ieee antennas propagation society engineers education students

antenna signal processing radio astronomy engineering space communication

wireless mobile satellite telecommunications applied optics electromagnetic waves



Special Issue on Radio Wave Propagation

The objective of this special issue/section is to publish papers related to the basic physics of Electromagnetism in the context of radio wave propagation. Propagation of Radio Waves is an electromagnetic issue and not necessarily a statistical problem even though most of the proposed models approach the problem from that perspective. Yet seldom any of the existing statistical models can predict the proper propagation path loss which is typically derived from experimental data in various environments and over different material grounds.

Another objective will be to illustrate with simulations and measured data the proper way to model radio wave propagation from a physics point of view. As the Nobel laureate Dennis Gabor pointed out: The wireless communication systems are due to the generation, reception and transmission of electro-magnetic signals. Therefore all wireless systems are subject to the general laws of radiation. Communication theory has up to now been developed mainly along mathematical lines, taking for granted the physical significance of the quantities which are fundamental in its formalism. But communication is the transmission of physical effects from one system to another. Hence communication theory should be considered as a branch of physics.” Therefore the goal is to publish papers which are based on Maxwellian physics and which address the basic physics related to propagation modelling that spans from guiding structures to antenna structures and propagation in complex media and environments and which can duplicate real experimental data without any massaging or any curve fitting. In addition applications related to this topic will also be considered.

Guest Editors

Tapan K Sarkar

Guido Lombardi

Vikass Monebhurrun

Monai Krairiksh


Paper Submission: December 31, 2017
Publication Date: October, 2018