
The IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (AP-S) is pleased to announce the 2025 call for proposals for the Educational Initiatives Program (EIP). The EIP is part of the IEEE AP-S Educational Committee whose mission is to provide quality educational resources for educators, students, and the public within the theme areas of electromagnetics, propagation, and antennas.

The primary role of this call is to provide financial support for launching new educational activities and services that increase awareness, develop interest, and facilitate education in topics and concepts related to electromagnetics, propagation, and antennas.

There are two tracks for initiatives: general educational initiatives and educational videos/materials. Each track has an independent budget within the IEEE AP-S Educational Committee.

Track 1: General educational initiatives

  • A successful proposed initiative must be innovative and involve a new educational procedure with significant benefits for electromagnetics, propagation, and antenna education.
  • The granted funding typically ranges from $500-$5,000 for a maximum duration of two years. Larger amounts may be considered for initiatives that serve a large number of the society’s members.
  • When the initiative is completed, the proposer should provide a short report (maximum 5 pages), which must not contain any confidential information. Additionally, the created materials can be archived at the IEEE AP-S Resource Center:

Track 2: Educational videos/materials

  • The goal in this track is creating videos or teaching material in the field of electromagnetics, propagation, and antennas. Examples are traditional classroom-style lectures on a specific topic, hands-on workshops, high quality animations to explain concepts, and video translations of a research project.
  • The videos/materials must be of high quality in presentation and content.
  • The granted funding typically ranges from $500-$2,500 for a maximum duration of one year. Larger amounts may be considered for a large series of videos/materials.
  • When the initiative is completed, the proposer should provide a short report (maximum 5 pages) and the video/materials created during the activity. The created materials should be archived at the IEEE AP-S Resource Center:

General guidelines for applications:

  • The EIP will only consider proposals for new educational initiatives from IEEE AP-S members.
  • We are committed to fairly distributing the funding to different regions, to promoting gender balance, and providing opportunities to emerging economies.
  • Proposals must be submitted before 1st June 2025. The proposals will be reviewed by at least two members of the IEEE AP-S Educational Committee. Decision will be informed in Autumn 2025.
  • The proposal should consist of a cover page (title, contact information, IEEE membership number, and amount requested) followed by a maximum of three pages with the description of the proposed educational activity. The description should clearly indicate the use of the funds, as well as the milestones and deliverables. Examples of deliverables: A YouTube video explaining a new antenna lab, the manual of this lab, and a guideline of how to create the lab in your own institution.
  • Funds should be mainly used to cover the creation of the educational activities and materials. Travel expenses are not typically funded. Even if these travels are essential, the EIP may decide to provide only partial support for these trips.

To apply, combine the required documentation into a single PDF file and send it, clearly indicating the chosen track, general initiatives, or videos/materials to the attention of:

Dr. Hugo Espinosa
Chair, IEEE AP-S Educational Initiatives Program
School of Engineering and Built Environment, Griffith University
Brisbane, Australia
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.