President’s Message
What A Year! Activities and Accomplishments of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society in 2024
Branislav M. Notaroš
President, IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society
December 2024Welcome to the December issue of the Magazine and the sixth and last President’s message of the year! What a busy year! We accomplished a lot together and have advanced the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (AP-S) further by all means and measures. This is thanks to incredible work, enthusiasm, and contributions by AP-S leaders, volunteers, and members, all of you. My serving you and AP-S as President has been a privilege of a lifetime, I have truly enjoyed every moment of it [1]-[5], and I hope you have shared some of that excitement and joy. As this is my last message, I would like to report to you on the entire 2024.
Fundamental Changes of the IEEE AP Society
This year, after discussing our “plan of action” [1], we have undertaken some major actions and have carried out a number of fundamental forward-looking changes aimed at establishing foundation for advancing the structure and operation of our Society. All structural changes for the Society were approved by the AP-S Administrative Committee (AdCom) at our February 2024 AdCom Meeting in Orlando, Florida, USA [2]. The next step was the approval of 28 motions with the associated amendments to our Constitution, Bylaws, and Operating Manual [6], made by AP-S Constitution & Bylaws Committee Chair Guido Lombardi, at the July AdCom Meeting in Florence, Italy [5], to finalize and formalize the Orlando changes. All amendments were approved by the IEEE Vice President of Technical Activities on August 31, 2024. After public posting to the AP-S membership and one month objections period, the fundamental changes of the IEEE AP Society became effective on September 30, 2024. Congratulations to All!
Perhaps the most fundamental change is the establishment of Society Vice Presidents (VPs), to enhance coordination between 20 AP-S Standing Committees and operation of the Society and help the President. Namely, AP-S will have five Vice Presidents: VPs of Professional Activities, Technical Activities, Operations and Finance, Publications, and Conferences [2]. With the President, each Vice President will provide direction for the respective activities and Standing Committees of the Society, and coordinate and supervise joint planning and conducting of these activities. Vice Presidents will be appointed/approved following the same procedure as for Committee Chairs, and the appointment is for one year, renewable [6]. Hence, the first five AP-S VPs will be appointed in January 2025. In addition, we created a new position of the AP-S Director of Intersociety Collaboration (DISC), to coordinate, assist with, and/or participate in managing of collaboration and joint activities between AP-S and various IEEE and non-IEEE societies, councils, organizations, and institutions [2].
We restructured the New Technology Directions Committee into a new committee, Technical Directions Committee (TDC) [2]. The most important function of the new TDC is to organize and manage a number of Technical Committees (TCs) for all main areas that the Society covers. TCs will provide technical expertise and assistance to APrelated publications, conferences, events, standards, local chapters, and membership in a particular technical area. We removed the Technical Committee on Antenna Measurements as an AP-S Standing Committee, as it should not be the only technical committee of the Society. A Task Force was created within the TDC, led by Koichi Ito, to come up with a proposed list of initial AP-S TCs. This list underwent several iterations and major revisions and comprehensive discussion among the Taks Force members and AP-S leaders and volunteers. Finally, the following initial list was approved at the third (and last) AdCom Meeting of the year on October 5-6, in Denver, Colorado, USA. The inaugural Chairs of TCs were also appointed and approved in Denver.
<Key technical fields>
- Antennas: Antenna Modeling, Design, Fabrication
- Arrays: Antenna Arrays and Systems, Reconfigurable Structures
- Propagation & Scattering: Propagation, Scattering, Channel Characterization
- Metamaterials: Electromagnetic Materials and Devices, Metamaterials, Metasurfaces, Metastructures
- Electromagnetics & Fundamentals: Electromagnetics at All Frequencies and Sizes, Quantum Engineering, Antenna and Radiation Theory
- Computational Electromagnetics: Computational Electromagnetics, Optimization, Direct and Inverse Design, Artificial Intelligence
- Antenna Measurements
- Wireless Communications: Wireless Communications, Satellite Communications, Integrated Communication and Sensing, Computer, Information, Vehicular Systems
- Security: Security, Defense, Disaster Management
- Environment: Environment, Power, Sustainability, Climate Change, Societal Impacts
- Health & Medicine: Imaging, Sensing, Medicine, Health, Services
- Space: Deep Space Science, Earth Monitoring, Extraterrestrial Monitoring, Radio Astronomy
We restructured the AP-S Finance Committee, in terms of both its composition and its scope. The most important functions of the committee are high-level monitoring, oversight, and planning of Society finances. It will keep track of the history of financial investments, spendings, and proposals and will provide big picture and “institutional memory” for the Society in terms of finances. Large Initiative Assessment (LIA) Committee is instituted into a permanent committee as a subcommittee of the Finance Committee. Another permanent committee as a subcommittee of the Finance Committee is AP-S Endowment Fund Committee, to administer the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Talent Development Fund of the IEEE Foundation, which has already made great progress led by Kamal Sarabandi.
