2017 IEEE Fellows evaluated by AP-S

Nader Behdad
“for contributions to sub-wavelength electromagnetic periodic structures”

Filiberto Bilotti
“for contributions to metamaterials for electromagnetic and antenna applications”

Debatosh Guha
“for contributions to microstrip and wideband dielectric resonator antennas”

Mahbub Hoque
“for leadership in developing innovative antennas and advanced tactical communication technologies”

Ronghong Jin
“for development of high efficiency planar antenna arrays and miniaturized antennas for wireless systems”

Kenichi Kagoshima
“for contributions to antennas for satellite communication and mobile wireless access systems”

Cyril Luxey
“for the development of small antennas, multi-antenna system integration, and high performance mm-wave systems”

Marta Martínez-Vázquez
“for leadership in integrated signal-aware technologies for antennas and global navigation satellite system arrays”

Charles Rhoads
“for leadership in low cost and high performance array antenna technologies”

Zhongxiang Shen
“for contributions to 3D frequency selective structures and slot antennas”