
AP-S Doctoral and Eugene F. Knott Memorial Pre-Doctoral Research Grants

The IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society invites applications for the IEEE AP-S Doctoral Research Grants and IEEE AP-S Eugene F. Knott Memorial Pre-Doctoral Research Grants for the 2024-2025 academic year. Up to ten $5,000 PhD grants and up to six $3,500 pre-doctoral (undergraduate and master’s-level) grants are awarded each year to encourage students to pursue a career in electromagnetics.

The grants are intended to support students involved in project work directed by a faculty member at their institution. The faculty member must be a member of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society. The pre-doctoral grant honors the memory of Eugene F. Knott, who was a distinguished researcher and contributor to the Society.

The submission window for the current application cycle is September 1, 2024 to October 1, 2024. Links to the formal program announcement with full application details and the cover sheet are:

Program Announcement

Cover Sheet

To apply, combine the required documentation into a single PDF file with filename surname_givenname_2024.pdf. Applications should be submitted using the Google Forms

Application Form: (Preferred, requires a Google account)

or (If you do not have a Google account)

by October 1, 2024. Results will be announced in the first few weeks of January 2025. See the program announcement for full details.

Any questions or other correspondence may be directed to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Please consider taking advantage of this exciting opportunity!

IEEE AP-S Education Committee

Undergraduate Summer Research Scholarship (USRS)

Applications are solicited from undergraduate students in conjunction with a faculty supervisor or industry supervisor to conduct a 16-week research program. USRSs may be held in conjunction with IEEE AP-S travel grants and other AP-S awards. The award value is US$3,000. Project topics must be within the scope of AP-S areas. For more information, please contact Prof. Maokun Li at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Сall for proposals

Application form (MS Word)

Application form (PDF)

C. J. Reddy Travel Grant

The IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (AP-S) awards several (~4 or 5) travel grants ($1,500 each) annually to help graduate students attend the annual IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation.

To be eligible, each applicant must…

  • be a graduate student (MS or PhD) enrolled in electrical engineering or a related field at an accredited institution of higher learning;
  • be an IEEE AP-S (student) member;
  • have the endorsement of a faculty advisor who is a member of IEEE AP-S;
  • have submitted at least one first-authored paper to be presented in person at AP-S Symposium;
  • work on a research project that falls within the scope of IEEE AP-S.

A student may receive only ONE travel grant. Previous award winners are not eligible. An advisor may endorse only ONE applicant at a time.

Selection criteria:

  • A first-authored conference paper accepted for presentation at the AP-S Symposium.
  • Quality of research and writing in the brief project description.
  • Recommendation letter, with particular emphasis on the items listed in the last bullet below.

Applications must be submitted by the deadline and must include:

  • Completed online application form via the link or QR code below (after submitting the form, print a PDF copy of your response to be combined with other items below):
  • First-authored conference paper to be presented at the AP-S Symposium.
  • Brief research project description no more than one page long including figures, if any, with a font size of at least 11 points. The project may be a new one or extended from the submitted conference paper. The list of references may extend beyond the first page. Please include the project title at the beginning of project description.
  • Brief curriculum vitae or resume no more than two pages long that includes periods of attendance at all schools, expected and completed graduation dates, and a list of published and submitted journal and conference papers.
  • Recommendation letter from a faculty advisor, who must be a member of IEEE AP-S. The letter should discuss the student’s aptitude to perform the research and provide justification of the student’s need for the travel grant.

Applications must include all items listed above to be considered for review. Application materials must be written in English and combined into a single PDF document. Submit the PDF document by the deadline below via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and cc to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., with the email subject as “Application materials for Reddy Travel Grant 2025”.

DEADLINE: February 15, 2025 23:59 (UTC+08:00)

(Please check for updates at

Each travel grant recipient will be required to submit a photo that may be used in an announcement during the symposium and/or in the IEEE Antennas & Propagation Magazine, and to complete a United States Internal Revenue Service Form W 8 or W 9. Disbursement of award funds are contingent on receipt of the photo and the appropriate form. All applicable taxes are the responsibility of the recipient. This award is administered in accordance with the IEEE policy on conflict of interest.

QR code

Enquiries on the C. J. Reddy Travel Grant for Graduate Students should be directed to:

  • Frankie CHIU
    Hong Kong University of Science and Technology;
    Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Eng Leong TAN
    Nanyang Technological University, Singapore;
    E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Download PDF

IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Mojgan Daneshmand Grant for Women

Description:  The IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (AP-S) is happy to announce the award to increase women's visibility at the annual IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting. The grant is named after our late colleague Prof. Mojgan Daneshmand, whose research achievements and commitments to the Antennas and Propagation Society are a model to promote women. There will be 12 grants ($1,500 each) annually, which will preferably be awarded to applicants across the 6 continents. In addition to the grant, the Symposium registration fee and banquet ticket are covered by the IEEE Antennas and Propagation.

Prize:  There will be 12 grants ($1,500 each) annually, which will preferably be awarded to applicants across the 6 continents. In addition to the grant, the Symposium registration fee and banquet ticket are covered by the IEEE Antennas and Propagation.


Recipients must meet the following eligibility criteria:

  • Applicants must be women scientists, including Master, Ph.D. students and engineers from the industry.
  • Applicants cannot have more than 10 years of experience after the Ph.D. degree or 10 years of industry experience.
  • Applicants must be the first author of an accepted paper (oral or poster) at the Symposium.
  • Applicants must be the presenter of the paper (oral or poster).

Selection criteria:

  • Applicants' potential or demonstrated track record of research.
  • Research potential or achievements will be judged based upon the number of years of experience.
  • Applicants must be the first author of an accepted paper (oral or poster) at the Symposium.
  • Obtaining a balanced representation across the 6 continents.
  • Application Submit a short biography and a research activity summary no more than 3 pages long. For students, the biography should include the expected and completed graduation dates; for graduated applicants the current work position must be included.
  • A list of published and submitted journal and conference papers and, if applicable, the relevant research-related awards and the research projects and funding.
  • Provide copies of all the papers submitted to the Symposium.
  • Provide an endorsement letter. The endorsement letter must explicitly state that the applicants commit to attend the conference, present at least one paper and obtain any additional funding needed to cover travel expenses from alternate sources.
  • Provide an e-mail address that should be used for the notification of acceptance for your accepted papers to the conference. Provide the acceptance email of the paper that will be presented by the candidate at AP-S/URSI 2023.
  • Applications must include all items listed above to be considered for review.
  • All application materials must be written in English and be combined into a single PDF document.

Please send the completed application as a PDF document via email to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. using the email subject "Application for the Mojgan Daneshmand Grant" by the deadline indicated below.

DEADLINE: March 23d 2024

Each grant recipient will be required to:

  • Submit a photo that may be used in an announcement during the symposium and/or in the IEEE Antennas & Propagation Magazine
  • Complete a United States Internal Revenue Service Form W‑8 or W‑9.
  • Disbursement of award funds will be contingent on receipt of the photo and the appropriate form.
  • Applicants must be the presenter of the paper (oral or poster).
  • All applicable taxes are the responsibility of the recipient.

This award is administered in accordance with the IEEE policy on conflict of interest. The grant funds will be delivered by wire transfer