
Current Effective Document as of September 29, 2024

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Section 1 – Purpose

1.1 Purpose of Bylaws

In accordance with the Society Constitution, these Bylaws provide guidelines for the supervision and management of the affairs of the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, Inc. (IEEE) Antennas and Propagation Society, hereinafter called the Society. The Antennas and Propagation (AP-S) Operating Manual provides more detailed statements of specific policies, objectives and procedures than are appropriate for inclusion in the Constitution and Bylaws. The Constitution and Bylaws supersede the operation manual in the event of a conflict.

Section 2 – Detailed Field of Interest

2.1 General Information

The Society's field of interest, outlined in Article II of the Constitution, includes the theory, analysis, computation, measurement, design, development, test, and standards in all of the relevant areas described in detail in Sections 2.2-2.6.

2.2 Electromagnetics

This includes basic theory and computational methods; diffraction and scattering, inverse scattering, target identification, radiation, radar cross sections, propagation, and interaction with all continuous and discrete media, including random and complex media, geophysical media, biological media, metamaterials, and electromagnetic bandgap structures; polarization; novel electromagnetic materials; and computational electromagnetics, including methods for and applications of numerical solutions of Maxwell’s and other equations of electromagnetics, in all scales, nano to astronomical.

2.3 Antennas

This includes analysis, design, and development; empirical, theoretical, and computational models and experimental verification; material properties and selection; beam control and steering; signal processing for antennas, including digital beamforming, adaptive arrays, pattern synthesis, and pattern nulling.

2.4 Propagation

This includes theoretical and computational methods of predicting propagation and sensing; propagation and sensing measurements in all media, including Earth; and the characterization of propagation media, both natural and artificial; and applications of propagation, including wireless communication, multipath interference, smart, reconfigurable, and adaptive antennas, and multiple antenna systems for spatial, polarization, pattern, and other diversity applications.

2.5 Related Electromagnetic Measurements

This includes measurement, specification, and standards of all quantities and techniques related to antennas, electromagnetic radiation, propagation, and scattering; display and visualization of electromagnetic fields and related results of analyses, computations, and measurements; near-field and compact-range measurements and the development of new measurement techniques; and imaging and sensing using electromagnetic fields.

2.6 Education

This includes teaching, training, and education related to all topics within the field of interest, including their history.

Section 3 – Membership

3.1 General Membership

Membership in the Society is available to all IEEE members, based on the payment of the annual dues as prescribed in Section 10.2 of these Bylaws.

3.2 Affiliates

The Society shall accept Affiliates, subject to IEEE rules and regulations.

3.3 Students

An exception to the annual dues shall be made for students, as prescribed by IEEE rules and regulations.

Section 4 – Administrative Committee

4.1 Administrative Committee

Article IV, Section 1 of the Constitution provides that an Administrative Committee, hereafter called the AdCom, will manage the activities of the Society. Article IV, Section 1 also provides that the AdCom shall consist of the presiding President, the President-Elect, twelve elected members, and the four most-junior past Presidents. The presiding officer of the Society shall have no vote except if the vote is by secret ballot or unless the presiding officer's vote can change the outcome of the vote. The presiding officer cannot introduce or second any motion.

4.2 Ex-officio Members of the AdCom

The Vice Presidents, Secretary, Treasurer, Director of Intersociety Collaboration, Honorary Life Members and Honorary Members of the AdCom, the Editors-in-Chief of the Society’s publications, and all Chairs of standing committees of the AdCom shall serve as ex-officio members of the AdCom where the above mentioned are not otherwise AdCom members. The rights and privileges of regular and ex-officio members shall be identical except that no ex-officio member may vote in AdCom meetings. The President, with the advice and approval of the AdCom, may appoint additional ex-officio members.

4.3 Meeting Frequency

The AdCom shall hold at least one meeting each calendar year, preferably at the time of the Annual Symposium. Other meetings of the AdCom shall be held at such times as are found necessary and/or convenient. Special meetings of the AdCom may be called by the President at his/her own discretion or upon request of three other members of the AdCom, with at least 20 days' notice. These special meetings may be held in person or electronically in accordance with IEEE policy.

4.4 Meeting Notice

No AdCom meetings shall be held for the purpose of transacting business unless each member shall have been sent notice of the time and place of such meeting 20 days prior to the scheduled date of the meeting, including meetings held by electronic means.

4.5 Meeting Procedure

Robert's Rules of Order (Revised) shall govern the conduct of AdCom meetings on all matters not otherwise specified in these Bylaws, the Constitution, or the Operating Manual.

4.6 Quorum

A majority of the voting members of the AdCom shall constitute a quorum. All members shall have an equal vote. Individuals holding more than one position on the AdCom or any committee thereof shall be limited to one vote on each matter being considered by the AdCom or committee. Proxy voting is not allowed.

4.7 Majority Voting

A majority of the legal votes cast by those members of the AdCom attending a duly called meeting shall be necessary for the conduct of its business except as otherwise provided in the Constitution, Bylaws and Operating Manual. This includes selection of symposia sites as well as any other Society actions as specified in these Bylaws and the Operating Manual.

4.8 Executive Session

An executive session of the AdCom may be convened through a motion of any voting member of the AdCom. The executive session is defined as a meeting where only voting members of the AdCom, the AP-S Secretary, and any individual specifically invited by the President, with the advice and approval of the AdCom, are present.

4.9 Duties and Responsibilities of Officers

4.9.1 President

The President, under direction of the AdCom, shall have general supervision of the affairs of the Society. They shall preside at meetings of the AdCom, at general meetings of the Society, and have such other powers and perform such other duties as may be provided in these Bylaws and the Operating Manual, or as may be delegated to him/her by vote of the AdCom. The President shall supervise the affairs of the Society, shall organize standing committees and appoint its chairs and similar posts, like AP-S representatives, with the advice and approval of the AdCom, and shall speak for the Society on all matters not specifically delegated to others. The President has the authority to create ad hoc committees and appoint its chairs and report their creation at the next AdCom meeting (Section 11.5). The President shall be an ex-officio member of all Committees of the Society. The President shall have the prerogative to approve technical co-sponsorship of conferences and meetings. The President is a member of the IEEE Technical Activities Board (TAB). When notified of a meeting of the TAB, the President shall insure representation of the Society at such meeting personally or by an alternate in accordance with the process defined in the TAB Operations Manual.

4.9.2 President-Elect

The President-Elect shall fulfill the duties of the President in his/her absence or incapacity, and shall fulfill such other functions as the President shall direct. The President-Elect is the President’s designated alternate at TAB meetings and shall attend all TAB meetings while serving as President-Elect.

4.9.3 IEEE AP-S Vice President of Professional Activities

The Vice President of Professional Activities shall assist the President in supervising and coordinating the following activities and the respective standing committees of the Society: Membership; Chapter Activities; Member and Geographic Activities; Education; Outreach; Special Interest Group on Humanitarian Technology; Promoting Equality; Young Professionals; Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, and Belonging; Humanitarian Projects; Outreach Workshops; Standards; Travel Grants; and Student Grants/Fellowships. With the President, this Vice President shall provide direction for the respective committees related to professional activities of the Society, and coordinate and supervise joint planning and conducting of these activities. Working together with the committees and the President, he or she shall provide regular reports to the AdCom on the projected and accomplished goals and outcomes of the professional activities of the Society, based on requests, reports, and inputs from the committees. They shall coordinate and/or consolidate the proposals for initiatives and activities from the committees to enhance synergies, reduce unnecessary duplication, and take advantage of similar goals and overlaps. The President may assign other duties. The Vice President of Professional Activities is appointed annually by the President, with the advice and approval of the AdCom, according to the procedure described in the Operating Manual, and serves as an ex-officio member of the AdCom.

