ieee antennas propagation society engineers education students

antenna signal processing radio astronomy engineering space communication

wireless mobile satellite telecommunications applied optics electromagnetic waves



Volunteer Opportunities

Distinguished Lecturer Committee
The Distinguished Lecturer Committee selects a number of eminent individuals for up to three-year terms to travel to Society Chapter meetings to give technical presentations. This program provides an excellent opportunity for technical information exchange and networking for Society members who may not have the opportunity to attend the Society’s conferences or the annual Symposium.

We seek in the first instance members of our society who could assist with the organisation of potential DL visits in areas where there is a high concentration of A&P activities and/or areas where our presence has been limited over the past years. Colleagues are also invited to recommend potential eminent lecturers for consideration.

For more information on how to volunteer for the Distinguished Lecturer Committee, contact Committee Chair Kwai Man Luk at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

For information on how to invite a Distinguished Lecturer to your Chapter see

Awards and Fellows Committee
The Awards and Fellows Committees, chaired by Ron Marhefka and Randy HAUPT, respectively, coordinate the Society's awards and its member nominations for IEEE Fellows. Two subcommittees divide the main work, most of which occurs between January and April. The first subcommittee (Awards) handles the Society's awards, including all of the paper awards from the Transactions and the Letters, as well as other awards that include the Distinguished Achievement Award, the Chen-To Tai Distinguished Educator Award, the John Kraus Antenna Award, and the Donald J. Dudley, Jr. Award. The second subcommittee (Fellows) organizes the collection and evaluation of AP Society members for elevation to IEEE Fellow, which are then passed on to an IEEE-level Fellows Committee for further evaluation.

Anyone interested in serving as a member of the awards selection committee should contact the Awards Committee Chair Cynthia M. Furse This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

Anyone interested in serving as a member of the Fellows selection committee should contact the Fellows Committee Chair Douglas H. WERNER.

Membership Committee
The Membership Committee provides information to current and prospective Society members about the benefits of Society membership, and also coordinates membership drives, events, and surveys. This is the committee for you if you have ideas about how to attract and retain more Society members in your region of the world.

Volunteer Opportunities:
1. Committee to spearhead R10 membership ideas
2. Committee to increase undergraduate and graduate involvement
3. Committee to investigate/develop mentorship programs

Anyone interested in serving as a member of the Membership Committee should contact the Membership Committee Chair Vladimir Okhmatovski (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.)

Antennas and Propagation Standards Committee (APS/SC)
The IEEE Antennas and Propagation Standards Committee (APS/SC) is responsible for the development and maintenance of standards related to the field of antennas and propagation ( It currently oversees the following projects:

  1. P145 for the revision of IEEE Std. 145-2013: IEEE Standard Definitions of Terms for Antennas.
  2. P149 for the revision of IEEE Std. 149-1979: IEEE Standard Test Procedures for Antennas.
  3. P1720 for the revision of IEEE Std. 1720-2012: IEEE Recommended Practice for Near-Field Antenna Measurements.
  4. P2816 for the development of IEEE Recommended Practice for Computational Electromagnetics Applied to Modeling and Simulation of Antennas.

For more information on how to become involved in any of these projects, please contact the IEEE APS/SC Chair Vikass Monebhurrun (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).

Chapter Activities Committee
The Chapter Activities Committee supports the operation of existing chapters and the formation of new ones all around the world. The Society provides each Chapter with a modest budget to improve the quality of their meetings and to develop special programs or projects of local interest. Chapter activities are a great way to meet other Society members in your region and form informal professional networks that can support your career.

Society members have a variety of volunteer opportunities available in service of their fellow local chapter members. This includes leadership positions such as chairperson, vice chairperson, and secretary to pre-leadership positions as committee member and active chapter participant. The chapters sponsor a number of technical activities including guest lectures by eminent scientists, local symposia and workshops, and provide an excellent venue for networking. Of particular importance to a vibrant technical activities program in a chapter are members willing to recruit and host external speakers for technical meetings and workshops. If you are interested in volunteering in your local chapter, please contact the chapter chairperson or the chapter activities chairperson (see below) for contact information.

For more information on how to volunteer for the Chapter Activities Committee, contact Committee Chair Ajay K. Poddar at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

New Technology Directions Committee
The New Technology Directions Committee identifies new technologies that are relevant to our field and communicates these developments to Society members. As part of this activity, the committee actively encourages the submission of proposals of special sessions on emerging topics at the annual Symposium and also coordinates contributions to the AP-S website that highlight the work of the Society’s cutting-edge engineers, researchers, and educators. The committee also supports IEEE projects related to new technologies that are relevant to our society. AP-S members are encouraged to share their perspectives on new technology directions with the committee.

If you are interested in becoming a member of the committee, contributing your perspective, and/or helping out with any of the current IEEE projects, please contact the Committee Chair, Koichi Ito at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Meetings Committee
The Meetings Committee acts as a liaison between the AdCom and the local organizing committees for technical meetings of interest to the Society membership. The committee is also tasked, as part of the Joint Meetings Committee of any co-sponsored meeting, to determine the sites for future symposia.

Volunteer Opportunities:

The Meetings Committee has two key opportunities for service:

  1. Conference Organization: The Local Organizing Committee for each conference manages all logistics of the symposium. We seek proposals from individuals interested in hosting a symposium as well as inquiries from individuals wishing to participate on the committee for an upcoming meeting.
  2. Technical Program Organization: We seek individuals interested in overseeing the review of submitted symposium papers (Technical Program Committee) and completing those reviews (Review Committee).
    Note that, given the ease of electronic communication, living in geographical proximity to the conference site is not a prerequisite for participating in the conference organization.

For more information on the activities of this committee or on available volunteer opportunities, contact Committee Chair Danilo Erricolo (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.).