
  1. How do I obtain an account on IEEE Author Portal?

    To access IEEE Author Portal, please log in with your IEEE Account, or register for a new account in case you don’t already have one.

  2. How do I submit a paper to the Transactions?

    Please go to this page "Information for Authors" for more information.

  3. How long does it take to get a paper published in the Transactions?

    At the moment, the average time from submission of your manuscript via the IEEE Author Portal to obtaining a first decision is around 12 weeks. After that, the time depends on whether your manuscript requires major or minor changes and, of course, how long you take to respond. The average number of months from submission to acceptance is seven months The typical time to publication after acceptance is currently about three months.

  4. Who is responsible for correcting errors in manuscripts?

    At all times, it is the authors' responsibility to ensure the material included in a manuscript is accurate, has a minimum of typographical or grammatical errors and is clearly expressed in English. This means you should check your manuscript carefully before submitting for review. If English is not your first language, you may wish to enlist the help of a colleague conversant with colloquial English to help with the final draft.

    If a manuscript is considered suitable for the Transactions, but there are a significant number of typographical or grammatical errors, the Editorial Board may accept this manuscript subject to minor changes. For more significant errors, such as errors of fact, the reviewers will normally point out that an error has occurred, and some may provide references or even a short justification. However, it is the authors' responsibility to provide all the justifications necessary to support the claims in the manuscript.

  5. How should I reply to reviewers' comments?

    It is your work and, therefore, your job as an author to point out specifically what changes have been made in response to reviewer comments and to identify where these changes are made in the manuscript. This information is specifically requested when revised versions of the same manuscript are expected to be submitted. For a rejected paper the same principle holds, since it may go back to the same reviewers. The only exception is likely to be when a manuscript is so dramatically changed that it is not practical to point out individual changes. Even then, general guidance should be provided to the reviewers.

  6. What is a Duplicate Publication?

    This is where an author, or authors, make(s) use of material from another paper, usually published earlier without substantial change. For example, when a manuscript is based on an AP-S Symposium paper. Please refer to an editorial in the AP magazine by Ross Stone (February 2004) here. As a general rule, a manuscript submitted to the Transactions should contain substantially new ideas and, of course, be of archival interest. If your work is based on any material published previously, including conferences, you should reference this material. All submission will be checked for plagiarism. Any kinds of plagiarism, including self-plagiarism, are not acceptable for the IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation and should be avoided.

  7. Is there any rule for the ratio between new and previously published material?

    All submission will be checked for plagiarism. It is the policy of the transaction that any kinds of plagiarism, including self-plagiarism, are not acceptable and should be strictly avoided.There is no fixed rule about the ratio of new to published material, however here are few guidelines.

    1. Any previously published material on the topic should be fully referenced. For example, if you have presented a paper on some aspect at a conference, please reference that paper.
    2. Significant repeat of text, derivations or figures is discouraged. Please use the references to refer to this material.
    3. A paper submitted to the Transactions should be a significant advance on previously published material by other workers.
    4. A paper submitted to the Transactions should describe a different aspect of a topic than previously published by the authors or alternatively provide detail to a significantly greater depth than published hitherto. For example, an earlier conference paper on a topic might outline what has been achieved with a minimum of detail. This could be followed up with a Transactions paper describing how it was done with analysis, design approach, full measurement details, etc.
  8. Resubmission

    All rejected submissions are entitled to resubmit ONE more time, but subject to the approval from the Editorial Board. Please kindly create a new submission with the following documents:

    1. Your original manuscript
    2. Your revised manuscript with changes marked in RED
    3. A rebuttal/response letter to the comments given by the Reviewers, Associate Editor and Editor-in-Chief
    4. Quote the original manuscript ID and title, and explain the changes you made in a cover letter

    If the resubmission is rejected again, any further submissions on the exact same topic will be returned to the authors un-reviewed.