4.9.4 IEEE AP-S Vice President of Technical Activities

The Vice President of Technical Activities shall assist the President in supervising and coordinating the following activities and the respective standing committees of the Society: Technical Directions; Industrial Initiatives and Listings; Distinguished Lecturers; History; Field Awards; Paper Awards; and Fellows. With the President, this Vice President shall provide direction for the respective committees related to technical activities of the Society, and coordinate and supervise joint planning and conducting of these activities. Working together with the committees and the President, he or she shall provide regular reports to the AdCom on the projected and accomplished goals and outcomes of the technical activities of the Society, based on requests, reports, and inputs from the committees. The President may assign other duties. The Vice President of Technical Activities is appointed annually by the President, with the advice and approval of the AdCom, according to the procedure described in the Operating Manual, and serves as an ex-officio member of the AdCom.

4.9.5 IEEE AP-S Vice President of Operations and Finance

The Vice President of Operations and Finance shall assist the President in supervising and coordinating the following activities and the respective standing committees of the Society: Finance; Large Initiative Assessment; Regulations; Constitution and Bylaws; Strategic Planning; Nominations; Past Presidents Council; Treasurer; and Society Administrators. With the President, this Vice President shall provide direction for the respective committees related to operations and finance of the Society, and coordinate and supervise joint planning and conducting of the matters related to operations and finance. Working together with the committees and the President, they shall provide regular reports to the AdCom on the projected and accomplished goals and outcomes related to the operations and finance of the Society. This Vice President shall direct the preparation of long-range financial projections of the Society, and shall coordinate Society Reviews and all matters related to planning, regulations, and documentations. The President may assign other duties. The Vice President of Operations and Finance is appointed annually by the President, with the advice and approval of the AdCom, according to the procedure described in the Operating Manual, and serves as an ex-officio member of the AdCom.

4.9.6 IEEE AP-S Vice President of Publications

The Vice President of Publications shall assist the President in supervising and coordinating the following activities and the respective positions in the Society: Journals and Publications; Editors-in-Chief of Society’s Publications; Digital Communications; and IEEE Press Liaison. With the President, this Vice President shall provide direction for the publications of the Society. He or she shall assume the Chair of the Publications Committee. They shall consider, with the participation of the Publications Committee, the publication needs of the Society and shall propose to AdCom the creation, cancellation, expansion, modification, or contraction of the Society’s publications, as well as all forms of digital communications. The Vice President of Publications, with the participation of the Publication Committee and the Editor in Chief of each Society-sponsored publication, shall consider matters such as the recommendation for a change in the number of published pages. Working together with Editors-in-Chief of the Society’s Publications and Digital Communications, and the President, they shall provide regular reports to the AdCom on the projected and accomplished goals and outcomes of publications and communications. The President may assign other duties. The Vice President of Publications is appointed annually by the President, with the advice and approval of the AdCom, according to the procedure described in the Operating Manual, and serves as an ex-officio member of the AdCom.

4.9.7 IEEE AP-S Vice President of Conferences

The Vice President of Conferences shall assist the President in supervising and coordinating the following activities of the Society: Conferences; Meetings; Workshops; and Events. With the President, this Vice President shall provide direction for the conference and event activities of the Society. He or she shall assume the Chair of the IEEE AP-S Meetings Committee. With the President and the participation of the Meetings Committee, they shall coordinate and supervise planning, organization, and monitoring of the annual conferences of the Society and shall evaluate and approve conferences and events technically cosponsored by the Society, once delegated by the President. The Vice President of Conferences shall coordinate with the Vice President of Professional Activities the efforts in assessing, advancing, and streamlining technical standards and professional goals of Workshops proposed and organized by the various committees of the Society. Working together with the Meetings Committee, General Chairs of the conferences, and the President, they shall provide regular reports to the AdCom on the projected and accomplished goals and outcomes of conferences and events, and shall seek AdCom’s approval of conference matters where needed. The President may assign other duties. The Vice President of Conferences is appointed annually by the President, with the advice and approval of the AdCom, according to the procedure described in the Operating Manual, and serves as an ex-officio member of the AdCom.

4.9.8 Secretary

In accordance with Article IV, Section 6 of the Constitution, the Secretary is appointed annually by the President, with the advice and approval of the AdCom, and serves as an ex-officio member of the AdCom. The Secretary is responsible for keeping records of AdCom meetings; preparing and distributing minutes, notices, or other such documents required by the President and/or AdCom; and submitting all necessary paperwork to the IEEE TAB.

4.9.9 Treasurer

In accordance with Article IV, Section 7 of the Constitution, the Treasurer is appointed annually by the President, with the advice and approval of the AdCom, and serves as an ex-officio member of the AdCom. The Treasurer is responsible for all financial affairs of the Society, including preparation of the annual budget in cooperation with IEEE TAB and providing an annual report of the Society’s finances to the AdCom.

4.9.10 Director of Intersociety Collaboration

Director of Intersociety Collaboration shall coordinate, assist with, and/or participate in managing all Society Representatives; MoUs between AP-S and various societies, organizations, and institutions; joint Distinguished Lecturers; joint conferences; joint journals; joint membership drives; joint chapters; joint outreach activities and events; joint initiatives with other IEEE Societies or Councils; etc.they , together with the President, will supervise and coordinate the activities of other Officers, Committee Chairs, and Society Representatives in the matters related to the interaction and collaboration with other IEEE societies and councils, as well as non-IEEE organizations and institutions. This position should complement, and not substitute, respective activities of related standing committees, e.g., Publications, Meetings, Membership, MGA, Chapter Activities, Distinguished Lecturer Program, Education, Constitution and Bylaws, Strategic Planning, etc., as well as respective Vice Presidents.

4.10 Establishment of Subcommittees

The AdCom may establish standing or ad hoc subcommittees including both functional subcommittees (e.g., Awards, Fellows, Chapters, Membership, Nominations) and technical subcommittees. Technical subcommittees may be established as needed to develop specific areas of the field of interest. The chairs of these committees are appointed by the President with the advice and approval of the AdCom. All appointments to subcommittees and similar posts, like AP-S representatives, will be for a term of one year or until successors are appointed or the subcommittees or posts are dissolved.

4.11 Remotely Conducted AdCom Business

4.11.1 Teleconferences or Video Conferences

In the case of a video or teleconference where a quorum of members are in attendance and all attendees can hear in real-time, normal meeting rules (quorum attendance) apply and motions are approved by a simple majority of voting members unless otherwise specified in the Bylaws or the Operating Manual.

4.11.2 Other Means (email, web, or mail)

The AdCom or any committee thereof may take action without a meeting if applicable (e.g. email voting). An affirmative vote of a majority of all the voting members of the AdCom or any committee thereof shall be required to approve the action. The results of the vote shall be confirmed promptly in writing or by electronic transmission by the Secretary. The writings and/or electronic transmissions shall be filed with the minutes of the proceedings of the AdCom or any committee thereof. “Electronic transmission” means any form of electronic communication, such as e-mail, not directly involving the physical transmission of paper, that creates a record that may be retained, retrieved and reviewed by a recipient thereof, and that may be directly reproduced in paper form by such a recipient.

4.12 Vacancies

Within-term vacancies on the AdCom (voting and ex-officio members, unless otherwise specified in Bylaws) shall be filled by appointment by the President with the approval of the AdCom for the duration of the unexpired terms. Any partial terms served as an appointed member of AdCom do not count toward established term limits.

4.13 Truancy

In order to ensure a continuously active AdCom, elected members who miss three consecutive meetings of the AdCom will be dropped from AdCom membership, in the absence of extenuating circumstances. Such circumstances shall be determined by the President with the approval of the remaining members of the AdCom. Any vacancies caused by this process shall be filled in accord with Section 4.12 of these Bylaws.

