

Special Issue on Smart Electromagnetic Environment Image

A thorough collection of 32 articles on Frontiers in Computational Electromagnetics has been published in a Special Issue of archival value, bringing forward advances in all major computational electromagnetics methodologies and numerical discretization techniques in both frequency and time domains.

Part 1

Guest Editorial Frontiers in Computational ElectromagneticsB. M. Notaroš, F. P. Andriulli, and H. Bagci

Toward the Development of a 3-D SBP-SAT FDTD Method: Theory and ValidationY. Cheng, H. Liu, X. Wang, G. Chen, X.-H. Wang, X. Zhang, S. Yang, and Z. Chen

An FCC-FDTD Method on Nonuniform Grids With Guaranteed Stability for Electromagnetic AnalysisX. Wang, G. Chen, S. Yang, Y. Li, W. Du, and D. Su

A Symmetric FDTD Subgridding Method With Guaranteed Stability and Arbitrary Grid RatioL. Deng, Y. Wang, C. Tian, H. Liu, X. Wang, G. Chen, X.-H. Wang, X. Zhang, Z. Chen, and S. Yang

A Global-Local Error-Driven p-Adaptive Scheme for Discontinuous Galerkin Time-Domain Method With Local Time-Stepping StrategyS. P. Li, Y. Shi, S. C. Zhu, and Z. G. Ban

Simulation of Electromagnetic Waves in Magnetized Cold Plasma by a Novel BZT-DGTD MethodY. Zhou, L. Wang, Q. Ren, B. Liang, and Q. H. Liu

Novel Discontinuous Galerkin Time-Domain Method for Analyzing Scattering From 3-D Bi-Isotropic Objects H. Cao and Q. Ren

A Time-Domain Volume Integral Equation Solver to Analyze Electromagnetic Scattering From Nonlinear Dielectric ObjectsS. B. Sayed, R. Chen, H. A. Ülkü, and H. Bagci

Evaluation of the Retarded-Time Potentials Due to an Impulsively Excited Curvilinear RWG FunctionA. Aktepe and H. A. Ülkü

A Low-Frequency Stable, Excitation Agnostic Discretization of the Right-Hand Side for the Electric Field Integral Equation on Multiply-Connected GeometriesB. Hofmann, T. F. Eibert, F. P. Andriulli, and S. B. Adrian

Laplacian Filtered Loop-Star Decompositions and Quasi-Helmholtz Filters: Definitions, Analysis, and Efficient AlgorithmsA. Merlini, C. Henry, D. Consoli, L. Rahmouni, A. Dély, and F. P. Andriulli

A Multi-Resolution Preconditioner for Nonconformal Meshes in the MoM Solution of Large Multiscale StructuresV. F. Martín, J. M. Taboada, and F. Vipiana

A Generalized Source Integral Equation for Enhanced Compression in Three DimensionsD. Zvulun, Y. Brick, and A. Boag

Integral Equation Residuals for Error Estimation and Internal Resonance DetectionA. F. Peterson

Hierarchical Divergence-Conforming Vector Bases for Pyramid CellsR. D. Graglia

On the Use of a Localized Huygens’ Surface Scheme for the Adaptive H-Refinement of Multiscale ProblemsJ. A. Tobon V., V. F. Martin, A. Serna, Z. Peng, and F. Vipiana

A Refinement-by-Superposition hp-Method for H(curl)- and H(div)-Conforming DiscretizationsJ. J. Harmon, J. Corrado, and B. M. Notaroš

Part 2

Guest Editorial Frontiers in Computational Electromagnetics—Part IIB. M. Notaroš, F. P. Andriulli, and H. Bagci

Multiple-Precision Arithmetic Implementation of the Multilevel Fast Multipole AlgorithmM. Kalfa, Ö. Ergül, and V. B. Ertürk

A Directional Multilevel Complex-Space Fast Multipole Algorithm for Electrically Large Problems of Various DimensionsG.-Y. Zhu, W.-D. Li, W. E. I. Sha, H.-X. Zhou, and W. Hong

Integral Operator-Based Characteristic Mode Theory for Conducting, Material, and Lossy StructuresP. Ylä-Oijala, M. Kuosmanen, and H. Wallén

A Novel Method of Moments for Numerical Analysis of Antennas Over 2-D Infinite Periodic Arrays of ScatterersK. Konno, N. Haga, J. Chakarothai, Q. Chen, N. Nakamoto, and T. Takahashi

Efficient Tracking of Dispersion Surfaces for Printed Structures Using the Method of MomentsD. Tihon, S. N. Jha, M. Bodehou, and C. Craeye

A Coupled Hybridizable Discontinuous Galerkin and Boundary Integral Method for Analyzing Electromagnetic ScatteringR. Zhao, M. Dong, L. Chen, J. Hu, and H. Bagci

Hierarchical Universal Matrices for Curvilinear Tetrahedral H(curl) Finite Elements With Inhomogeneous Material PropertiesL. L. Tóth, A. Amor-Martin, and R. Dyczij-Edlinger

A Rigorous Code Verification Process of the Domain Decomposition Method in a Finite Element Method for ElectromagneticsA. Amor-Martin, L. E. Garcia-Castillo, L. L. Tóth, O. Floch, and R. Dyczij-Edlinger

An Efficient Goal-Oriented Adaptive Finite Element Method for Accurate Simulation of Complex Electromagnetic Radiation ProblemsH. Wu, K. Fu, S. Zuo, Z. Lin, X. Zhao, and Y. Zhang

Pulsed Electromagnetic Excitation of a Narrow Slot Between Two Dielectric HalfspacesM. Štumpf, G. Antonini, and I. E. Lager

On-the-Fly Dynamic Mode Decomposition for Rapid Time-Extrapolation and Analysis of Cavity ResonancesI. Nayak, F. L. Teixeira, and R. J. Burkholder

Quantum-Assisted Combinatorial Optimization for Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces in Smart Electromagnetic EnvironmentsQ. J. Lim, C. Ross, A. Ghosh, F. W. Vook, G. Gradoni, and Z. Peng

Optimization Assisted by Neural Network-Based Machine Learning in Electromagnetic ApplicationsA. Papathanasopoulos, P. A. Apostolopoulos, and Y. Rahmat-Samii

Parallel GPU Optimization of the Shooting and Bouncing Ray Tracing Methodology for Propagation ModelingS. Kasdorf, B. Troksa, C. Key, J. Harmon, S. Pasricha, and B. M. Notaroš

A Multiple Huygens Surface-Based Ray Tracing Framework With GPU AccelerationH. Na, M. M. Taygur, and T. F. Eiber