Yihong Qi
President and Chief scientist
General Test Systems, Inc.
Dr Yihong Qi is an engineer, scientist, inventor, and entrepreneur. He is President and Chief scientist of General Test Systems, Inc., Shenzhen, China. He is founder of Pontosense Inc., Mercku Inc. Canada and Link-E, Zhuhai, China. He is an Honorary Professor at Xidian University and Southwest Jiaotong University. He is also Adjunct Professor in the EMC Laboratory, Missouri University of Science and Technology, Rolla, MO, USA; Western University, Ontario, Canada; Dalian Maritime University, China.
Dr Qi is an inventor of more than 500 published and pending patents. He has published more than130 academic papers. From 1995 to 2010, he was with Research in Motion (Blackberry), Waterloo, ON, where he was the Director of Advanced Electromagnetic Research. He was founding Chairman of the IEEE EMC society TC-12. He is associate editor of IEEE Internet of Things Journal and IEEE Transactions on Electromagnetic Compatibility.
Dr Qi was a Distinguished Lecturer of IEEE EMC Society. He has received an IEEE EMC Society Technical Achievement Award. His inventions won 2019, 2020 CES innovation awards, 2021 CES Network Product award, 2022 CES Wellbeing Product award, Red Dot award, IEEE HI-TC industrial award among other awards. He is a Fellow of Canadian Academy of Engineering, Fellow of National Academy of Inventors, Fellow of IEEE and Fellow of Asia-Pacific Artificial Intelligence Association.
Titles of talks:
- Quality Wideband Linear Array
- Over the Air Measurement
- WISe: Wireless Intelligent Sensing