4.14 Maximum Total Length of Terms

No person should hold any one position in the Society for more than 6 years total. This includes Society Officers, Committee Chairs, Committee Members, and Society Representatives. This maximum limitation of 6 years applies only to positions for which the maximum length of term is not otherwise specified as 6 years or a shorter maximum length of term (with reappointments) in the Bylaws or the Operating Manual. A one-year term is defined as the period commencing from the date of appointment until December 31 of the same year, with the exception of the Awards Committee members and chairs who run from mid-year AdCom meeting to next mid-year AdCom meeting, with further details reported in Operating Manual.

Section 5 – Elections

5.1 Elections

Article IV, Section 1 of the Constitution mandates a vote by the Society membership at large to elect the President-Elect and voting members of the AdCom.

For the election of the President-Elect, the procedure will be to alternate the IEEE Regions to which the candidates belong. For the elections of even years candidates should be from Regions 1-6, i.e., the next year President-Elect will be from Regions 1-6, while for the elections of odd years candidates should be from Regions 7-10, i.e., the next year President-Elect will be from Regions 7-10.

The composition of the 12 elected members of the AdCom should be the following: 8 members from Regions 1-8, 1 member from Region 9, 3 members from Region 10. In order to achieve that goal, candidates for the AdCom should belong to the Regions specified for each year’s election in the Operating Manual.

The previous statements apply to candidates selected by the AdCom as well as to candidates by petition, i.e., no candidates by petition are allowed to be considered if they do not belong to the Regions eligible for a given year’s election for President-Elect or AdCom member.

5.2 Nominations Committee for Elected Society Positions

The President shall reconstitute the Nominations Committee each year. The membership of the Committee shall consist of the four most-junior past Presidents. The immediate past President shall be the Chair of the Nominations Committee. In the event of the incapacity or conflict of interest of the Chair, the most recent Past Chair shall be Chair of the Nominations Committee. Under extenuating circumstances as judged by the President with the advice and approval of the AdCom, another individual may be appointed as Chair of the committee with the advice and approval of the AdCom. This individual must be a Past President of the Society. The Chair of the Nominations Committee shall not be eligible to be included on the slate of nominees during his/her term of service in this capacity. If any of the designated members of the Nominations Committee wish to be nominated for the offices of President-Elect or AdCom member, they must resign their position on the Nominations Committee before the first meeting of the Nominations Committee for that year. This committee vacancy or any vacancy for other reasons shall be filled by appointment by the President with the advice and approval of the AdCom. The individual appointed must be a Past President of the Society.

5.3 Nomination Slate Preparation

5.3.1 Timing

By March 15 of each year, the Chair of the Nominations Committee shall issue, by email to all AP-S membership and make available on the AP-S website, a call for “Nominations for Consideration for the Ballot”. The Chair shall issue instructions for the nomination, including the specification of the Regions from which nominations are expected (as detailed in the Operating Manual) for either the office of President-Elect or the AdCom, the April 30 deadline for submission, and a form to be completed by the nominator. Self-nominations are welcome. The nominator shall ensure that the nominated candidate is an IEEE AP-S member and is willing to serve in the proposed role (i.e., AdCom member or President-Elect).

5.3.2 Selection Criteria

The Nominations Committee shall review all nominations received for the AdCom slate and, from those, select the top 16 candidates based on technical accomplishments, professional honors, past service to the Society, and Regions to which they belong to, in agreement with the details of the Operating Manual. The committee shall also consider the maintenance of a balance of academia, industry and technical areas, and ensure that the candidates reflect the Society’s global nature and gender balance. Should the committee feel the list of candidates does not meet its goals, it may solicit additional nominations. The committee shall select the top four candidates from all President-Elect nominations using criteria similar to that above.

5.3.3 Determination of Final Candidate Slate

The Committee will present the list of 16 candidates for the AdCom and the list of 4 candidates for President-Elect to the Past Presidents’ Council for comment no later than two weeks prior to the mid-year meeting of the AP-S AdCom. There shall be no additional names added to the list of nominees, except in extenuating circumstances.

At a meeting of the AdCom in Executive Session to be held in conjunction with the Annual Meeting or via mail or electronic means in accordance with IEEE policy, the Chair of the Nominations Committee will announce to the AdCom the list of 16 nominees for AdCom and four nominees for President-Elect. This list be provided to the AdCom no later than two weeks prior to the mid-year meeting.

At this meeting, each AdCom member shall rank all candidates in the list of 16 nominees for AdCom membership and four nominees for President-Elect. Details on how the ranking should be done are given in the Operating Manual, Section -“Nominations Committee”-. The Nominations Committee shall hold a meeting as soon as possible after the AdCom executive session to determine the ranking of the AdCom and President-Elect nominees. The chair of the Nominations Committee will provide the final ranked lists to the AdCom as soon as possible after this meeting.

5.3.4 Solicitation of President-Elect and AdCom Candidates

The Nominations Committee will take the ranked lists of candidates for AdCom and President-Elect and will contact each candidate, following the ranked order, to determine if they wish to accept the nomination. The slate for election is final when eight candidates from the list have agreed to stand in the election to the AdCom and two candidates have agreed to stand for election for President-Elect.

5.3.5 Nomination by Petition

For each elective office of the Society, individual voting members eligible to vote in such election may nominate candidates either by a written petition or by majority vote at a nomination meeting of the AdCom, provided such nominations are made at least 28 days before the date of election. The Society Nominations Committee shall establish a calendar for the start and end dates of any petitions, with a start date being immediately after the call “Nominations for Consideration for the Ballot” is issued (Section 5.3.1). The petition will stay active for 60 days. For a member to be nominated by petition for an elective office, the individual must be a member of the IEEE AP-S and have signatures from at least 2 percent of Society voting members as listed in the official IEEE membership records at the end of the year preceding the election. Signatures can be submitted electronically through the official IEEE society annual election website, or by signing and mailing a paper petition. The name of each member signing the paper petition shall be clearly printed or typed. For identification purposes of signatures on paper petitions, membership numbers or addresses as listed in the official IEEE membership records shall be included. Only signatures submitted electronically through the IEEE society annual elections website or original signatures on paper petitions shall be accepted. Facsimiles, or other copies of the original signature, shall not be accepted. Completed petitions, one nomination only per petition, should be forwarded to the Chair of the Nominations Committee, along with a written statement confirming the nominee(s) willingness to serve at or before the f i r s t day of the mid-year Ad Com Meeting of the year of the election. Candidates for AdCom and President-Elect by petition for the elections of a given year should belong to the Regions mentioned in the Operating Manual for that year. AdCom and President-Elect candidates nominated by petition will be so designated on the ballot.

5.4 Ballot Specification

The AdCom through the Chair of the Nominations Committee will instruct IEEE Elections staff to mail or email a ballot to AP-S members that contains the following:

  1. The names of the candidates with their professional qualifications for the nominees for the office of President-Elect and the elected AdCom vacancies plus those nominated by petition.
  2. Provisions for write-in votes for the positions of President-Elect and elected AdCom members. Write-in votes will only be considered valid if the individuals belong to the Regions from which candidates are expected for that year's election.
  3. A call to the entire Society membership for recommendations for elected AdCom member nominations for future years.

5.5 Election Constituency for Vote on President-Elect and AdCom Membership

The election of the President-Elect and elected AdCom members shall be by a mail or email vote of the entire Society membership as mandated in Article IV, Section 1 of the Constitution.

5.6 Election of Honorary Members of the AdCom

Honorary Members of the AdCom shall be elected to a six-year term for providing high and sustained levels of service to the AdCom. Existing Honorary Life Members will continue without change.