We created the Fellows Search Committee (FSC) of the AP-S, which operates completely independently from the AP-S Fellow Evaluations Committee (FEC), with goals to enhance diversity of IEEE Fellow nominations from the AP-S, in terms of gender, geographic regions, and sector (e.g., industry, government, academia), and to increase the number and quality of nominations that the AP-S FEC submits to the IEEE FEC. An additional task is to provide education and training of the potential nominators and nominees on how to prepare a successful nomination. We also created the AP-S Awards Search Committee (ASC), with similar goals in terms of nominations for AP-S Field and Paper Awards. Moreover, at the October AdCom Meeting in Denver, appointments of inaugural Chair and Members of the AP-S FSC and ASC were approved.
We established a maximum total length of terms for all volunteer positions in the AP-S. Namely, no person, including Society Officers, Committee Chairs, Committee Members, and Society Representatives, should hold any one position in the Society for more than 6 years total, including reappointments. However, some positions are already limited in our documents to three years total (e.g., for members of the Awards Committees) or one year (e.g., for the AP-S President).
As some other changes this year, we instituted a practice of every AP-S Standing Committee, in addition to Chair, having Vice Chair of the committee [2]. The Vice Chairs have been extremely active and helpful in all our activities and actions throughout the year. We created several Ad Hoc (temporary) Committees to complete specific tasks; namely, the New Logo Implementation and Communication (NLIC) Committee, led by C.J. Reddy, with great job already done; Committee on Recommendations to Advance Flagship Conferences (RAFC), with 6 motions prepared and approved by AdCom in July in Florence and more coming; and Committee on AP-S Awards Changes, with 10 motions already approved and work ongoing [5], the latter two committees being chaired by Christophe Fumeaux. We have expanded the involvement of AP-S Past Presidents in Society’s discussions and strategizing, one example being the Past Presidents Panel on July 18 in Florence as part of our 75th Anniversary Celebration, with as many as 23 Past Presidents as panelists and presenters [5].
Membership Growth and Retention
This year, we have discussed and developed initiatives and strategies and have undertaken concerted efforts and actions toward AP-S membership growth and retention. I would like to emphasize again that, as a part of the IEEE, AP-S is the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing the theory and practice of antennas, propagation, and electromagnetics technology for the benefit of humanity and fulfilling the technical and professional goals of its worldwide membership and the AP community and profession at large [6]. Increasing and retaining our membership is incredibly important; however, it is not about numbers, it is about impact, as we can make most impact and make it most meaningful and beneficial if colleagues and students are our members so we can reach to them, and they can be active with us and take advantage of everything we as Society can offer to them.
We have focused on enhancing outreach and formation of new chapters across the world, especially in geographic regions that are historically and currently underrepresented in AP-S activities. We have been proactively recruiting new students into the field, and into AP-S, and enhancing their active involvement. We have further expanded efforts to improve gender, status-based, sectorbased (e.g., industry), and geographic diversity of AP-S participation in everything we do. It is essential to ensure globally that being or becoming an AP-S member or student member is truly beneficial and rewarding.
We have continued expansion of research grants, scholarships, fellowships, and travel grants, and educational and professional development opportunities for students and all members. AP-S is one of the IEEE societies and councils with the highest level of student support. Moreover, the Society provides financial, technical, and professional support to a large number of impactful humanitarian projects, workshops, and other activities in IEEE ANTENNAS & PROPAGATION MAGAZINE DECEMBER 2024 9 parts of the world in most critical need for such help and support, and here the AP-S is probably the leading IEEE society/council [6]. It is also essential to appropriately promote all these opportunities and make them easy to understand and apprehend and straightforward to pursue.
