The IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (AP-S) C. J. Reddy Travel Grant for Graduate Students aims to help graduate students attend the annual IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and further their research work in the field of antennas and propagation.
This year for the IEEE AP-S/URSI 2024 Florence, we are pleased to announce that the following recipients have been selected by the IEEE AP-S Education Committee (coordinated by Frankie Chiu and Eng Leong Tan). They are sorted according to their last names as below:

Stefanos Bakirtzis has been awarded the grant to further his research and to present his paper entitled "Towards Physics-Informed Graph Neural Network-Based Computational Electromagnetics". He is currently pursuing his Ph.D. degree with his advisor Ian Wassell at the University of Cambridge.

Hui Chen has been awarded the grant to further her research and to present her paper entitled “An Antenna Array with High Detection Capability for Electromagnetic Stroke Diagnostic Systems”. She is currently pursuing her degree with her advisor Kwai Man Luk at City University of Hong Kong.

Samuel Elkin has been awarded the grant to further his research and to present his paper entitled “Hybrid Numerical Modeling Method for Josephson Traveling Wave Parametric Amplifiers”. He is currently pursuing his degree with his advisor Thomas Roth at Purdue University.

Mingsai Huan has been awarded the grant to further his research and to present his paper entitled "Non-uniform Planar MIMO Array Optimization Criterion in Wavenumber Domain for Aliasing-free Wideband Near-Field 3D Imaging". He is currently pursuing his degree with his advisor Junli Liang at Northwestern Polytechnical University, and is jointly trained at A*STAR I2R in Singapore under the co-supervision of Yugang Ma.

Patinavalasa Megh Sainadh has been awarded the grant to further his research and to present his paper entitled “A Polarization-Insensitive Reconfigurable Frequency Selective Surface Switching and Tuning among Absorption, Transmission, and Reflection”. He is currently pursuing his degree with his advisor, Saptarshi Ghosh, at the Indian Institute of Technology Indore.

Shang-Yi Sun has been awarded the grant to further his research and to present his paper entitled “Characteristic-Mode-Guided Suppression of Cross-Band Scattering and Coupling in Antenna Array”. He is currently pursuing his degree with his advisor Can Ding at University of Technology Sydney.