5.6.1 Qualifications for Nomination for Honorary Member of the AdCom

The position of Honorary Member may be bestowed upon an outstanding member of the profession. At any one time there shall be no more than two total of such Honorary Members and Honorary Life Members. An individual considered for this honor should fulfill all the following minimum requirements:

They shall have:

  • Made significant technical contributions in the field of interest of the Society.
  • Performed outstanding services to the profession and to the IEEE.
  • Held the title of IEEE Fellow of the Society for at least ten five years.
  • Served on the AdCom for at least nine years in any combination of the following roles: as an elected AdCom member, President, or Past President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, Director of Intersociety Collaboration, or Editor-in-Chief of one of the Society Journals or Magazine.

5.6.2 Nomination Procedure

Nominations for Honorary Member of the AdCom must include a petition signed by three past-Presidents of the Society, at least one current elected member of the AdCom, and at least 50 Society members. Nominations must also include a one-page document describing the candidate’s fulfillment of the minimum requirements.

5.6.3 Vote Criteria for the Awarding of the Office of Honorary Member of the AdCom

A two-thirds affirmative secret vote of all of the elected members of the AdCom will be required to elect an Honorary Member. In the absence of a sufficient number of elected members of the AdCom at a regular meeting, the secret vote may be conducted by a mail ballot or electronic means in accordance with IEEE policy.

5.6.4 Payment of Society Dues

Society dues for Honorary Life Members of the AdCom shall be paid from the Society treasury. The Treasurer shall arrange for this with IEEE Financial Services. Society dues for Honorary Members of the AdCom shall be paid by the individuals holding these positions.

Section 6 – Removal from Office

6.1 Removal of Officers, Members of the AdCom, Committee Chairs and Representatives

Any Society Officer, member of the AdCom, Committee Chair, Committee members, or other Society Representatives, may be removed from office with or without cause by a two-thirds affirmative vote of the AdCom members present at the time of the vote, provided a quorum is present. The person considered for removal must receive 20 days prior notification.

If the President, the President-Elect, or any of the Past Presidents with voting rights as AdCom members are removed, they are also automatically removed as voting members of AdCom. If the President is removed, the President-Elect will assume the President office as per Section 4.9.2 of the Bylaws. If the President-Elect is removed a new President-Elect will be elected by the AP-S membership before the end of the year. The Nominations Committee will issue an urgent Call for Nominations for Candidates for the Office of President-Elect following the corresponding geographic rotation, as approved by AdCom (see Bylaws, Section 5.1 and AP-S Operating Manual, Section -"Nomitations Committee"-) with a 30-day deadline, unless otherwise specified by the Nominations Committee. The Nominations Committee will select four candidates from the nominees following the criteria mentioned in Section 5.3.2 of the Bylaws and will present them in a special executive session of AdCom for AdCom to vote and select the two candidates who will go to the ballot. The Nominations Committee will instruct the IEEE Elections staff about the timing of the special Elections.

Section 7 – Chapters

7.1 Definition and Governance

Chapters are subgroups organized on a geographical basis. The rules and regulations governing the organization and administration of Chapters are given in the IEEE Bylaws, the IEEE Technical Activities Operations Manual and the IEEE Member and Geographic Activities Operations Manual.

Section 8 – Publications

8.1 General Society Responsibilities

The Society shall sponsor such publications as are recommended by the AdCom. Publications undertaken by the Society shall be subject to IEEE policies and to any further guidance or controls prescribed by the AdCom or its duly appointed subcommittees. The Society shall be responsible for the financial aspects of its publication program.

8.2 Publications Financially Sponsored by the Society

The Society is the sole financial sponsor of the following publications:

  • (a) The IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation will hereinafter be called the Transactions;
  • (b) The IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters will hereinafter be called the AWPL;
  • (c) The IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine will hereinafter be called the Magazine;
  • (d) The AP-S Electronic Publication will hereinafter be called the AP-S Website.
  • (e) The IEEE Open Journal of Antennas and Propagation will hereinafter be called the OJAP

The nomination and selection procedure, the term of service, the ex-officio membership in AdCom, and the compensation for the Editor-in-Chief of the Transactions, the AWPL, the Magazine, the AP-S Website and the OJAP are provided in detail in Section 8.2.1.

The duties of the Editor-in-Chief of the Transactions, the AWPL, the Magazine, the AP-S Website, and the OJAP are provided in detail in Section 8.2.2.

There are other publications co-financed with other IEEE Societies and Councils, namely:

  • (f) The IEEE Journal on Multiscale and Multiphysics Computational Techniques;
  • (g) The IEEE Journal of Electromagnetics, RF and Microwaves in Medicine and Biology.

The nomination and selection procedure, the term of service, the compensation and the duties of the Editor-in-Chief of these publications co-financed with other IEEE Societies and Councils will follow the rules approved in the respective Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) for each of these publications.

8.2.1 Editors-in-Chief for Publications Financed Solely by the Society

The publications financed solely by the Society include the Transactions, the AWPL, the Magazine, the AP-S Website, and the OJAP. Details related to Editors-in-Chief are given next. Nomination and Selection Procedure

A subcommittee composed of the immediate past President, the President, and the President-Elect, in strong consultation with the Publications Committee (the function and the composition of the Publications Committee are defined in the Operating Manual) and the outgoing Editor-in-Chief, shall prepare a list of suitable nominees for the Editorship. The individuals on the list will be presented to AdCom in Executive Session and then ranked. The President will solicit the individuals in rank order on the list for the Editorship. The President shall appoint, with approval from the AdCom, the highest-ranked individual who agrees to accept the responsibility. Term of Service

The Editor-in-Chief shall serve for a three-year term and may be reappointed by the President, with the advice and approval of AdCom, for a second term of three years or less, not to exceed a six-year limit. Ex-officio Membership in AdCom

The Editor-in-Chief, if not an elected member of the AdCom, shall be an ex-officio member of the AdCom during his/her tenure in that office and for a period to terminate on January 1st (for the AWPL, the Magazine, the AP-S Website, and the OJAP) and August 1st (for the Transactions) not less than one year and not more than two years after the termination of the Editorship. Compensation

The President, with the advice and approval of the AdCom, may set the compensation for the Editors-in-Chief.

8.2.2 Duties of Editors-in-Chief for Publications Financed Solely by the Society

The publications financed solely by the Society include the Transactions, the AWPL, the Magazine, the AP-S Website, and the OJAP. Details related to the duties of Editors-in Chief are given next. Publication Program

Editors-in-Chief shall be responsible for implementing the publication program defined by the AdCom. Designation of Supporting Positions

In accordance with the general IEEE rules, Editors-in-Chief shall designate editors, associate editors, special guest editors, and manuscript reviewers. Term of Service for Associate Editors

The Associate Editors of all AP-S publications shall serve for a three-year term subject to annual renewal and may be reappointed for a subsequent term not to exceed a six-year limit. There must be a break of at least one year before a Past Associate Editor serves for a new term of Associate Editorship on the same journal. The Editor in Chief can remove any Associate Editor at any time if his/her work does not meet the Editor in Chief's standard. Budgetary Responsibilities

Editorial expenses shall be subject to review and the approval of the AdCom with the Editors-in-Chief being explicitly responsible for adherence to the annual publication budget.

Section 9 – Society Awards

9.1 Eligibility and Selection

The eligibility and selection of the candidates for the society awards will be governed by IEEE and AP-S procedures and regulations, particularly IEEE Policy 4.4 on Awards Limitations and TABARC Operations Manual. AP-S Bylaws hereafter and the Society’s Operating Manual describe the AP-S rules. The AP-S Awards Committee or the subcommittees determined by the Awards Committee and/or the Bylaws and Operating Manual are charged with the recommendations for the Society prizes and awards. The recommended candidates shall be approved by the AdCom.

