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Donald G. Dudley Jr. Undergraduate Teaching Award

Extension of Deadline of Nomination for the Donald G. Dudley Jr. Undergraduate Teaching Award 2018

In order to attract more nominations for the captioned award, the IEEE APS AdCom has decided to extend the deadline of submission to January 31, 2018, with the following new requirement:

"This award recognizes outstanding and original contributions to undergraduate education by an individual professor at an accredited institution of engineering education. The educator should be in the general area of electromagnetic education, including theory, analytical solutions, numerical methods, antennas and propagation, phenomena visualization and measurements. Mrs. Marge Dudley provided the initial funds for the award and the Antennas and Propagation Society will continue funding for the future. The Awards Committee or a subcommittee of the Awards Committee will make the recommendation, subject to approval by the AdCom. The President will notify the candidate selected. The award will be presented at the annual symposium."

1. Name of Nominee
2. Professional Affiliation and Title
3. Address (include Email)
4. IEEE Member: Yes / No IEEE Grade
5. Principal Employment: Years, short description
6. Education beyond twelfth grade. Please include institution/location, degree, year received
7. Achievement pertinent to the qualifications for the Award (consider the criteria pertinent to the given Award)
8. Evidence of recognition of the significance of the nominee's contributions relevant to the award
9. Proposed Citation. (No more than 25 words.)
10. Nominator's Name; Business Affiliation, Address (or home address, if preferred); Telephone; Fax; Email
11. As nominator, how long and in what capacity have you known the candidate?
12. List of Endorsers: Names and Addresses, Emails (maximum of four). Endorsement letters may accompany the nomination or be sent separately.

Note: the entire nomination form, with the exception of endorsement letters, should not exceed five pages in length (minimum 10 point font size). Nomination letters should be sent to Prof Kwai Man Luk at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Please complete all items that are appropriate for the person you are nominating and send to:
Prof Kwai Man Luk
Department of Electronic Engineering
City University of Hong Kong
83 Tat Chee Avenue, Kowloon
Hong Kong, P R China
Tel: +852 34427352
Fax : +852 34420353
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
It is preferred that the completed nomination form and all supporting letters be transmitted electronically (no hardcopies need to be sent).