Articles | Shared data/code |
The Horizontal Inhomogeneity of the Evaporation Duct Based on Surface Bulk Measurements Over the South China Sea, vol. 72, no. 10, pp. 7916-7926, Oct. 2024, N. Yang, D. Su, L. Sun, T. Lu, D. Song and T. Wang |
Τhis dataset contains the observation elements including atmospheric temperature, atmospheric pressure, and wind speed, which can be directly read using MATLAB. Access the dataset files |
Improved Chebyshev Spectral Method Modeling for Vector Radiative Transfer in Atmospheric Propagation, vol. 72, no. 5, pp. 4465-4476, May 2024 E. Tavanti, D. D. Caviglia, and A. Randazzo |
The repository contains the code of the method presented in the paper. It includes a ready-to-use "run" bash script; this launches the Test_parChandraU.m script, which executes the improved Chebyshev method with inputs corresponding to one of the datasets of the reference data described in the paper. Access the code |
Near-Perfect Space-Wave to Surface-Wave Coupler Enabled Conformal Space Wave Transporting Metasurfaces, vol. 72, no. 3, pp. 2540-2554, March 2024 J. Budhu |
MATLAB design codes and COMSOL Multiphysics simulation files accompany the paper. Possible applications include channel optimization for cellular networks, inexpensive power harvesting, sensing, around-the-corner radar, and cloaking. Access the dataset files |
Three-Dimensional Fully Metallic Dual-Polarization Frequency-Selective Surface Design Using Coupled-Resonator Circuit Information, vol. 72, no. 3, pp. 2932-2937, March 2024 I. Parellada-Serrano, M. Pérez-Escribano, C. Molero, P. Padilla, and V. d. l. Rubia |
This work employs a new approach to analyze coupled-resonator circuits to design and manufacture a fully metallic dual polarization frequency selective surface (FSS). The provided file indicates the FSS main dimensions. Access the dataset files |
Determining Aperture Field for Arbitrary Phaseless Far-Field Utilizing Inverse Design Method Based on Spectral Analysis, vol. 72, no. 3, pp. 2861-2866, March 2024 C. -S. Chen, R. Wang, J. -P. Liu, and B. -Z. Wang |
The dataset includes the simulation files and code related to the analysis presented in the article. Access the dataset files |
Shooting and Bouncing Rays for Sparse Particles (SBR-SP) Applied for Multiple Magnetodielectric Circular Cylinders, vol. 71, no. 12, pp. 9776-9787, Dec. 2023 Y. H. Cho, H. Lee, W. J. Byun, B. S. Kim, and Y. J. Chong |
The provided data comprises input and results files pertaining to a 10×10 square array composed of randomized magnetodielectric circular cylinders. The input and results files have been systematically organized into separate directories based on the different rates of rainfall (Rv = 10 mm/h, 100 mm/h, and 500 mm/h). Access the dataset files |
Harmonic-Based MIMO Transceiver With Time-Modulated Arrays, vol. 71, no. 9, pp. 7553-7565, Sept. 2023 G. Ni, C. He, and R. Jin |
Transmitted, measured and processed data are provided for readers who are interested in the harmonic-based MIMO transceiver and want to reproduce the experiment results shown in the manuscript. Access the dataset files |
Scalable 3-D-Printable Antenna Array With Liquid Cooling for 28 GHz, vol. 71, no. 6, pp. 5067-5078, June 2023 J. Haarla, J. Ala-Laurinaho, and V. Viikari |
The provided data include design files for the proposed antenna array prototype. Access the dataset files |
Comparison of Electromagnetic Forces Evaluated in Yee-Lattice Finite-Difference Time-Domain and Lattice-Boltzmann Method, vol. 70, no. 12, pp. 12405-12410, Dec. 2022 C. Warner, L. Markley, and K. J. Chau |
The provided code includes the script for the implementation of the 3D Hauser and Verhey electrodynamic lattice-Boltzmann method (HV ELBM) and the 3D FDTD method for evaluating the force density acting on a dielectric or magnetic sphere. Access the code |
Isophoric Inflating Deflating Exploration Algorithm (I-IDEA) for Equal-Amplitude Aperiodic Arrays, vol. 70, no. 11, pp. 10405-10416, Nov. 2022 D. Pinchera, M. D. Migliore, and G. Panariello |
The provided data include synthesized antenna array layouts and animations to show the Isophoric IDEA optimization process; Mp4 animations of the optimization process are also provided. Access the dataset files |
Site-Specific Radio Propagation Model for Macrocell Coverage at Sub-6 GHz Frequencies, vol. 70, no. 10, pp. 9706-9715, Oct. 2022 N. R. Leonor, S. Faria, G. Ramos, P. V. Gonzalez Castellanos, C. Rodríguez, L. da Silva Mello, and R. F. S. Caldeirinha |