9.2 Society Paper Awards

9.2.1 Sergei A. Schelkunoff Transactions Prize Paper Award

This award will be given for the best Transactions paper published in the preceding calendar year, judged on the basis of technical contributions, style, and presentation. The award will consist of an appropriately worded certificate and an honorarium set by the AdCom. Joint authors will each receive a certificate and an equal share of the honorarium. The paper winning this award is also eligible for consideration for the other two Society Transactions Paper Awards if otherwise qualified.

9.2.2 Harold A. Wheeler Applications Prize Paper Award

This award will be given for the best application paper published in the Transactions in the preceding calendar year. It will be judged on the basis of technical contributions, style, and presentation, with consideration of the applications significance of the results described. The award will consist of an appropriately worded certificate and an honorarium set by the AdCom. Joint authors will each receive a certificate and an equal share of the honorarium.

The paper winning this award is also eligible for consideration for the other two Society Transactions Paper Awards if otherwise qualified.

9.2.3 R. W. P. King Prize Paper Award

This award, established in honor of Professor R. W. P. King, is to be given for the best paper published in the Transactions in the preceding calendar year, and authored by a person less than 36 years of age at the time the paper was submitted for publication. The submission date to be used is the initial date of receipt as given in the Transactions. The paper is to be judged on the basis of technical contribution, style, and presentation. The award is intended for original work; papers with a single author are preferred, but papers with two authors will be considered, where the principal author satisfies the age criterion. The award will consist of an appropriately worded certificate and an honorarium set by the AdCom. In the case of dual authorship, the certificate and honorarium will be awarded only to the principal author. The paper winning this award is also eligible for consideration for the other two Society Transactions Paper Awards if otherwise qualified. The Professor Ronold W. P. King Education Fund originally provided funds for this award.

9.2.4 Piergiorgio L. E. Uslenghi Prize Paper Award

This award was established for papers in the AWPL in the name of its originator and first editor-in-chief, Piergiorgio L. E. Uslenghi. Candidate papers should have been published in the preceding calendar year and are judged on the basis of original technical contribution, style and presentation. The award will consist of an appropriately worded certificate and an honorarium set by the AdCom. A certificate will be awarded to each of the authors and the honorarium will be divided between the authors.

9.2.5 Edward E. Altschuler Prize Paper Award

This award is named in honor of Edward E. Altschuler, an IEEE Life Fellow and long-time member of the AP-S and was established by his family. The award, for the best contribution to the Magazine, will be presented on an annual basis and will consist of a certificate and an honorarium set by the AdCom. Authors of feature articles, column contributions and departments in the Magazine that appear in the previous year are eligible, independent of their IEEE or AP-S membership status. The Magazine Editor-in-Chief and contributions made by the chair or members of the committee or subcommittee doing the recommendation are not eligible for this award.

9.2.6 Best Student Paper Award

This award was established to recognize the best student paper presented at the annual IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium. Eligible candidates are full time students that clearly indicate that the paper is entered in the judging at the symposium. The student must be the first author. The student’s advisor should attach a statement that their contribution is primarily advisory. The paper must conform to all other normal symposium submission requirements. There is no requirement for IEEE membership. Judging is based on the significance of the contribution to the fields of antennas and propagation, originality, and clarity, based on the written summary paper and the oral presentation. The award will consist of an appropriately worded certificate and an honorarium set by the AdCom. Presentation First place award presented at Symposium Awards Banquet; Second and Third Place Awards recognized at Banquet.

9.2.7 IEEE Ulrich L. Rohde Innovative Conference Paper Awards on Antenna Measurements and Applications

This annual award is given to two most innovative conference papers presented at the annual topical meeting on Antenna Measurements and Applications. Eligible recipient/s of each award must be members of the IEEE and in good standing. Factors to be considered for evaluation of the innovative papers will be determined primarily by the Technical program Committee associated with this conference. In addition, a larger version of the paper will be invited for submission to the IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation and published after going through the usual review process for publication as an Invited Paper. The award will consist of an appropriately worded certificate and an honorarium. The award will be presented annually at the awards banquet of this annual topical meeting on Antenna Measurements and Applications.

9.2.8 IEEE Ulrich L. Rohde Innovative Conference Paper Awards on Computational Techniques in Electromagnetics

This annual award is given to twomost innovative conference papers presented at an annual IEEE AP-S technically sponsored meeting with well established tradition on Computational Techniques in Electromagnetics. Each year, the award is assigned to the topical meeting on Computational Techniques in Electromagnetics (ICCEM) if it is held; otherwise the conference is selected by IEEE AP-S AdCom. Eligible recipient/s of each award must be members of the IEEE and in good standing. Factors to be considered for evaluation of the innovative papers will be determined primarily by the Technical program Committee associated with the conference. The award will consist of an appropriately worded certificate and an honorarium. The award will be presented annually at the awards banquet of the selected meeting. In addition, an expanded version of the paper will be invited for submission to the IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation and published after going through the usual review process for publication as an Invited Paper. The prize is $500 for each first author, and all authors will receive a certificate.

9.3 Society Technical Awards

9.3.1 Distinguished Achievement Award

The Distinguished Achievement Award can be given annually (if a qualified candidate is nominated) to recognize outstanding career achievement by an individual in the field of antennas and propagation. Preference shall be given to a member of the Society, and nominations will be solicited through the Society Magazine. The Awards Committee or a subcommittee of the Awards Committee will make the recommendation, subject to approval by the AdCom. The President will notify the candidate selected. The award will be presented at the annual symposium.

9.3.2 Outstanding Service Award

The Outstanding Service Award recognizes an individual or team who has performed exceptional service for the Society. Recommendation of the recipient(s) of this award will be conducted by a committee of three of the most recent past Presidents of the Society, subject to approval by the AdCom. The President will notify the candidate selected. The award will be presented at the annual symposium. An award need not be given every year.

9.3.3 Chen-To Tai Distinguished Educator Award

The Chen-To Tai Distinguished Educator Award is given annually (if qualified candidate(s) is(are) nominated) to recognize up to two individuals for outstanding career achievement by distinguished educator(s) in the field of antennas and propagation. Preference shall be given to member(s) of the Society, and nominations will be solicited through the Magazine. The Awards Committee or a subcommittee of the Awards Committee will make the recommendation, subject to approval by the AdCom. The President will notify the candidate(s) selected. The award will be presented at the annual symposium. Funds for this award have been provided by the family of Prof. Chen-To Tai through the IEEE Foundation.

9.3.4 John Kraus Antenna Award

This award, established by John D. Kraus, honors an individual or team that has made a significant advance in antenna technology. Preference is given to Society members. If there is more than one awardee, the award will be shared equally. The Awards Committee or a subcommittee of the Awards Committee will make the recommendation, subject to approval by the AdCom. The President will notify the candidate selected. Funds for this award have been provided by John Kraus through the IEEE Foundation. The award will be presented at the annual symposium. An award need not be given every year

9.3.5 Donald G. Dudley Jr. Undergraduate Teaching Award

This award recognizes outstanding and original contributions to undergraduate education by an individual assistant professor or equivalent at an accredited institution of engineering education. The educator should be in the general area of electromagnetic education, including theory, analytical solutions, numerical methods, antennas and propagation, phenomena visualization and measurements. Mrs. Marge Dudley provided the initial funds for the award and the Antennas and Propagation Society will continue funding for the future. The Awards Committee or a subcommittee of the Awards Committee will make the recommendation, subject to approval by the AdCom. The President will notify the candidate selected. The award will be presented at the annual symposium.

9.3.6 Lot Shafai Mid-Career Distinguished Achievement Award

This award recognizes the past technical accomplishments and future potential of an outstanding woman of mid-career status in the field of antennas and propagation. Eligible nominees consists of women members of the IEEE, less than 41 years of age on December 31 preceding the year of nomination, whose prior technical accomplishments and future potential earmark them as current and future leaders in the field of antennas and propagation, as well as role models for future generations of women in the field. The prize consists of a plaque and an honorarium.

