
The goal of the revision is not only to respond to the review panel’s comments, but also to clarify the raised points through corrective actions and improvements to the manuscript. Therefore, authors should include their clarifications in the revised manuscript to enhance its quality.

If you are submitting a revised version of a manuscript, you will select the manuscript under the "Manuscripts to be Revised" section in the IEEE Author Portal. Please note that after you upload the new version of the manuscript, you will need to "view the proof," and to finally "submit" the manuscript. After submitting the revised version of the manuscript (a ".R1," or ".R2" version, for example), the manuscript will move from the "Manuscripts to be Revised" section to the "Submitted Manuscripts" section in your IEEE Author Portal. If the manuscript does not move to the "Submitted Manuscripts" section, then you have not completed the submission process, and your revised manuscript will not be available to reviewers!

For all revisions, major or minor, please follow the steps below to prepare your submission:

  1. Prepare a response letter to the decision letter. All comments from the Editorial Board should be answered one by one, i.e., in the order of comment1-response1; comment2- response2, etc. Following each comment, indicate carefully the changes made in the manuscript to address the concern or provide a rebuttal if you disagree with the comment. Upload the letter as a 'Supporting Document' in the system.
  2. Revise the manuscript taking into account all the comments/requests from the Reviewers, the Track Editor, the Associate Editor, and the Editor-in-Chief.
  3. Mark all changes made in the revised manuscript in RED for better readability
  4. If a change of manuscript type is requested by the Editorial Board, please format the manuscript into its corresponding format. More information about manuscript formats and templates are available here

Please keep in mind the following:

  • Upon creating a revision, you can change the Manuscript Title, Type of manuscript and other information in the IEEE Author Portal record by going back to the corresponding section if necessary.
  • You are reminded to honor the revision deadline and submit the required files within the time frame indicated in the decision letter (i.e., 120 days for major revisions/60 days for minor revisions).
  • All revised manuscripts will undergo the same rigorous review process as original submissions. Please kindly allow approximately 12 weeks for the review as suggested by the “Information for Author” on the back inside cover of the Transactions.

For questions, please contact the Editorial Office at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.