We have launched an AP-S Senior Member Drive, with help to our Members to start and carry out the nomination/application process including securing references, at both the chapter and the Society levels, and become Senior Members swiftly and expeditiously. The launch of the FSC, to search for potential candidates and provide guidance to qualified Senior Members to be elevated to Fellows, is described in the previous section. All these activities and actions are crucial for the retention of our membership.
It is my utmost pleasure to report that at the time of writing this message, right now, on October 17, 2024, we just topped the 12,000 AP-S active members mark, as shown in Figure 1. With all our initiatives and strategies for membership growth and retention, this was our proclaimed goal for the end of the year, December 31, and it was an extremely ambitious one. Reaching this goal 2.5 months before our set target date is truly remarkable. We just recently broke the 10,000 mark, our long-desired goal of more than 40 years, and then 11,000 right before our Florence flagship conference in July. With the 12,000 mark right today, and going through these high steps on the ladder in such rapid succession, we are now projected to reach a 12,500 active members mark by December 31, an unprecedented 20% increase for just this year (Figure 1).
To date, we have established 40 new AP-S chapters in 2024; more than 2 months before the year end, we already have created more chapters than in any single year in the Society’s history. Remarkably, during less than 10 months this year, the AP-S women membership grew by 40%.
Congratulations to All! This is thanks to incredible work and contributions by all AP-S leaders and volunteers. Special thanks to our informal working group composed of chapters and members related AP-S Committee Chairs and Vice Chairs including Ajay Poddar, C.J. Reddy, Vladimir Okhmatovski, Jawad Siddiqui, Debatosh Guha, George Shaker, Atif Shamim, Qammer Abbasi, and Meisong Tong and led by Ajay Poddar, who have been working on membership growth and retention, and have done an amazing job.
Outreach and Intersociety Collaboration
This year, we have further expanded and diversified our outreach to AP-S members and AP colleagues and students throughout the globe. This is incredibly 10 DECEMBER 2024 IEEE ANTENNAS & PROPAGATION MAGAZINE important for promoting and helping research and development within the field of interest and the scope of the AP Society [6] and meeting technical and professional needs of researchers, educators, engineers, and students, as well as increasing our impact, in various regions all over the world.
One example is our outreach to the IEEE Region 9 through the creation of a new AP-S conference in Latin America – Latin American Conference on Antennas & Propagation (LACAP), to increase IEEE and AP-S membership and impact in Region 9 and participation of our colleagues and students from the region in IEEE and AP-S activities [6]. The inaugural edition of the conference, LACAP 2024, will be held from December 1–4, 2024, in Cartagena de Indias, Colombia, a beautiful destination in the Colombian Caribbean and a UNESCO World Heritage Site. LACAP 2024 received more than 120 papers, which is a fantastic accomplishment.
At the time of completing this message, I am attending the second edition of the International Microwave & Antennas Symposium – IMAS 2024 – October 21–24, 2024, in Marrakech, Morocco, which is depicted in Figure 2. This is a conference created and owned jointly (fifty-fifty) by AP-S and the IEEE Microwave Theory and Technology Society (MTT-S), to primarily enhance our outreach and impact in Africa and other parts of IEEE Region 8. Later this year, I will be joining many AP-S and MTT-S leaders, volunteers, members, and friends at the IEEE Microwave and Antennas Propagation Conference – MAPCON 2024 – December 9-13, 2024, in Hyderabad, India. This is another AP-S/MTT-S joint international conference, to better serve our members, colleagues, and students in India, IEEE Region 10, and beyond. Throughout the year, AP-S has financially or technically sponsored about 40 conferences around the world [6].
Various AP-S Committees have organized a very large number of innovative and impactful international membership-oriented workshops and meetings in all IEEE regions. The most recent example, of only few days ago, is the IEEE AP-S Distinguished Lecturers Workshop & Meeting Series in Belgrade, Serbia, October 17-19, 2024, with the Inauguration Ceremony for the IEEE Serbia and Montenegro Section AP Society AP-03 Chapter, shown in Figure 3. Our distinguished guest was IEEE MTT-S President Maurizio Bozzi.