This award was proposed by the family of Lot Shafai, represented by his wife Joanne Therrien and his daughter Leili Shafai, with donated funds in the amount of $20,000, in honor and recognition of Prof. Lotfollah Shafai's receipt of the 2011 Killam Prize in Engineering, and in support of outstanding mid-career women engineers in the field of antennas and propagation. The Awards Committee or a subcommittee of the Awards Committee will make the recommendation, subject to approval by the AdCom. The President will notify the candidate selected. The award will be presented at the annual symposium.

9.3.7 Harrington-Mittra Award on Computational Electromagnetics

The purpose of this award is to recognize the past technical accomplishments and future potential of an outstanding contributor to the area of Computational Electromagnetics. In order to be eligible, the recipient must be a member of the IEEE in good standing. The prize consists of a plaque and an honorarium. This award was proposed by former students, colleagues and friends of Roger F. Harrington and Raj Mittra, with donated funds in the amount of $25,000 to the IEEE Foundation, to establish the award in honor and recognition of Roger F. Harrington and Raj Mittra for their extensive contributions to the field of Computational Electromagnetics. The Awards Committee or a subcommittee of the Awards Committee will make the recommendation, subject to approval by the AdCom. The President will notify the candidate selected. The award will be presented at the annual symposium.

9.4 Other Recognition and Awards

9.4.1 Raj Mittra Travel Grant

To support and encourage participation in the International IEEE Antennas and Propagation Symposium by providing travel funds to individuals exhibiting high aptitude or potential for research and who might otherwise be unable to attend. Eligible candidates need not be members of IEEE, but must have contributions accepted for presentation at the International IEEE Antennas and Propagation Symposium. Candidates for an award in either the student or researcher categories cannot have previously received an award in that category. In order to receive the award, Awardees must personally present their contribution at a regular AP-S session organized at the Symposium. Judging is based on candidate’s potential or demonstrated aptitude for research and his or her need for travel support. The candidate’s research potential will be determined from his curriculum vita, letters of reference, and conference abstract or summary, all of which are to be submitted to the Awards Committee. The award will be presented annually at the International IEEE Antennas and Propagation Symposium. Prize consists of one grant. The annual event registration expenses for the Raj Mittra travel grant awardee that attend the International IEEE Antennas and Propagation Symposium to receive the award is waived together with the expenses for the Symposium Luncheon or Dinner, in case the award is given at the Luncheon or Dinner. The grant is funded by an endowment from Prof. Mittra managed by the IEEE Foundation. Registration Fee and Banquet Ticket for the awardee are covered by the IEEE APS.

9.4.2 AP-S Chapter Award

This award was established to recognize annually the best chapter of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society. More than one chapter may be awarded per year.

Eligible chapters that are in good standing and fully functioning in the year prior to consideration for the award. Chapters that are joint with other Societies are eligible for consideration. The same chapter may not receive the award more than three consecutive years. Judging is based on high level of performance in the areas of: extent and quality of presentations or other activities in the field of antennas and propagation; special projects or societal activities; fellow nominations and awards; increases in membership and attendance. The award will be presented annually at the Awards Banquet of the International IEEE Antennas and Propagation Symposium. The award is funded by the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society

9.4.3 IEEE AP-S Eugene F. Knott Memorial Pre-Doctoral Research Grants

This award was established to encourage students to pursue a career in the area of electromagnetic in electrical engineering or a related field at an accredited institution of higher learning. These grants are intended to support pre-doctoral students involved in research directed by a faculty member at their institution who is a member of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society. These grants are named in memory of IEEE Life Fellow, Eugene F. Knott, who was well known for his contributions to the theory, reduction, and measurement of radar cross section.

Prize consists of up to 6 Grants (given annually), with two competitions (cycles) held each year. Each recipient receives a full grant and a certificate. Up to three grants are given per cycle with application deadlines of April 1 and November 1.

Grants will only be given if a suitable awardee is identified.

Every three to five years, IEEE APS may review the fund balance of IEEE APS Eugene F. Knott Memorial Pre-Doctoral Research Fund.

Eligible recipients must:

  • Be an enrolled undergraduate (3-5 year program), or a master’s student in electrical or a related field at an accredited institution of higher learning.
  • Have completed or be enrolled in at least one electromagnetics course at the time of application.
  • Show strong interest in a career in the area of electromagnetics.
  • Have the endorsement of a university/college faculty member who is a member of the IEEE AP-S.
  • Intend to work on a research project of at least one year in length that falls within the scope of the IEEE AP-S. The project may be started before the grant recipients are announced but must end before the student’s current degree requirements are completed. Applicants who expect to graduate less than six months after the application deadline are not eligible.

Basis for Judging: Selection will be based on the following criteria:

  • Creativity and quality of the proposed project and the thoroughness with which it is described
  • Discussion of the technical interests and skills of the student and how they relate to the proposed project.
  • Quality of writing in the proposal (e.g. spelling, grammar, word choice, organization, style, clarity of figures).
  • Recommendation letter, with particular emphasis on the items listed in the fourth bullet above.

The grantees will be notified via email by the committee chair. The grant is delivered through US mail. Recognition ceremonies are at the discretion of each recipient’s institution.

9.4.4 IEEE AP-S Doctoral Research Grants

This award was established to encourage students to pursue a career in the area of electromagnetic in electrical engineering or a related field at an accredited institution of higher learning. These grants are intended to support doctoral students involved in research directed by a faculty member at their institution who is a member of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society.

Prize consists of up to 10 Grants (given annually), with two competitions (cycles) held each year. Each recipient receives a full grant and a certificate. Up to 5 grants are given per cycle with application deadlines of April 1 and November 1. Grants will only be given if a suitable awardee is identified.

APS will be responsible for funding.

Eligible recipients must:

  • Be a student pursuing a PhD in electrical engineering or a related field at an accredited institution of higher learning.
  • Be a member of the IEEE AP-S at the time of application.
  • Have completed or be enrolled in at least one electromagnetics course at the time of application.
  • Show strong interest in a career in the area of electromagnetics.
  • Have the endorsement of a university/college faculty member who is a member of the IEEE AP-S.
  • Intend to work on a research project of at least one year in length that falls within the scope of the IEEE AP-S. The project may be started before the grant recipients are announced but must end before the student’s current degree requirements are completed. Applicants who expect to graduate less than six months after the application deadline are not eligible.
  • Previous recipients of the IEEE AP-S Eugene F. Knott Memorial Pre-Doctoral Research Grants are eligible for the grant. No more than one award of each type will be granted to a given student.

Basis for Judging: Selection will be based on the following criteria:

  • Creativity and quality of the proposed project and the thoroughness with which it is described
  • Discussion of the technical interests and skills of the student and how they relate to the proposed project.
  • Quality of writing in the proposal (e.g. spelling, grammar, word choice, organization, style, clarity of figures).
  • Recommendation letter, with particular emphasis on the items listed in the fourth bullet above in the application requirements.

The grantees will be notified via email by the committee chair. The grant is delivered through US mail. Recognition ceremonies are at the discretion of each recipient’s institution.

9.4.5 AP-S Student Design Contest

The APS Student Design Contest is an annual contest on the design of a device or system involving principally antenna and propagation aspects. It culminates with a demonstration by finalists at the annual IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society International Symposium, whereby finalists are subsidized to attend the Symposium to present their designs. Awards are given for first, second, and third prize. The Contest is designed to engage and encourage study in the areas of electromagnetics, particularly antennas and propagation. The Contest is targeted towards involving more undergraduate students in these fields, with teams of 2-5 students consisting of at least 50% undergraduates. Each team is advised by a professional mentor who is a member of the IEEE AP-S, but the work needs to be done by the students. The goal of each Contest edition will be announced during the symposium one year in advance the contest actually held and the call for proposals will be published within the following two months. The Contest involves three funding stages: a design subsidy for the top 6 design entries to be developed, a travel subsidy for 6 finalist teams to attend the IEEE AP-S International Symposium, and cash prizes for first, second, and third place.