The provided dataset includes not only simulated and measured results obtained for the various scenarios taken into consideration, but also additional topographic information, namely the ground, building and vegetation elevation profiles, which can be used for further research works and benchmarking with other radiowave propagation models. Access the dataset files |
mm-Wave Chipless RFID Decoding: Introducing Image-Based Deep Learning Techniques, vol. 70, no. 5, pp. 3700-3709, May 2022 L. M. Arjomandi, G. Khadka, and N. C. Karmakar |
The provided dataset includes the S11 parameters collected for 27 alphanumeric tags, with background noise deleted. Access the dataset files |
Investigation on Homogenization of Flat and Conformal Stacked Dielectric Resonator Antennas, vol. 70, no. 2, pp. 1482-1487, Feb. 2022 M. Boyuan, J. Pan, D. Yang, and Y.-X. Guo |
Supplementary data on the analysis presented in the paper are provided. Access the dataset files |
Wide-Beam Dielectric Resonator Antennas Based on the Fusion of Higher-Order Modes, vol. 69, no. 12, pp. 8866-8871, Dec. 2021 M. Boyuan, J. Pan, S. Huang, D. Yang, and Y. Guo |
The Appendix data of the paper are provided. Access the dataset files |
A Multiwideband Compact Antenna Design for Vehicular Sub-6 GHz 5G Wireless Systems, vol. 69, no. 12, pp. 8136-8142, Dec. 2021 M. O. Khalifa, A. M. Yacoub, and D. N. Aloi |
The provided dataset includes all the antenna measurements done by simulation, on ground plane and on vehicle. Access the dataset files |
Fast Power Density Assessment of 5G Mobile Handset Using Equivalent Currents Method, vol. 69, no. 10, pp. 6857-6869, Oct. 2021 W. He, B. Xu, L. Scialacqua, Z. Ying, A. Scannavini, L. J. Foged, K. Zhao, C. Di Paola, S. Zhang, and S. He |
The provided files include supplementary data, the script, and the GUI tool for visualizing the magnitude and phase of different components of equivalent electric and magnetic currents of the paper’s Fig. 17. Access the dataset files |
A Mechanical Transmitter for Undersea Magnetic Induction Communication, vol. 69, no. 10, pp. 6391-6400, Oct. 2021 Y. Liu, S. Gong, Q. Liu, and M. Hou |
The provided dataset includes the experimental data acquired within the framework of an undersea MI communication experiment, conducted using the test system in a port in Sanya, China. Access the dataset files |
Unidirectional Dielectric Resonator Antennas Employing Electric and Magnetic Dipole Moments, vol. 69, no. 10, pp. 6918-6923, Oct. 2021 M. Boyuan, J. Pan, S. Huang, D. Yang, and Y.-X. Guo |
The provided dataset includes the Appendix data from the eigenmode method, the characteristic method, and the scattering spectrum analysis. Access the dataset files |
Taper Design for Active Arrays With Maximized EIRP for Bounded Sidelobe Level, vol. 69, no. 4, pp. 2053-2060, April 2021 R. Rytel-Andrianik |
The provided code computes the taper for a linear active array antenna, which maximizes EIRP for specified sidelobe level. Access the code |
Non-Reciprocal, Robust Surface Plasmon Polaritons on Gyrotropic Interfaces, vol. 68, no. 5, pp. 3718-3729, May 2020 A. M. Holmes, G. W. Hanson, S. A. Hassani Gangaraj, M. Antezza, M. G. Silveirinha, S. Jam, and F. Monticone |
The code includes the equations listed in the Appendix of the paper. Access the code |
Millimeter-Wave Multi-Beam Waveguide Lens Antenna, vol. 67, no. 8, pp. 5646-5651, Aug. 2019 V. Basavarajappa, A. Pellon, I. Montesinos-Ortego, B. B. Exposito, L. Cabria, and J. Basterrechea |
The dataset is a collection of simulated and measured data acquired in the process of design, analysis, and measurement of the millimeter wave multibeam waveguide lens antenna. Access the dataset files |
Fast Far-Field Estimation Method by Compact Single Cut Near-Field Measurements for Electrically Long Antenna Array, vol. 66, no. 11, pp. 5859-5868, Nov. 2018 Y. Sugimoto, H. Arai, T. Maruyama, M. Nasuno, M. Hirose, and S. Kurokawa |
The provided dataset includes the calculation data used to generate the results presented in the manuscript. Access the dataset files |
Design of a 360° Scanning Circularly Symmetric Polygon Lens, vol. 66, no. 9, pp. 4458-4465, Sept. 2018 T. M. Nguyen, T. K. Vo Dai, and O. Kilic |
The code for the octagon lens construction is provided. Access the code |
Numerical Optimization of Compressive Array Feed Networks, vol. 66, no. 7, pp. 3432-3440, July 2018 H. E. A. Laue and W. P. du Plessis |
The code includes the Compressive Array Feed Network Design Algorithm Access the code |
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