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Call for Special Issue Proposals

IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation

The IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation (IEEE-TAP) is inviting proposals for special issues that emphasize new research on focused topics related to antennas and propagation. Possible topics include, but are not limited to, antennas, wave propagation and scattering, computational electromagnetics, as listed in the scope of the journal (


Prospective Guest Editors (GEs) should submit a 2-page proposal (in PDF format) to the Editor in Chief, Prof. Kwok Wa Leung at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by Feb. 29, 2016. Active Associate Editors of the IEEE-TAP cannot serve as GEs.

The proposal should contain:

  1. A tentative title.
  2. Names and affiliations of all GEs.
  3. A short description of the special issue aim, with emphasis on the proposed topic, timeliness, and benefits of addressing this to the AP community.
  4. An analysis of the potential redundancy/overlap with other IEEE-TAP special issues (past and in preparation, as listed at
    Information of related special issues in other journals is encouraged.
  5. An assessment of the capability to attract a sizeable number of high-quality contributions, with possible indications of specific research groups, as well as possible review and/or tutorial papers to be included. For the sake of fairness, each GE can be the (co-)author of no more than one submission to the special issue.
  6. An indication of the tentative timeline (submission, review, publication) of the special issue.
  7. Short biographical sketches of the GEs, with emphasis on the background, experience and qualifications that are specifically relevant to the proposed topic. Also included should be links to webpages containing the list of publications and/or to an identifying system (e.g., ORCID, ResearcherID, Google Scholar).


A committee, chaired by Prof. Vincenzo Galdi, has been appointed by the Editor-in-Chief to evaluate the submitted proposals. Evaluation will be based on the following criteria:

  1. Relevance, timeliness and intellectual impact of the proposed topic.
  2. Possible redundancies/overlaps with past and future special issues.
  3. Potential capability to attract high-quality contributions.
  4. Scientific standing, experience, qualifications, as well as balance and diversity (in terms of technical background, geography, gender, academic vs industry profile) of the GEs.