The technical part comprised seven distinguished lectures on the most current and emerging antenna, propagation, microwave, electromagnetics, communications, and health/medicine topics. Six AP-S Committees held multiple joint panels on IEEE AP-S professional opportunities for members and students, and one session focused on university/industry collaboration. We organized a narrated technical tour of Nikola Tesla Museum in Belgrade, with many of Tesla’s original experimental setups, devices, patents, and demos (Figure 3), and where his ashes are also kept. The vibrant social/networking program included a comprehensive tour of Belgrade, as indicated in Figure 3, where international colleagues embraced an opportunity to understand history, art, and culture of the city and the country. Modern engineering vitally involves all these aspects of humanity in fulfilling our mission as IEEE and AP-S.
Our Intersociety Collaboration has been thriving on many fronts. Our new journal IEEE Journal of Selected Topics on Electromagnetics, Antennas and Propagation (JSTEAP), financially cosponsored by AP-S (lead), MTT-S, and IEEE Communications Society (ComSoc), the effort led by AP-S Publication Committee Chair Yang Hao, is in its final stages of establishment with the planned launch date of January 1, 2025. I have recently signed a Memorandum of Understanding regulating joint financial sponsorship of the IEEE Transactions on Terahertz Science and Technology (T-TST) with MTT-S President. The third intersociety journal to be launched next year is the IEEE Journal on Wireless Power Technologies (JWPT).
Other examples are the Intersociety Joint Distinguished Lecturer Program of AP-S with IEEE MTT-S and IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Society (GRS-S) and organization of many Joint Distinguished Lecture Workshops, led by Levent Sevgi, where the IEEE Electromagnetic Compatibility Society (EMC-S) was also engaged, worldwide [4]. I would particularly like to emphasize our fruitful collaboration with MTT-S, where personal friendship among the two Presidents and other leaders further enhanced work on impactful joint activities and initiatives for the benefit of our memberships and the profession at large.
The Intersociety Collaboration Panel on July 18 as part of our 75 Years Celebration in Florence, with as many as 17 leaders of the IEEE, sister IEEE Societies and Councils, and sister international organizations as panelists and presenters, and many other Presidents and Vice Presidents participating in the panel [5], was certainly a notable demonstration of our strong willingness and ability to gather so many societies and organizations for fruitful interactions and discussions and of our stature among them.
Increasing Industry Participation
This year, we have made concerted multifaceted efforts, aimed at long-term outcomes, toward enhancing impactful industry involvement and presence within all AP-S activities, to complement our academic/university strengths. Objectively, the former is where a lot of room for progress can be found, and the latter is what everybody knows us for and where we are extremely highly recognized and reputed. Most importantly, one can leverage the other.
One initiative is related to substantially advancing our Exhibit Hall during our APS/URSI flagship conferences. Our goal is to consistently attract and recruit a much larger number of Sponsors and Exhibitors than prior APS/URSI conferences, primarily because having many more industry exhibitors and participants is so important for our students, young professionals, and academics alike, enabling invaluable interactions, information exchanges, and networking among all conference participants. This is a work in progress, and I hope that we will already have first notable improvements at our APS/URSI Ottawa Conference next July.
We have strengthened focus on engaging industry professionals in AP-S chapters, steering and organizing committees of our conferences, AP-S Senior Member Drive, FEC, FSC, and many other activities and initiatives of AP-S Committees and the Society as a whole.
Another comprehensive goal is to learn why the industry leaders and colleagues in antennas, propagation, wireless, RF, and electromagnetics technologies, from national and multinational corporations to startups, are not more involved with AP-S, what we can offer to them and what they can offer to AP-S, what they expect from AP-S and what we want from them, how to increase IEEE and AP-S industry membership, and so many related important topics. And then address these needs and opportunities and make a specific and strategic action plan for the Society.
The most recent example of our learning of industry needs and desires is the IEEE AP-S AdCom Panel with Colorado Antennas, Propagation, RF, Wireless, and Electromagnetics Industry Leaders on October 7, 2024, at Colorado State University, in Fort Collins, Colorado (after our AdCom Meeting on October 5-6 in Denver), with AdCom at Large members engaging in full four hours of open discussion with 15 industry colleagues from Lockheed Martin, BAE Systems (formerly Ball Aerospace), Northrop Grumman, HP, Keysight Technologies, ANSYS, Thermo Fisher Scientific, Numerica, and ITS/NTIA, among others, as shown in Figure 4. The discussion was extremely lively and productive, with very active and fruitful participation from both sides. The comments, suggestions, and ideas from industry leaders, combined with those from AP-S AdCom members, were phenomenal. AP-S Support Staff took several pages of notes during the panel, and we will do our very best to explore all the ideas further and implement as many of them as possible. The discussion continued at the AdCom/Industry Reception at Notaroš Ranch following the panel (Figure 4).
