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Templates and Instructions

Instructions for Uploading a Standard Dataset to IEEE DataPort



  1. Go to

  2. Login to IEEE Dataport using the button in the upper right hand corner of the home page using your IEEE..

  3. Note: If you do not currently have an IEEE login, please click Sign Up in the upper right hand corner of the home page to acquire an IEEE login without cost.

  4. Go to SUBMIT A DATASET at the top of the IEEE DataPort home page.
  5. Select Standard for the type of dataset you want to upload:
    (Note: there are 3 options for dataset type: Standard, Open Access, and Competition Dataset. The characteristics of each type of dataset are shown on the site.)

    A. There is no cost to upload a Standard Dataset and you can proceed to complete required inputs including Meta Data, Abstract & Image, Instructions and Dataset. (all required inputs are shown with a red asterisk).

    1. Meta Data

      1. Required Fields:
        1. Title of Dataset
        2. Citation = name(s) of data author(s)
        3. Category (select one or more categories that the dataset should reside in)
      2. Other Fields:

        1. Keywords – enter keywords so dataset is searchable
        2. Data Format – enter format of dataset file (Allowed file types: zip, gz, gzip, csv, json, txt, sql, xml, tsv, ebs, avro, orc, parquet, hdf5, 7z, tbz2, iso, tar, bz2, z, las, xls, xlsx, graph properties offsets, flac, ogg, wav, aac, mp3, gif, jpg, jpeg, png, avi, mov, mp4, mpg, m4v, yaml, dat, mat, fig); for ZIP and GZIP files, indicate the format of the included files.
        3. Related Dataset – if your dataset is related to another IEEE DataPort dataset, please enter the title of the related dataset in this field (autocomplete available)
        4. LINKS – enter links to external documentation, data sources, project pages, author homepage, etc. Multiple links are allowed; to add more than one link, click "Add Another Link" button.
        5. ORCID ID and Association for each citation author. This is optional and will give the author an opportunity to automatically have the dataset included in the their ORCID ID asset list.
    2. Abstract & Image

      1. Required Fields
        1. Abstract – enter abstract for dataset in the required Abstract field.
      2. Other Fields (optional, but very beneficial)
        1. Dataset Image – enter image for your dataset to improve dataset appearance and identification on IEEE DataPort; choose image file and hit Upload button; it is strongly encouraged that an image for the dataset be entered in the Abstract section.
    3. Instructions

      1. Required Fields
        1. Instructions – enter detailed instructions to enable IEEE DataPort users to be able to understand and utilize your dataset easily.
      2. Other Fields
        1. Documentation – dataset author may upload documents which contain instructional information for the dataset; choose file and hit Upload button; formats allowed include pdf, txt, docx, doc, and md.
    4. Dataset for Data Competition

      1. Select and upload the dataset file(s)
      2. Optionally, upload any scripts related the Data Competition
    5. Review Terms of Use using the link provided and indicated agree to IEEE DataPort Terms of Use by checking the box at the bottom of page; your dataset cannot be uploaded until you agree to the IEEE DataPort Terms of Use.

    6. Hit SUBMIT DATASET at the bottom of the page after all required inputs have been provided

  6. A DOI will be generated for your Standard Dataset and will appear in the top section of the dataset page..

  7. If you haven't already uploaded your dataset, click the UPLOAD YOUR DATASET button to get to a screen which allows you to select and upload the actual dataset file.

  8. Choose your dataset file and then hit the Upload button; files may be zip, gz, gzip, csv, json, sql, xml, tsv, ebs, avro, orc, parquet, hdf57z. The name of the dataset file will appear on the screen after loading. You will then see a box which enables you to add a short descriptive title for each dataset file loaded.

    1. If your dataset consists of multiple files, you can again select 'choose' and 'upload' to upload additional files.

    2. At bottom of page, click SUBMIT DATASET to load the dataset into IEEE DataPort.

    3. Standard Dataset files will be provided with an S3 URI and will also be downloadable after it is uploaded to IEEE DataPort.

    4. Congratulations – you have now uploaded your dataset to IEEE DataPort! You can verify your dataset by going to the home page, searching for your dataset and opening it!