling Estimation in Jerusalem Cross Based Metasurfaces Using Equivalent Circuit Model
Sponsor: Selvan Krishnasamy T
IEEE 2020 Antennas & Propagation Society Doctoral Research Grant Winners
Audrey Evans, University of Wisconsin - Madison
Title: Microwave-induced thermoacoustic signals for real-time monitoring of microwave ablation
Sponsor: Chu Ma
Parinaz Naseri, University of Toronto
Title: A Generative Machine Learning-Based Approach for Inverse Design of Multilayer Metasurfaces
Sponsor: Sean Hum
Nicholas Russo, Florida International University
Title: : Space and Time Modulated 4D MIMO Antennas
Sponsor: Stavros Georgakopoulos
Stavros Vakalis, Michigan State University
Title: Real-time Incoherent Millimeter-Wave Imaging Using 5G Signals of Opportunity
Sponsor: Jeffrey Nanzer
IEEE 2020 Antennas & Propagation Society Eugene F. Knott Pre-Doctoral Research Grant Winners
Trask Crane, University of Wisconsin – Madison
Sponsor: Susan Hagness
Kadircan Godeneli, Bogazici University
Title: Wearable Cavity Backed Slot Repeater Antenna with a Matching Medium
Sponsor: Sema Dumanli Oktar
Max Kelly, University of Manitoba
Title: An Advanced Modular Design Tool for Electromagnetic Metasurfaces
Sponsor: Puyan Mojabi
IEEE 2019 (Fall Cycle) Antennas & Propagation Society Doctoral Research Grant Winners
Maxim Dubovitskiy, National Research University Moscow Power Engineering Institute
Sponsor: Mikhail S. Mikhailov
Mohamed K. Emara, Carleton University
Sponsor: Shulabh Gupta
Katrina Guido, The Ohio State University
Sponsor: Asimina Kiourti
Dakotah Simpson, Univesrity of Colorado Boulder
Sponsor: Dimitra Psychogiou
IEEE 2019 (Fall Cycle) Antennas & Propagation Society Eugene F. Knott Pre-Doctoral Research Grant Winners
Aslihan Aktepe, Gebze Technical University
Sponsor: Huseyin Arda Ulku
Brendon Besler, University of Calgary
Sponsor: Elise Fear
Gabriel Lasry, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev
Sponsor: Timor Melamed
IEEE 2019 (Spring Cycle) Antennas & Propagation Society Doctoral Research Grant Winners
Renuka Bowrothu, University of Florida
Sponsor: Yong-Kyu Yoon
Birk Hattenhorst, Ruhr University Bochum
Sponsor: Christoph Baer
Ghanshyam Mishra, San Diego State University
Sponsor: Satish K. Sharma
Sameer Sharma, University of Toronto
Sponsor: Costas D. Sarris
Deniz Turan, University of California, Los Angeles
Sponsor: Mona Jarrahi
IEEE 2019 (Spring Cycle) Antennas & Propagation Society Eugene F. Knott Pre-Doctoral Research Grant Winners
Kaitlin Hall, University of Utah
Sponsor: Cynthia Furse
IEEE 2018 (Fall Cycle) Antennas & Propagation Society Doctoral Research Grant Winners
Yanki Yanki, Delft University of Technology
Sponsor: Alexander Yarovoy
Navid Barani, University of Michigan
Sponsor: Kamal Sarabandi
Pedro Fidel Espin Lopez, University of Pavia
Sponsor: Marco Pasian
Bahram Khalichi, Bilkent University
Title: A Broadband Analysis of Multiscale Electromagnetics Problems Using Multilevel Fast Multipole Algorithm (MLFMA)
Sponsor: Vakur B. Erturk
Ala Eldin Omer, University of Waterloo
Sponsor: Safieddin Safavi-Naeini
Oshri Rabinovich, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology
Sponsor: Ariel Epstein
IEEE 2018 (Fall Cycle) Antennas & Propagation Society Eugene F. Knott Pre-Doctoral Research Grant Winners
Oren Mizrahi, Duke University
Sponsor: David Smith
IEEE 2018 (Spring Cycle) Antennas & Propagation Society Doctoral Research Grant Winners
John Blauert, The Ohio State University
Sponsor: Asimina Kiourti
Simona Di Meo, University of Pavia
Sponsor: Luca Perregrini
Hugo Dinis, University of Minho
Sponsor: Paulo Mateus Mendes
Jonas Kornprobst, Technical University of Munich
Sponsor: Thomas Eibert
IEEE 2018 (Spring Cycle) Antennas & Propagation Society Eugene F. Knott Pre-Doctoral Research Grant Winners
Matthew Brown, Queen’s University
Sponsor: Carlos Saavedra
Katelyn Isbell, University of Alabama
Sponsor: Yang-Ki Hong
Dariia Yevtushenko, Kharkiv National University of Radio Electronics
Sponsor: A. I. Nosich