APS/URSI 2024 Florence Conference
This year’s flagship AP-S conference, IEEE APS/URSI 2024, was held from July 14–19, 2024, in Florence, Italy [5]. We had many valuable and impactful events throughout the year, but the flagship conference was certainly the most important event of 2024 for the AP Society. Our flagship conference is the showcase of what we do, the preparations for it are incredibly complex and demanding, and one simply needs to attend one of its editions to fully learn and appreciate who we as the Society and the community are. The Florence edition and its success were additionally important as our first in-person flagship conference outside of North America (USA and Canada).
Indeed, Florence 2024 was an astounding success. I would like to express one more time my strongest appreciation, on behalf of the Society, to Agostino Monorchio, conference General Chair, and his team for the phenomenal job they did in providing technically productive, professionally rewarding, and socially enjoyable experience for all attendees, with many great innovations and record numbers of papers and registered conference attendees [5]. The week was rich with informative and engaging technical sessions, plenaries, invited talks, special sessions, discussion panels, student paper and design competitions, short courses, tutorials, industry exhibits, demonstrations, professional and business meetings, and social and networking events, as illustrated in Figure 5. The comments from conference authors and attendees, especially students, were all superlative. We now look forward to the following editions of the APS/URSI Conference at different locations throughout the world, and most notably to the APS/URSI 2025 in Ottawa, Canada.
75th AP-S Anniversary Celebration
This year, we have been celebrating the 75th Anniversary of AP-S, as IEEE’s third society (AP-03) [3]. For the celebration, we created an extended version of the new AP-S logo, shown in Figure 6, and have been extensively using this celebratory logo in our publications, conferences, electronic media, and communications. The celebratory June Special Issue of the Magazine [3], a part of the Magazine Special Series devoted to the AP-S jubilee, featured comprehensive articles describing our cornerstone technical and professional accomplishments and activities over 75 years, as displayed in Figure 6.
On February 16, 2024, the IEEE Technical Activities Board (TAB) conducted the IEEE TAB Celebration of the 75th AP-S Anniversary in Orlando, Florida, with 12 AP-S leaders onstage and more than 200 IEEE leaders and Society/Council Presidents in attendance (Figure 6). This celebration was featured in the IEEE Technical Activities Society Sentinel (Newsletter) on February 28, 2024 [3]. I was invited to write an article on “Celebration of the 75th Anniversary of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society and Its Accomplishments” for the Spring 2024 Edition of the IEEE TA Spotlight (IEEE-level Newsletter), shown in Figure 6, which went, on April 16, 2024, to all IEEE members – extremely important for the promotion of AP-S among the whole of IEEE. Many AP-S chapters held anniversary celebrations, with cake cutting, throughout the year and all over the globe.
The main anniversary events took place at our flagship conference, IEEE AP-S/URSI 2024, in Florence, Italy, on July 17–18, 2024, with the 75 Years Plenary Session; AP-S Past Presidents Panel; Intersociety Collaboration Panel; 75 Years Celebratory Lunch; IEEE AP-S Awards Ceremony; Conference Banquet – Social Dinner; 75 Years Celebratory Gala Dinner; and more (Figure 7). This was a truly fantastic week in Florence [5]. Our celebration was valuable to AP-S volunteers, members, and conference attendees, for their technical and professional advancement, for morale and belonging to the Society, for our outreach to new members, and for our promotion among other organizations that we care about. Indeed, all the feedback we received about the conference and the celebration was very positive, and after Florence we had an unparalleled increase in AP-S chapters and membership. Our external guests, IEEE President and Vice Presidents, Presidents of other IEEE Societies and international organizations, and others, were truly impressed with our Society, as well as our organization and hospitality
This year, I have been incredibly fortunate to have such fabulous AP-S AdCom at Large [6] working with me on advancing our Society and activities to the benefit of the AP-S membership and AP community and profession at large. All Society Officers, voting AdCom Members, Committee Chairs, Editors in Chief, Conference Chairs, and Support Staff (Figure 8) have been incredibly responsive, helpful, and productive as we work together, and I would like to thank all of them for their fantastic work, collaboration, help, and contributions! They have pushed the limits of enthusiasm, effort, effectiveness, and kindness beyond norms and expectations – this has been truly amazing!
