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Conference photos from AP-S/URSI 2024 in Florence

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  • Last updated October 14
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President’s Message

Branislav M. Notaroš

Branislav M. Notaroš,
President, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society July 2024

Dear IEEE AP-S Members,

I am exactly at the middle of my term and would like to report to you on the past 6 months. A lot of things have happened since my January email to you. My serving you and the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society as President for half a year now has been truly enjoyable and enriching for me, and I continue to feel incredibly honored and privileged to be able to serve with you and lead AP-S to further successes. I believe we accomplished a lot together and I very much look forward to the second half of my term!

First and foremost, all of the Society leadership team, AP-S Officers, Administrative Committee (AdCom) Members, Committee Chairs, Editors in Chief, Conference Chairs, and Support Staff have been absolutely amazing as we work together, and I would like to thank all of them for their fantastic work, collaboration, help, and contributions!



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August 2024

August 2024

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Newsletter September 2024

September 2024


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75th Anniversary Celebrations

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Orlando, Florida Florence, Italy

Our Global Presence

IEEE AP-S Members: Total 10, 675 as of Feb 08, 2024

AP-S Chapter Counts by Regions: as of Feb 08, 2024

AP-S Members (Grade & Gender):Total 10, 675, Feb 08, 2024

AP-S Members Statistics: Year 1988-2023