Guest Editorial for the Special Issue on Wireless Real-time Health Monitoring Technology for Personalized Medicine G. Lazzi, R. Lee, and K. S. Nikita
Compact Implantable Antennas for Cerebrospinal Fluid Monitoring M. Manoufali, K. Bialkowski, B. Mohammed, P. C. Mills, and A. M. Abbosh
Design and Evaluation of an Antenna Applicator for a Microwave Colonoscopy System M. Guardiola, K. Djafri, M. Challal, M. A. González Ballester, G. Fernandez-Esparrach, O. Camara, and J. Romeu
Fundamental Limits for Implanted Antennas: Maximum Power Density Reaching Free Space A. K. Skrivervik, M. Bosiljevac, and Z. Sipus
Measurement Data-Based Study on the Intrabody Propagation in the Presence of the Sternotomy Wires and Aortic Valve Implant M. Särestöniemi, C. Pomalaza-Ráez, T. Kumpuniemi, M. Hämäläinen, R. Kovacs, and J. Iinatti
Wideband UHF DQPSK Backscatter Communication in Reverberant Cavity Animal Cage Environments A. Sharma, E. Kampianakis, J. Rosenthal, A. Pike, A. Dadkhah, and M. S. Reynolds
Analysis and Design of a 3-Coil Wireless Power Transmission System for Biomedical Applications M. Machnoor, E. S. Gámez Rodríguez, P. Kosta, J. Stang, and G. Lazzi
UWB Path Loss Models for Ingestible Devices S. Perez-Simbor, C. Andreu, C. Garcia-Pardo, M. Frasson, and N. Cardona
UWB RSS-Based Localization for Capsule Endoscopy Using a Multilayer Phantom and In Vivo Measurements M. Barbi, C. Garcia-Pardo, A. Nevárez, V. Pons Beltrán, and N. Cardona
A Compact Dual-Band Dual-Polarized Omnidirectional Antenna for On-Body Applications S. Bhattacharjee, S. Maity, S. R. B. Chaudhuri, and M. Mitra
Bio-Matched Horn: A Novel 1–9 GHz On-Body Antenna for Low-Loss Biomedical Telemetry With Implants J. Blauert and A. Kiourti
Development of a 2.45 GHz Antenna for Flexible Compact Radiation Dosimeter Tags O. M. Sanusi, F. A. Ghaffar, A. Shamim, M. Vaseem, Y. Wang, and L. Roy
Collimated Beam FMCW Radar for Vital Sign Patient Monitoring A. Prat, S. Blanch, A. Aguasca, J. Romeu, and A. Broquetas
Compact 3-D Antenna for Medical Diagnosis of the Human Head M. Rokunuzzaman, A. Ahmed, T. C. Baum, and W. S. T. Rowe
Pattern Reconfigurable Wideband Loop Antenna for Thorax Imaging S. A. Rezaeieh, A. Zamani, and A. M. Abbosh
A Novel Flexible Electrotextile 3T MRI RF Coil Array for Carotid Artery Imaging: Design, Characterization, and Prototyping D. Zhang and Y. Rahmat-Samii