I am enormously thankful to voting AdCom Members Camila Albuquerque, Yahia Antar, Anisha Apte, Reyhan Baktur, Zhi Ning Chen, Christophe Fumeaux, Jiro Hirokawa, Ashwin Iyer, Buon Kiong Lau, Gianluca Lazzi, Stefano Maci, Mahta Moghaddam, Sima Noghanian, Surendra Pal, Eva Rajo-Iglesias, C.J. Reddy, and Kamal Sarabandi for supporting all my proposals for changes, responding promptly to all my requests and suggestions, attending and actively participating in all our AdCom meetings, completing email voting in a day or two, weeks before deadlines, and contributing great ideas and discussions.
Big thank you to Committee Chairs Trevor Bird, Weng Cho Chew, Danilo Erricolo, Debatosh Guha, Yang Hao, Koichi Ito, Gianluca Lazzi, Guido Lombardi, Claire Migliaccio, Mahta Moghaddam, Vikass Monebhurrun, Sima Noghanian, Vladimir Okhmatovski, Giacomo Oliveri, Ajay Poddar, C.J. Reddy, Levent Sevgi, Jawad Siddiqui, Karl Warnick, Rod Waterhouse, and Douglas Werner, working with their Committee Vice Chairs and Members, Society Officers, AdCom, and all of the Society volunteers, members, and friends (future members), for managing the Society business and operation and conducting all the activities within the Society and its scope. I owe a particular debt of gratitude to them for outstanding interactions and collaboration in so many major initiatives and actions that we have undertaken together this year. I hope they enjoyed our daily dealings and discussions as extensively as I did.
I would like to express my gratitude to AP-S Secretary Felix Vega and Treasurer Nestor Lopez for their exceptional work, contributions, and support in administrative and financial components of our operation.
Editors in Chief Konstantina Nikita, Steven Gao, Francesco Andriulli, Zhongxiang Shen, and Erdem Topsakal have done outstanding jobs, with their Editorial Boards, in further excelling our Transactions, Letters, Magazine, Open Journal, and Digital Communications and ensuring that our publications are a highlight of the Society and our technical achievements and impacts, for which the Society is sincerely indebted.
Special thanks to our Society Administrators at the IEEE headquarters Rachel Moore and Jessica Fromm and our Digital Communications Director Meryem Murphy for their invaluable help, proactivity, and responsiveness throughout the year. We are grateful to Olivera Notaroš for her exceptional support and help with the organization of our AdCom meetings and associated events.
Most importantly, none of the accomplishments of the Society this year would have been possible without President Elect Christophe Fumeaux, who has been an essential part of all our planning, proposals, and decisions, for which I am wholeheartedly thankful.
This large group of colleagues, constituting AP-S AdCom at Large, has worked and interacted as a family (Figure 8), which has enabled notable accomplishments by both measurable numbers and parameters and tangible far-reaching outcomes and developments.
This year, we have continued advancing the AP Society to the benefit of our membership and the community and profession at large. We have done some great things, thanks to incredible work and contributions by AP-S leaders, volunteers, and members throughout the year. Some of the changes made and actions undertaken have had immediate impacts, whereas the outcomes of some will be able to be judged only in a longer term.
What a year! For me personally, this has been the busiest year of my life. It has also been the most pleasurable, enriching, and rewarding year of my career. I have been truly honored and humbled to be addressing you through these President’s message of the Magazine, of which this is the last one. Serving you and serving with you as the President of this amazing organization has been a privilege and opportunity of a lifetime. I have truly enjoyed every moment of the 2024 as we interacted and worked together. I sincerely hope that you have shared some of that excitement and joy and that you are as proud of the AP-S as I am.
With such an extraordinary colleague, friend, and leader as Christophe at the helm of the Society next year, I enthusiastically look forward to a fantastic 2025 for AP-S and would like to offer – on behalf of the entire Society – our best wishes for his presidency and our strongest commitment to help him further advance our organization and profession.
Congratulations to All on a phenomenal year and thank you so much!
Best wishes, Branislav