Three recently published articles in TAP have received the AP-S prestigious best paper awards for 2023, namely the Sergei A. Schelkunoff Transactions Prize Paper Award, the Harold A. Wheeler Applications Prize Paper Award, and the AP-S R.W.P. King Award. These papers are now offered open access on IEEE Xplore.
The three awarded papers are listed below:
- Harold A. Wheeler Applications Prize Paper Award: Compression of Volume-Surface Integral Equation Matrices via Tucker Decomposition for Magnetic Resonance Applications, Ilias I. Giannakopoulos , Georgy D. Guryev, José E. C. Serrallés , Ioannis P. Georgakis , Luca Daniel, Jacob K. White and Riccardo Lattanzi
- AP-S R.W.P. King Award: An UWB Hemispherical Vivaldi Array, Carl Pfeiffer and Jeffrey Massman
- Sergei A. Schelkunoff Transactions Prize Paper Award: A General Approach for Synthesizing Multibeam Antenna Arrays Employing Generalized Joined Coupler Matrix, Charles A. Guo and Y. Jay Guo
These award-winning papers will be freely accessible until 31st December 2023.
Visit IEEE Xplore and discover the novel research showcased in these papers.