Comparison of simultaneous line-of-sight signals at 9.6 and 34.5 GHzH. Janes;M. Thompson;D. Smith;A. Kirkpatrick
Radio propagation at 27-40 GHzRadio propagation at 27-40 GHz
Overwater line-of-sight fade and diversity measurements at 37 GHzJ. Vignali
Attenuation of the 5-mm wavelength band in a variable atmosphereE. Reber;R. Mitchell;C. Carter
Atmospheric absorption of radio waves between 150 and 350 GHzF. Ulaby;A. Straiton
Attenuation and emission of the atmosphere at 3.3 mmF. Shimabukuro;E. Epstein
Astronomical refraction at millimeter wavelengthsJ. Davis;J. Cogdell
Remote probing of atmosphere and wind velocity by millimeter wavesLiang-Chi Shen
The design of radially symmetric lensesT.A. Rhys
The influence of heavy rainfall on attenuation at 18.5 and 30.9 GHzR. Semplak
Design, development, and initial measurements of a 1.4-mm radiometric systemW. Johnson;T. Mori;F. Shimabukuro
High resolution millimeter reflector antennasJ. Cogdell;J.J. McCue;P. Kalachev;A. Salomonovich;I. Moiseev;J. Stacey;E. Epstein;E. Altshuler;G. Feix;J. Day;H. Hvatum;W. Welch;F. Barath
Propagation of centimeter and millimeter wavelengths through precipitationS. Godard
Millimeter wave propagation measurements from the applications technology satellite (ATS-V)L. Ippolito
Effects of dielectrics on the radiation patterns of an electromagnetic hornL.Oh; S. Peng; C.Lunden
Some properties of the gain of uniform and nonuniform arraysA.Maffet;C. Tai
On the radiation from a vertical dipole with an inductive wire-grid ground systemJ. Wait;K. Spies
Pattern distortion due to edge diffractionsC. Balanis
Element spacing limitations of Dolph-Pritchard optimum endfire arraysC. Smith
Effect of finite ground plane conductivity on aperture admittanceR. Fante
An iterative technique for reducing sidelobes of circular arraysH. Coleman
Comparison of some correlation array configurations for radio astronomyY. Chow
Measurements of surface currents on a finite circular tube illuminated by electromagnetic waveCheng Kao
Short cylindrical antennas with enhanced radiation or high directivityC. Lin;D. Nyquist;K. Chen
A technique for obtaining the Doppler spectrum for sampled amplitude-phase data in a data-gathering arrayD. Cox;N. Cianos;A. Waterman