Cash prizes are to be split evenly (undergraduate and graduate). Design and travel subsidies are awarded as a single lump sum to a designated team member or trustee.

AP-S Student Design Contest is funded by the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society. APS will be responsible for funding the necessary sum annually included in its Education Committee budget.

Eligible contest criteria and Basis for Judging are reported in IEEE TAB Awards and Recognition Manual and will be advertised completely in the contest’s call. The judges collectively decide the ranking of the finalists at the Symposium. Presentation: Recipients are notified via email by the committee chair. The subsidies are delivered through wire transfer. Recognition of the finalists and award winners is done at the Awards Banquet during the Symposium.

9.4.6 IEEE Ulrich L. Rohde Humanitarian Technical Field Project Award

This annual award will be given to the top proposals (maximum of 2) submitted by the members of the IEEE AP society on advancement of technology for Humanitarian activities. The objective is to provide low cost solution for humanitarian technology and a clear path for low cost production so that technology can be available for mankind. This award is intended to engage and motivate members from IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society and increase AP memberships.

Recipients of the award will receive funds to construct the winning project selected by the Award Committee in two stages (50% in beginning and 50% after the winning team submits expense receipts for reimbursement to avoid tax implications). One, at most two, projects will be selected per year. If two projects are selected, total prize including travel and installation expenses will be split between two projects equally. The funds distributed will be based on the estimated expenses proposed by the winning team but limited as approved by AP-S. Recipients will also receive a Certificate of Recognition.

The award will be administered by the IEEE Foundation by a contribution from Dr. Ulrich L. Rohde. Annually, the AP Society will receive funding support for this award. Certificates of Recognition will be funded from AP-S MGA and Chapter Activity Budget. If additional funds are needed in the future to continue supporting the award, the donor will be glad to support additional funding in conjunction with financial support from AP-S MGA and Chapter Activity budget.

Eligible recipients must be members of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society and in good standing. Basis for Judging: Proposals are invited from AP-S members who are involved in developing know-how and technology for responding to natural calamities, humanitarian, and disaster needs.

Participation is encouraged from groups (maximum 5-persons on a team) involved in development of a system, or products, which utilizes antennas and wireless for humanitarian applications including but not limited to disaster relief, affordable healthcare, quality and safety monitoring of edible materials etc. The design may consist of a broad spectrum of science and technology; however, the focus should be how to take advantage of novel antennas & propagation technology. The design proposals will be evaluated using the following criteria:

  • Novelty – the idea should be relatively new with near term application potential, must be possible to implement if selected for a prize.
  • Impact – the proposal should demonstrate that, if implemented, the idea should be of significant benefit to many people.
  • Depth – a superficial overview will not be sufficient; all claims must be backed by quantitative data, including available devices and prices, potential manufacturers, potential users, robustness, cost-effectiveness etc.

A report on the projects will be invited for submission to the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine after going through the usual review process for publication as an Invited Paper. Proposals awarded will be selected upon the merits. After completion of the project, the Awards Committee will explore the follow-up for low cost production, which is the key requirement for humanitarian needs. The complete know-how of the technology will be uploaded on the IEEE AP-S SIGHT website.

Selection of the award is in line with IEEE SIGHT and HAC Project Awards. The reason for establishing a similar type of award is to motivate members of APS.

The announcement of the award will be made at the annual awards meeting of the IEEE AP society. The recipient will receive the Certificate/Plaque and funds for the completion of the project. 

9.4.7 IEEE AP-S C.J. Reddy Travel Grant for Graduate Students

This grant was established to annually help graduate students attend the annual IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation. If the IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting is held in a given year solely as a virtual event, recipients may be selected for an educational grant instead of the travel grant. In the case of a hybrid event, both travel grants and educational grants may be given.

Prize consists of up to six (6) travel grants to be given each year, adjustable by the AP-S Education Committee as costs change over time up 10% per year. The grant does not include the conference registration fee. Grants will be given only if suitable awardees are identified and necessary funds are available.

The award will be administered by the IEEE Foundation and funded by an endowment provided by Dr. C. J. Reddy.

Eligible recipients must:

  • Be a graduate student (MS or PhD) at the time of application enrolled in electrical engineering or a related field at an accredited institution of higher learning.
  • Be an IEEE AP-S student member.
  • Have the endorsement of a faculty advisor who is a member of IEEE AP-S.
  • Have submitted at least one first-authored paper to be presented at the AP-S Symposium.
  • A student may receive only one travel grant. Previous award winners are not eligible. An advisor may endorse only one applicant at a time.

Basis for Judging:

  • Applications must be submitted by the deadline and must include all items listed below to be considered for review. All application materials must be written in English and be integrated into a single PDF document:
  • Completed application form.
  • First-authored conference paper to be presented at the AP-S Symposium.
  • Brief research project description no more than one page long (including figures, if any) with a font size of at least 11 points. The project may be a new one or extended from the submitted conference paper. The list of references may extend beyond the first page.
  • Brief curriculum vitae or resume no more than two pages long that includes periods of attendance at all schools, expected and completed graduation dates, and a list of published and submitted journal and conference papers.
  • Recommendation letter from a faculty advisor, who must be a member of the IEEE AP-S. The letter should discuss the student’s aptitude to perform the research, and provide justification of the student’s need for the travel grant.

Selection will be based on the following criteria:

  • A first-authored conference paper accepted for presentation at the AP-S Symposium.
  • Quality of research and writing in the brief project description.
  • Recommendation letter, with particular emphasis on the items listed in the last bullet above.

Recipients are notified via email by the committee chair. Recognition ceremonies are at the discretion of each recipient’s institution.

9.4.8 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Mojgan Daneshmand Grant for Women

This grant was established to annually help women (students, academics, and professionals) who are early in their careers and working in antennas and EM propagation attend the annual IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and does not conflict with existing AP-S awards. The objective of this award is to increase women’s visibility in the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society.

Up to six (6) grants to be given each year. During the selection of qualified applicants, the committee will ensure, if possible, that one award is granted to a resident of each of the six continents; North America, South America, Asia, Africa, Europe and Oceania. Should no qualified application be found from a continent, the committee will select a qualified applicant from another continent.

The award will be funded from the AP-S budget of the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee.

Eligible criteria are:

  • This award is for women students pursuing a MS or PhD degree at the time of application or women engineers with either a MS or PhD degree at the time of application, academics, and professionals and with no more than 10-years experience.
  • The applicant must have an accepted oral or poster paper at the upcoming IEEE annual International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting, and be the paper’s presenter.
  • Be an IEEE AP-S member at least at the time of conference attendance.
  • A woman may receive only one grant

Basis for Judging:

  • Applications must be submitted by the deadline and must include all items listed below to be considered for review. All application materials must be written in English and be integrated into a single PDF document:
  • First-authored conference paper to be presented at the AP-S Symposium.
  • Brief biography (no more than three pages) that includes periods of attendance at all schools, expected graduation dates, and a list of published and submitted journal and conference papers.
  • Applicant’s potential or demonstrated track record of research based on the applicant’s years of experience as evidenced through research-related awards or a description of funded projects
  • Endorsement letter that should explicitly state the applicant’s commitment to attend the annual AP-S symposium, present at least one paper and is able to obtain needed funding to cover their travel expenses.

Recipients are notified via email by the AP-S Awards committee chair.

