
Congratulations on the publication of your work. Please read the following information while preparing the submission of your final files and explore our roadmap for increasing the visibility of your published research.

Important Remarks:

  • After the submission of your final files, the Editorial Office conducts a final administrative and similarity check of your final manuscript. The Editorial Office may contact the corresponding author if revisions are required, or a document is missing. Once your manuscript is assigned to batch, it will be available in the early access section of IEEE Xplore within 10 days.
  • The authors’ list provided at submission cannot be changed, unless under very special circumstances that need to be considered and approved on a case-by-case basis by the Editorial Board.
  • If the authors’ list in the final files is different from the authors’ list of the accepted paper, there is a very high chance the manuscript will be rejected.
  • Please make minor changes to the manuscript if required. Check your final manuscript carefully for errors and consistency. Pay attention to dimensional units, standard definitions, and quantities. For example, many authors confuse return loss (usually positive) with reflection coefficient (negative).
  • If changes are required in the decision letter, please respond to the final comments in the cover letter and describe any changes to the final manuscript. Changes implemented should not be highlighted in the final files as these will be used for posting in the IEEE Xplore Early Access section before editing.
  • All final files are submitted through the ‘Awaiting Final Files’ queue in your Author Center on ScholarOne Manuscripts or IEEE Author Portal (depending on which platform was used for manuscript submission).
  • Before you commence the final submission process, please make sure all author information in the submission record is correct and complete.

Final Files Upload Checklist

  1. Source file of final manuscript. A LaTex, or Microsoft Word application file. The final manuscript should be in the IEEE two-column template with figures and captions. (This template can be downloaded from here). It should include keywords/index terms, and bios and photos if you are including them. Failure to submit a source file may result in publishing delays.
  2. Final manuscript in PDF. A pdf alone is not sufficient for publication. Please ensure the source file, as detailed in Step 1, is also submitted. Both files are essential.
  3. Cover letter. A pdf of your cover letter.
  4. Separate figure files. The acceptable formats are doc, eps, ps, tiff, ppt and xls. Png or jpeg files for figures are not accepted.
  5. Biosketch(es) and photo(s) (Not required for Communications or Comments). Biosketches (maximum 600 words per Bio) should be uploaded at the same time as the other final files. These can be included at the end of your Microsoft Word or Latex source file or submitted as a separate upload. For author photos jpeg files are accepted.
  6. E-Copyright. Submitting authors are reminded to transfer the e-copyright form under ‘Manuscripts with Decisions’ in ScholarOne Manuscripts Author Center or IEEE Author Portal.


It is the policy of the IEEE to own the copyright to the technical contributions it publishes on behalf of the interests of the IEEE, its authors, and their employers, and to facilitate the appropriate reuse of this material by others. To comply with the U.S. Copyright Law, authors are required to submit an IEEE Electronic Copyright Form before their manuscripts can be published. This form returns to authors and their employers the full rights to reuse their material for their own purposes.
IEEE Electronic Copyright Form
IEEE Copyright Policy

Page Proofs

Page proofs are sent to each corresponding author just prior to publication of the paper. Minor and typographical errors should be noted and corrected according to the instructions enclosed with the proofs. Major changes required to correct errors in the author's manuscript will not, in general, be permitted. To avoid the need for a major change, authors should proofread their manuscript very carefully. Only minor, editorial changes are allowed when the corresponding author receives the manuscript page proof for final checking.

Page Charges

All Authors are requested to honor page charges of $110 per printed page for the first eight pages of a Paper and for the first four pages of a Communication. Payment of page charges for this IEEE TRANSACTIONS is not a necessary prerequisite for publication. A Page Charge Form must be completed and returned to IEEE (following the detailed instructions accompanying final proofs) before a manuscript can be published.

Charges for Excessive Length

A mandatory EXCESSIVE PAGE LENGTH charge of $200 per page is required for Papers longer than eight (8) printed pages and Communications longer than four (4) printed pages. If the author will not agree to pay mandatory charges, the author will be required to reduce the manuscript to eight printed pages or less (four printed pages for Communications) prior to final acceptance and scheduling for publication. The above policy has no relationship to requests by the Editor to reduce very long manuscripts prior to technical review.

A mandatory Excessive Page Length charge of $200 per page is required for Papers longer than eight (8) printed pages and Communications longer than four (4) printed pages with a possible exemption for one (1) overlength page of references.

Overlength page charges (OPC) will be computed according to the following algorithm:

  1. For Regular Papers that have at least one full page of references, and the paper totals 9+ pages, the author receives the 9th page free of OPC (fees apply beginning with the 10th page onward). For example,
    • (a) A 9-page paper with one full page of references = $0 OPC.
    • (b) A 10-page paper with one full page of references incurs $200.00 in OPC.
  2. For Regular Papers that have less than one full page of references, and the paper totals 9+ pages, OPC incur from the 9th page onward. For example,
    • (a) A 9-page paper with less than one full page of references = $200 OPC.
    • (b) A 10-page paper with less than one full page of references $400.00 in OPC.
  3. For Communications that have at least one full column of references, and the Communication exceeds 4+ pages, the author receives the 5th page free of OPC (fees apply beginning with the 6th page onward). For example,
    • (a) A 5-page paper with at least one full column references = $0 OPC.
    • (b) A 6-page paper with at least one full column incurs $200.00 in OPC.
  4. For Communications that have less than one full column and the Communication exceeds 4+ pages, the author incurs OPC beginning with the 5th page onward. For example,
    • (a) A 5-page paper with less than one full column of references = $200 OPC.
    • (b) A 6-page paper with less than one full column of references incurs $400.00 in OPC.


For final versions, electronic graphics must be provided as separate files. Color figures can appear in the print version of the article for an additional charge of $275 USD per printed color figure. Alternatively, figures can appear in color online and grayscale in print without incurring this additional cost. Details on this option will be provided upon manuscript acceptance. Color figures provided during review are acceptable in case they can be interpreted if printed in grayscale.

Open Access Options

IEEE TAP is a hybrid journal, allowing either traditional manuscript submission or Open Access (author-pays OA) manuscript submission. Upon submission, if you choose to have your manuscript be an Open Access article, you commit to pay a standard fee if your manuscript is accepted for publication in order to enable unrestricted public access. Any other application charges (such as over-length page charge and/or charge for the use of color in the print format) will be billed separately once the manuscript formatting is complete but prior to the publication. If you would like your manuscript to be a traditional submission, your article will be available to qualified subscribers and purchasers via IEEE Xplore. No OA payment is required for traditional submission. Corresponding authors from low-income countries are eligible for waived or reduced open access APCs.

Explore Open Access and fee details

Institutional Open Access Agreements

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