Download Call for Papers (PDF)
Submission Deadline: 30 August 2020
Aims & Scope: Demand of high transmission data rates, low latency, high reliability and interference-free operation for applications ranging from communications to infotainment and positioning to healthcare is ever-increasing. The need is driving the development of wireless networks fostering the exploration of new spectrum. Millimeter-wave (30 to 300 GHz) and Terahertz (0.1 to 10 THz) frequencies are considered as the front-runner enabling technologies for future wireless networks.
Antennas are an integral part of these systems and choice of right antenna is critical to the successful deployment of future wireless networks. Full exploitation of the potentials of Millimetre-wave and Terahertz spectrum, a deep understanding of the antenna design is required. Small wavelength at Millimeter-wave (mm-Wave) and Terahertz (THz) bands allows for miniaturized devices courtesy of compact, high gain antennas. However, the limitation of maintaining reasonable performance in ever-shrinking form-factors and under extreme interference conditions further adds to the complexity of a complicated antenna design process. It solicits novel ideas and innovative solutions for the antenna design.
This Special Section is aimed to provide insight into the Millimetre-wave and Terahertz antenna design considerations fostering novel approaches for the development of efficient, cost-effective, scalable, and reliable antenna solutions for future wireless networks.
Potential topics include but are not limited to the following:
- Millimeter-wave antennas
- Antennas for Terahertz applications
- Antennas for mm-Wave/THz enabled Internet-of-Things
- Antennas for mm-Wave and THz vehicular communications
- Antennas for mm-Wave and THz autonomous systems
- Massive MIMO Antenna Systems: design and applications
- Smart reconfigurable antenna design
- Antennas for mm-Wave and THz wearable and implantable devices
- mm-Wave and THz base station and terminal antennas
- mm-Wave and THz antennas for Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communications
- Phased array antennas for mm-Wave and THz operation
- Antenna measurement techniques at mm-Wave and THz frequencies
- mm-Wave RFID antennas
- Energy harvesting mm-Wave antennas
- Antennas for indoor localization at mm-Wave and THz frequencies
- B5G/6G wireless networks: Perks and privileges in the context of antenna design
- Antennas
- Millimeter-wave
- Terahertz
- Massive MIMO
- Internet-of-Things
- Smart antennas
- 5G/B5G/6G
Lead Guest Editor
Masood Ur Rehman
University of Glasgow, UK
Guest Editors
Ahmed Kishk
Concordia University, Canada
Akram Alomainy
Queen Mary University of London, UK
Qammer H. Abbasi
University of Glasgow, UK
Muhammad Ramlee Kamarudin
Universiti Tun Hussein Onn Malaysia, Malaysia
Raheel M. Hashmi
Macquarie University, NSW, Australia
Xiaodong Yang
Xidian University, Xi’an, China
Sema Dumanli Oktar
Bogazici University, Istanbul, Turkey