We would like to express our warmest congratulations to Alexander Paulus and Thomas F. Eibert for being awarded the 2024 IEEE AP-S R.W.P. King Award.
A. Paulus and T.F. Eibert, in their award-winning paper titled "Fully Probe-Corrected Near-Field Far-Field Transformations With Unknown Probe Antennas", which was published in the July 2023 issue of the IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, present two nonconvex and two convex formulations for determining the radiation behavior of a test antenna from measurements with an unknown probe antenna. The relationship of these inverse problem formulations to the similar task of phase retrieval is highlighted. Simulation and measurement results illustrate the validity of the concept, shed light on the required complexity of measurement setups, and illustrate the limitations of the approach.
The awarded paper will be available as open access until 31st December 2024

About the award
R.W.P King Award recognizes the best paper by an author under the age of 36 published in the IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation during the previous year.