
Reyhan Baktur

Dr Reyhan Baktur
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
150 EL 4120 Old Main Hill, Logan, UT84322-4120
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Reyhan Baktur is an associate professor at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering (ECE), Utah State University (USU). Her research interests include antennas and microwave engineering with a focus on antenna design for CubeSats; optically transparent antennas; multifunctional integrated antennas, sensors, and microwave circuits.

She is affiliated with the Center for Space Engineering at USU, the Space Dynamics Laboratory (the university affiliated research center), and collaborates with NASA Goddard Space Flight Center.

Dr. Baktur is an AdCom member of IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society, and is active in US National Committee of the International Union of Radio Science, serving as the Vice Chair for Commission B, and the Inaugural Chair for the Women in Radio Science.

She is passionate and committed to electromagnetic education and student recruiting by introducing CubeSat projects in undergraduate classrooms. She is the recipient of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society’s (APS) the Donald G. Dudley Jr. Undergraduate Teaching Award in 2013 and has been actively serving IEEE APS student paper competition and student design contest.

Titles of talks:

  • CubeSat Antennas and Link Budget Analysis
  • Integrated Solar-Pannel Antennas
  • Introduction to CubeSats (for general audience)
  • Optically Transparent Antennas
  • Low-Cost and Effective Electromagnetics and Antennas Class Projects