
IEEE Open Journal of Antennas and Propagation

rigorous peer review | rapid publication | open access

Currently accepting entries for articles submitted between January 1, 2022 and December 31, 2022.

The Second IEEE OJAP Video Contest is open for submissions, inviting authors who submit their article in IEEE OJAP within 2022 to create and submit a video clip pertaining to their article. Submitted videos should have an up to 2-minute duration and will be expected to capture the essence of the research presented in the submitted article. All corresponding authors submitting their article to IEEE OJAP from January 1, 2022 to December 31, 2022 are eligible to participate in the contest.

The best video will be selected by an independent editorial judging committee based on the degree of technical content presentation, innovation, and video quality. The corresponding author of the winning video will receive a $500 prize. Corresponding authors who are interested in participating in the contest, are asked to complete the submission form and upload their video by following the link. The deadline for video submission is December 31, 2022.

Submitted videos should:

  • Be original and not include third party content, or include the necessary credit for using any imagery, footage, and third party content
  • Have an up to 2-minute duration
  • Be in English or include English subtitles
  • Not contain inappropriate or offensive content
  • Be submitted in .mp4 format
  • Not exceed 500MB file size

Visit the IEEE Author Center and find helpful tips for creating a video.