
Deadline for submissions: April 30, 2024

Background: The Administrative Committee (AdCom) of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (AP-S) includes 12 members (besides the President-Elect, President, and the four most recent Past-Presidents) who are elected directly by the Society membership. Four are elected in the fall of each year to serve a three-year term that begins at the start of the next calendar year (2025). It is emphasized that membership of IEEE and AP-S is a requirement.

The composition of the 12 elected members of AdCom is: 8 from Regions 1-8, 1 from Region 9 and 3 from Region 10. In order to achieve this goal, for the 2024 elections (AdCom members starting in 2025), three of the elected members will be from Regions 1-8, and one of the elected members will be from Region 10. Thus, for the 2024 elections, nominations for AdCom are requested from Regions 1-8 and Region 10.

The President-Elect is also elected directly by the Society membership during the same elections. The elected person will serve in the office of President-Elect during a one-year term that begins at the start of the next calendar year (2025), in the office of President during one-year term that begins at the start of the next calendar year (2026), and as Past President for a four-year term that begins at the start of the next calendar year (2027). Candidates for President-Elect must be members of IEEE and AP-S and must be or have been an elected member of AP-S AdCom.

The AP society maintains a policy that the candidate for President-Elect alternates annually between Regions 1-6 and Regions 7-10. For the 2024 elections, the candidate for President-Elect must be from Regions 1-6. Thus, for the 2024 elections, nominations from Regions 1-6 are requested.

The responsibility of AdCom is to manage the operations and functions of the Society. These include the publications of the Society, the conferences sponsored by the Society, the various Society awards, and the promotion of the general interests of the Society members. More details on AdCom functions may be found in the Constitution, Bylaws, and Operating Manual of the Society posted on the Society website:

The President-Elect shall fulfill the duties of the President in case of the President’s absence or incapacity. The President shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Society and presides over AdCom meetings. Past-Presidents, during their four-year term as AdCom members, are the members of the IEEE AP-S Nominations Committee, which is chaired by the most recent Past President. Other functions of President-Elect, President, and Past-Presidents, may be found in the above-mentioned documents.

CallThe IEEE AP-S Nominations Committee seeks nominations of outstanding members of the Society to be considered for inclusion on the ballot for election to the AdCom and the office of President-Elect. These nominees will be considered for inclusion on the 2024 ballot. The following details should be observed:

(1) Nominations will be accepted from the general membership. Self-nominations are welcome. The deadline for the receipt of nominations is April 30, 2024. All nominations are to be submitted via email in copy to each of the four (4) members of the Nominations Committee:

  • Prof. Stefano Maci (Chair) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Prof. Gianluca Lazzi (Vice-Chair) This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Prof. Yahia Antar, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
  • Prof. Mahta Moghaddam, This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

(2) For nominations other than self-nominations, the nominator MUST verify: (a) that the prospective nominee fulfills the requirements, (b) is willing to stand for election if selected, and (c) work closely with the nominee to obtain the required information in the proper format.

(3) The required nominee data are: (a) family and (b) given names, (c) e-mail address, (d) telephone number, (e) affiliation, (f) country, (g) position for which the nominee is to be considered, i.e., AdCom or President-Elect, (h) biographical statement (written in the third person), (i) IEEE AP-S activities, (j) other IEEE activities, (k) other professional organizations activities, (l) major accomplishments, (m) qualifications, and (n) position statement (written in the first person). The nominator must prepare in English the above-mentioned profile as required by the attached template.

(4) Required nominator details (except for self-nominations), to be included in the e-mail accompanying the nominee information, are: (a) full name, (b) e-mail address, and (c) affiliation. For self-nominations, please indicate so in the e-mail accompanying the nominee information.

(5) Both the nominee and the nominator MUST be current members of the IEEE and the AP-S. For President-Elect, the nominee must be or have been previously an elected member of AP-S AdCom.

(6) The Nominations Committee makes no guarantee that a nominated person will be included on the ballot. The process of constructing the final ballot and voting are as follows:

  • AdCom members will be presented with a list of 16 nominees (twelve from Regions 1-8 and four from Region 10) for AdCom and four nominees for President-Elect from Regions 1-6.
  • During the summer meeting of AdCom, the voting members will vote in executive session for up to eight nominees for AdCom (six from Regions 1-8 and two from Region 10) and up to two nominees for President-Elect. Candidates will be ranked in order based on the number of votes they receive. The six AdCom nominees from Regions 1-8 and the two AdCom nominees from Region 10 with more votes will proceed to the ballot. The two President-Elect nominees with more votes will proceed to the ballot.
  • AP-S membership will vote to elect the four new AdCom members and the President-Elect. For AdCom, the three candidates from Regions 1-8 and the candidate from region 10 with the larger number of votes will become the elected AdCom members for the period 2025-2027. For President-Elect, the candidate with the larger number of votes will be the elected 2025 President-Elect.
  • The election will be administered by IEEE and will be held from mid-August to late September.

(7) Nominators must collect and check the required materials BEFORE submitting the nomination. Once submitted, there is no provision for edits or corrections. For those nominees selected for the ballot, the biographical statement, IEEE AP-S activities, other IEEE activities, other professional organizations activities, major accomplishments, qualifications, and position statement will be included on the ballot as submitted.

(8) Questions should be sent by e-mail to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

(9) The members of the Nominations Committee are listed above in (1) and are the most recent four past presidents. Any of these individuals may also be contacted for additional information.

Thank you for your support of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society through your continuing membership and your participation in the election process.

Stefano Maci

AP-S 2024 Nominations Committee Chair and Immediate Past President