
Dr. William Ross Stone (1947 - 2023) With great sorrow and a profound sense of loss, we have learned of the passing of Ross Stone. With more than 45 years of experience in the field, Ross was a pillar and a model for many of us. Over his long professional life he impacted industry, consulting, and research in antennas, propagation, and related technologies. He founded the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine and served it as Editor-in-Chief for over 30 years. Read more.

Maria Stuchly (1939 - 2022) Maria (Rzepecka) Stuchly passed away peacefully in Vancouver on August 15, 2022. She was predeceased by her beloved husband, Stanislaw Stuchly (2003). Maria was born in Warsaw, Poland on April 8, 1939. When Maria was in her early teens, she discovered her passion for physics, which led to her application to the Warsaw University of Technology (WUT) to study electronics. Maria received the M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from WUT in 1962 and the Ph.D. degree from the Institute of Physics at the Polish Academy of Sciences in 1970. Read more.

Professor Oleg A. Tretyakov, 83, passed away on Tuesday, 25 January 2022, in Istanbul, Turkey, after a short battle with lung cancer. Read more.

Dr. Dimitris Psychoudakis. It is with much sadness that we write to express our final goodbye to a strong contributor and very active member of our Antennas and Propagation Society. Read more.

Prof. Safavi-Naeini It is with great sadness that I inform you of the passing of Prof. Safavi-Naeini this morning. Safavi was an icon in the field of electromagnetics, an esteemed colleague, and a close friend to many of us. Read more.

Professor Allen Taflove (1949 - 2021), a pioneer of the finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) method, award-winning educator, and devoted mentor and advisor, died on 25 April 2021 at the age of 71. Prof. Taflove received B.S., M.S., and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from Northwestern University, Evanston, Illinois, in 1971, 1972, and 1975, respectively. He began his career as a research engineer at IIT Research Institute, Chicago, where he spent nine years before returning to Northwestern to join the faculty of the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering. His 37-year career as a professor at Northwestern was distinguished by groundbreaking research in fundamental FDTD algorithm development and scientific and engineering applications of FDTD across the electromagnetic spectrum. Read more.

Professor Tapan Sarkar (1948 - 2021) It is with great sadness that we inform you of the passing of Professor Tapan K. Sarkar, Ph.D. Professor Sarkar, of Syracuse, N.Y. passed away peacefully on Friday, March 12, 2021 at 2:36 pm in Upstate University Hospital. Read more.

Professor Peter Clarricoats (1932 - 2020) It is with great sadness that we have to inform you of the death our friend and former colleague Professor Peter Clarricoats. Peter died on Friday, January 17, 2020 after a short illness. Read more.

Professor Yasuto Mushiake (1921 - 2020) It is with great sadness that we have to inform you that Professor Yasuto Mushiake died on October 6, 2020. Read more.

Professors Pedram Mousavi and Mojgan Daneshmand It is with great sadness that we inform the society of the deaths of Prof. Pedram Mousavi, his wife Prof. Mojgan Daneshmand, and their daughters Darya and Darina in the Air Ukraine plane crash in Tehran on 7 January, 2020. Read more.

Prof. Silvio E. Barbin (1952-2018) I grieve to inform you that Prof. Silvio E. Barbin (AP-S AdCom member) passed away unexpectedly on October 5, 1918 at Memorial Hospital in Miami during his trip to Chicago to attend the AP-S fall AdCom meeting. Read more.

Professor Per-Simon Kildal (1951 - 2016) tragically passed away on April 21, 2016, after a very short period of illness. He was born on July 4, 1951. He was employed and became Professor at Chalmers University of Technology in 1989. Before that he held several positions as researcher at Norwegian University of Technology (now Norwegian University of Science and Technology), ELAB and SINTEF all in Trondheim, Norway. Read more. | PDF version.

Dr. Joshua Le-Wei Li (1961 - 2015) passed away on 22nd of May 2015 at age 54, after a short and valiant fight with suddenly-discovered cancer. He was a National Chair Professor at the University of Electronic Science & Technology of China, where he was appointed as the Founding Director of the Institute of Electromagnetics, the Director of the Centre for Space Polar Energy Microwave Power Transmission, and the Vice Chair of the University Academic Committee. He was also a Professor of Electrical and Computer Systems Engineering at Monash University (Malaysia campus). Read more. | DOC version.

Prof. Mario Sorolla Ayza (1958 - 2012) Our dear friend and admired mentor Prof. Mario Sorolla Ayza passed away on November 1st, 2012 after a cancer-related surgery in his adopted city of Pamplona, Spain. He was 54 years old. During his lifetime he won the hearts of all those around him thanks to his exceptional human qualities and his infinite generosity. In addition, his constant effort led him to an impressive scientific career that encompassed fundamental and applied research in the field of microwaves, millimeter-waves and terahertz frequencies. Just to give a grasp of his extraordinary production, here are some of his figures: during his career he published more than 150 papers, 2 books and 1 book chapter, nearly 300 conference communications (more than 20 invited), 10 patents, and participated in more than 50 research projects. He achieved nearly 5000 citations with an H-index of 29. Read more.

Hans Joachim Liebe (1934 - 2012) Hans Joaquim Liebe, an internationally recognized expert in radio wave physics and developer of the widely-used Millimeterwave Propagation Model (MPM), passed away peacefully on August 2, 2012, after a long and courageous battle with Parkinson's disease. He was the son of Margarete and Fritz Liebe, and was born in Insterburg, East Prussia, Germany, on January 21, 1934. He married Roswita Borgwardt in 1963 and they were married 49 years. In 1964, he graduated magna cum laude from the Technical University of Berlin where he earned the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering. In 1965, he moved from Germany to the United States with his family. Read more.

January 18, 2012 The Antennas and Propagation Society lost one of its most dynamic and respected researchers in the field of microwave antennas when Professor Marek Bialkowski passed away on October 27 2011. He is survived by his partner Grażyna and four children, one of whom, Konstanty, has followed Marek into our field and is making a name for himself. Marek has also left behind a body of research work and publications, which should ensure his future reputation. Read more.

March 21, 2011 Rüdiger Vahldieck of Zürich, Switzerland, passed away on 21 March 2011 at age 59 after a long and valiant fight with brain cancer. He leaves behind his wife Zorka and his daughter Masha. Read more.

December 2, 2010 Carl E. Baum passed away peacefully on December 2, 2010. Read more.

November 29, 2010 Dr. Robert E. Collin passed away November 29, 2010 after a short fight with lung cancer. Read more.

October 21, 2009 Ernest K. Smith passed away on October 21, 2009 at Frasier Meadows, surrounded by family. Read more.

September 24, 2009 It is with great sadness that we inform you that UCLA Professor Emeritus Robert S. Elliott, a world-renowned expert in electromagnetic theory and antennas and a great engineering teacher and mentor passed away on Sept. 24th 2009 at the age of 88. Read more.

April 12, 2006: Two days ago, R. W. P. King passed away at the age of 100. His secretary has provided his memoirs for AP-S members to enjoy. They are available here (pdf).