9.4.9 IEEE AP-S Tapan K. Sarkar Best Conference on Antennas Measurements and Applications (CAMA) Student Paper Award

This award is given to the paper presented by a student judged to be the most innovative related to the fields of antennas, electromagnetics and propagation presented at the IEEE International Conference on Antenna Measurements and Applications (IEEE CAMA) if held, otherwise at an annual IEEE AP-S technically sponsored meeting. Eligible recipients must be full time students (pursuing MS or PhD degree) that clearly indicate that the paper is entered in the judging at the symposium. The student must be the first author and be the paper’s presenter. The student's advisor should attach a statement that their contribution is primarily advisory. The paper must conform to all other normal symposium submission requirements. There is no requirement for IEEE membership. Factors to be considered for evaluation of the T.K. Sarkar Best Student Paper award will be determined primarily by the Technical Program Committee associated with the selected conference, in particular significance of the contribution to the fields of antennas, electromagnetics and propagation, as well as originality and clarity based on the written summary paper and the oral presentation. The award will consist of an appropriately worded certificate and an honorarium. The award will be presented annually at the awards banquet of 22 the Conference. In addition, a larger version of the paper will be invited for submission to the IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation and published after going through the usual review process for publication as an Invited Paper. The prize is $500 for the first author (a student), and all authors will receive a certificate.

9.4.10 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Young Professional of the Year

Young Professional (YP) Committee of Antennas and Propagation Society (AP-S) in collaboration with the Awards Committee selects 10 to 20 Young Professional Ambassadors every year to serve for one year term. Ambassadors are selected by a call for nominations to all YP members of the Society. This award is to recognize one Young Professional (YP) member of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society for significant service to AP Society during the one-year term as IEEE AP-S Young Ambassador.

The prize is $2,000, only one allowable recipient selected annually. Recipient receives full prize including honoraria, and, plaque and/or certificate. Award will be given only if a suitable awardee is identified.

9.4.11 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Distinguished Industry Leader Award

Established to recognize an industry executive whose leadership in a large company or smaller consulting firm has resulted in major advances, new directions and developments in the antenna and electromagnetics industry. An electromagnetics trained industry executive who has played a major leadership role in research or development and the introduction of antenna related systems, devices, applications or services that have significantly impacted the global community.

The award shall be open to individuals at any level who were industry employees at the time of the accomplishments being recognized. The recipient must be a member of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society for a minimum of three years prior to the nomination. The award will consist of an appropriately laminated certificate and an honorarium of $2,000; and it is single annual award given to an individual. The award will be presented annually at the flagship IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society annual symposium

9.4.12 IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Industrial Innovation Award

Established to award major industrial accomplishments, standards, deployment of important processes or products that are of substantial benefit to the public in the field of antenna and electromagnetic technologies and visible beyond the company or institution where the contribution was made. The award shall be open to individuals at any level who were industry employees at the time of the accomplishments being recognized. The recipient must be a member of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society for a minimum of three years prior to nomination.

The award will consist of a plaque and an honorarium of $2,000. This will be a single annual award and may have multiple recipients. If there are multiple people/team that collaborated on the achievement/contribution, each member will receive a plaque, however the money will be split equally amongst the awardees. The award will be presented at the flagship IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society annual symposium.

Section 10 – Society Funds

10.1 Raising Funds

The Society may raise funds as specified in Article V of the Constitution and in the IEEE Bylaws and rules and regulations.

10.2 Annual Fee Determination

The annual fee for membership in the Society shall be established by the AdCom. These monies will be used for the publications and activities of the Society. Such fees shall conform to IEEE regulations for Student, Life, Retired, Unemployed, or other special classes of membership.

10.3 Fiscal Affairs Responsibilities

IEEE shall act as bursar for all Society funds except as specified hereunder. Billings and receipt of the annual fee shall be via the IEEE Membership and Fiscal Departments. All other fiscal affairs shall be handled through the Society’s Treasurer.

10.4 Procedure for Opening Symposium or Conference Accounts

The organizing committee for a symposium or technical conference may, with the advice and approval of the AdCom, authorize the symposium treasurer or fiscal officer to open an account to be used for the deposit and disbursement of funds related to the symposium. In each case, the IEEE and AdCom shall be advised of the name of the bank, the anticipated size of the account, the names of the account signatories, and of arrangements of insurance and for bonding. Symposia jointly sponsored with other technical societies are excluded where the AdCom and the IEEE approve a charter of operations with those societies. For other special circumstances, such as co-sponsorship of a symposium, the AdCom shall make prudent arrangements to safeguard the Society funds that may be involved.

Section 11 – Standing Committees

11.1 Presidential Responsibilities in Organizing Standing Committees

In Section 4.9.1 of the Bylaws, the President is invested with the responsibility of organizing Standing Committees with the advice and approval of the AdCom.

11.2 Appointment Procedure

As soon as expedient after assuming office, the President shall, with the advice and approval of the AdCom, appoint standing committees. It will be discretionary with the President to appoint any part or all of any standing committee, or appoint the chair only of a committee and request the latter to appoint appropriate additional committee members. In any case, both the Chair and the members of the Committee must be approved by the AdCom. When appropriate, the chair will be selected from the previous membership of the committee involved with the advice and recommendation of the retiring chair.

11.3 Origination and Terms of Standing Committee Members

Unless otherwise specified in these Bylaws or in the AP-S Operating Manual the terms of office of the chair and members of each standing committee shall be for one year beginning on January 1 or until a successor for each position is appointed by the incoming President.

11.4 List of Standing Committees

The following is a list of standing committees organized yearly by the President with the advice and approval of the AdCom:

  • Awards Committee
  • Chapter Activities Committee
  • Committee on Promoting Equality (COPE)
  • Constitution and Bylaws Committee
  • Distinguished Lecturer Committee
  • Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Belonging (DEIB) Committee
  • Education Committee
  • Fellows Committee
  • Finance Committee
  • History Committee
  • IEEE Press Liaison Committee
  • Industrial Initiatives and Listings Committee
  • Meetings Committee
  • Member and Geographic Activities Committee
  • Membership Committee
  • Technical Directions Committee
  • Nominations Committee
  • Past Presidents Council
  • Publications Committee
  • Special Interest Group on Humanitarian Technology (SIGHT) Committee
  • Standards Committee
  • Strategic Planning Committee
  • Young Professionals Committee

Descriptions of the responsibilities of each of these committees can be found in the Society Operating Manual.

11.5 Special or ad hoc Committees

Special or ad hoc committees may be created by the AdCom or the President, provided that the functions of such committees are not materially equivalent to those of standing committees, as defined in Section - “Standing Committees” - of the Operating Manual. In case of overlap on a specific matter, the functions of the standing committee including, but not limited to, recommendations, actions, advice, publication, presentations, coordination, and selection, will prevail over the materially equivalent functions of the ad hoc committee. For each special or ad hoc Committee, the AdCom or President shall specify the number of members the committee shall have, how the members are to be selected, and the terms of the members if other than for the life of the committee. Special or ad hoc committees shall be dissolved after one year.

Section 12 – Symposium

12.1 Annual Symposium

The Society will sponsor an Annual Symposium. The annual symposium may be held jointly with other organizations; the AP-S should be represented on any joint meetings committee by the AP-S Meetings Committee. The Chair of the AP-S Meetings Committee is also the Chair of any Joint Meetings Committee. The symposium will be organized by a local steering committee. If the Symposium is held by AP-S only, the local organizing committee will be supervised by the Meetings Committee and the AdCom. If the Symposium is held jointly with other organizations, the local organizing committee will be supervised by the appropriate joint meetings committee and the AdCom. The Annual Symposium may be held in any IEEE Region, however it is expected that a Symposium will be held in Regions 8-10 not more frequently than every third year. Details of site selection, operation, policies, and execution of the symposium are provided in the Operating Manual as well as the Society's Meetings Handbook.