The following are the names and citations of members of the Antennas and Propagation Society who were elected as IEEE Fellows for the year 2009.
Fellows Evaluated by the Antenna & Propagation Society

Francisco Ares-Pena
Universidad de Santiago de Compostela, Spain
“for contributions to antenna array pattern synthesis”

Jean-Pierre Berenger
Centre d'Analyse de Defense, France
“for contributions to perfectly mathced layer absorbing boundary condition in computational solutions of Maxwell's equations in open regions”

Nicholas Buris
Nebens LLC, USA
“for contributions to electromagnetic design automation and miltidisciplinary optimization of complez wirelss communications problems”

Jaideva Goswami
Schlumberger Technology Corporation
“for contributions to wavelet theory and development of electromagnetic sensors and data analysis methods”

Levent Gurel
Bilkent University, Turkey
“for contributions to fast methods and algorithms for computaional electromagnetics”

Susan Hagness
University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
“for contirbutions to time-domain computaional electroagnetics and microwave medical imaging”

George Hanson
University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, USA
“for contributions to the electromagnetic analysis of layered media and nanostructures”

Leo Kempel
Michigan State University
“for contributions to conformal antenna design and electromagnetic composite materials”

Ludger Klinkenbusch
Christian-Albrechts-Universitaet Zu Kiel, Germany
“for contributions to spherical-multipole analysis of electromagnetic fields”

Thomas Milligan
Littleton, CO, USA
“for development of antennas for space exploration”

Michal Okoniewski
University of Calgary, Canada
“for contributions to computaional electromagnetics”

Levent Sevgi
Dogus University, Turkey
“for contributions to surface-wave radar systems”

Daniel Sievenpiper
HRL Laboratories LLC, USA
“for contributions to artificial surfaces and structures”
Fellows Elevated by Other Societies

Arne Jacob
Hamburg University of Technology, Germany
“for contributions to the characterization and application of composite material”

Arthur Lowery
Monash University, Australia
“for leadership in computer modeling of optical communication systems”

Kim Man
City University of Hong Kong, China
“for contributions yo evolutionary optimizaion in industrial electronics”

Mahta Moghaddam
University of Michigan, USA
“for contributions to forward and inverse scattering techniques for radar remote sensing”

Ross Murch
Hong Kong University of Science and Techonlogy, China
"for contributions to multiple antenna systems for wireless communications”

Yisok Oh
Hongik University, Korea
"for contributions to microwave remote sensing of soil moisture and surface roughness”

Matteo Pastorino
University of Genoa, Italy
"for contributions to analysis of electromagnetic scattering”

William Radasky
Metatech Corporation, USA
"for contributions to understanding high-power electromagnetic effects on electrical equipment”

Omar Ramahi
University of Waterloo, Canada
"for contributions to computational electromagnetics in electromagnetic capabality”

Thomas Silliman
Electronics Research, Inc., USA
"for contributions to improvement of antenna and filter techonlogy for radio and television broadcasting”