Christophe Fumeaux,
2025 President, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society February 2025
The year 2024 has been a truly exceptional year for the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (AP-S), with the celebrations of the 75th anniversary of its establishment. I am delighted to open my first President’s Message by heartfully thanking our outgoing President, Prof. Branislav Notaroš, who has led AP-S with exceptional vision and enthusiasm in this celebratory year. Branislav spared no efforts to make sure that the AP-S 75th anniversary would be remembered as an exceptional event. As a highlight, the celebrations during our flagship AP-S URSI conference in Florence will leave vivid memories for all attendees, with special acknowledgment to the numerous representatives of our related Societies, our colleagues, and friends who celebrated with us. It is with renewed enthusiasm that AP-S is starting the next chapter of its history.
I am truly humbled to serve as president of AP-S in its 76th year and I am looking forward to working with our dedicated volunteers for the advancement of our beloved discipline. AP-S has been a most important part of my professional life, and I have found volunteering immensely rewarding, be it in chapter activities, editorial boards, or committee assignments. After more than two decades of involvement, I am still amazed by the depth and breadth of AP-S activities. Undeniably, the success of our society relies on the tireless dedication of its volunteers, who create a highly dynamic and diverse professional organization. This makes me immensely proud to serve AP-S and I am looking forward to interacting with many of our members in the coming year.
75th Anniversary Celebrations

Orlando, Florida Florence, Italy
Overview of AP-S in its 75th Year
75th Anniversary Speech by Branislav Notaros
2024 AP-S Election Results