Özlem Özgün
Department of Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey
Özlem Özgün is currently a full professor in the Electrical and Electronics Engineering department of Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey. She received her B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees from Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey in 1998 and 2000, respectively, and her Ph.D. degree from Middle East Technical University (METU), Ankara, Turkey in 2007, all in Electrical and Electronics Engineering. She served as a postdoctoral researcher at Electromagnetic Communication Lab, Penn State University, USA (2007-2008). She previously worked at TUBITAK Iltaren (2000-2004), Aselsan Inc. (2004-2005), METU (2008-2012), and TED University (2012-2015) before joining Hacettepe University.
Her research interests include various topics in computational electromagnetics and radiowave propagation, including electromagnetic radiation and scattering, numerical methods, domain decomposition methods, transformation electromagnetics, stochastic electromagnetic problems and optimization techniques. She has authored over 130 refereed publications in international journals, book (MATLAB-based Finite Element Programming in Electromagnetic Modeling, CRC Press, 2018), book chapters and conference proceedings.
Dr. Özgün is a senior member of IEEE and URSI, and served as the past chair of the steering committee of URSI Turkey. She received the METU best Ph.D. thesis award in 2007, and the award for excellence in electromagnetics bestowed by Prof. Felsen Fund in 2009. She was honored in 2023 and 2024 by being named among the world's top 2% influential scientists in the career-long impact category, prepared by Stanford University and Elsevier. She is also the recipient of the IEEE AP-S Outstanding Reviewer Award (IEEE TAP) for 2023. Recently, she was honored by the "Hacettepe University 2024 Science Award".
Titles of talks:
- Fundamentals of Computational Electromagnetics: From Basics to Mastery
- Advanced Computational Electromagnetics: Beyond the Standard Numerical Modeling Techniques
- Magic World of Transformation Electromagnetics: Invisibility and Beyond
- Radiowave Propagation: Parabolic Wave Equation and High Frequency Techniques
- Modeling and Simulation: The Art of Approximating Reality (for general audience)