2025 IEEE AP-S Leopold B. Felsen Research Grant in Electromagnetics Image

Nominations are solicited for the 2025 IEEE AP-S Leopold B. Felsen Research Grant in Electromagnetics. A brief description of the award, its criteria, and a template of the nomination form are provided below. The nominations are subject to the terms in the AP-S and IEEE guidelines detailed in the Operating Manuals and Bylaws. Nominators are encouraged to review these guidelines before submission.

The deadline for nominations is March 14, 2025

The Award is intended to keep alive the memory and scientific legacy of Professor Leopold. B. Felsen (1924-2005), a towering figure in modern electromagnetics. It takes the form of a research grant bestowed upon a promising young professional to conduct a research project focused on fundamental aspects of electromagnetics. The Grant consists of 5,000 USD and a plaque.

A nomination should include the nomination form, provided below, and the candidate's CV. The nomination should focus on a research project addressing fundamental aspects of Electromagnetic Engineering, with a particular emphasis on theoretical and mathematical topics in electromagnetics.

Eligibility for the award is reserved for individuals who are active Members of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society and are under the age of 41 at the time of the call deadline.

The selection is based on the following criteria:

  • Strength of the support letters (maximum three)
  • Scientific standing of the nominee (CV, publications)
  • Potential and capability to carry out the proposed research project
  • Quality of the scientific proposal submitted

Nomination Package Must Include:

  1. Nomination Form (maximum of 5 pages, minimum 10 pt font)
    • Name of Nominee
    • Professional Affiliation and Title
    • Address (include Email)
    • IEEE Member: Yes / No
    • IEEE APS Member: Yes / No
    • IEEE Number ##
    • IEEE Grade: Member / Senior Member / Fellow / Life Fellow
    • Principal Employment: Years, short description
    • Education beyond twelfth grade. Please include institution/location, degree, year received
    • Achievement pertinent to the qualifications for the award (please address criteria listed above pertinent to the specific award)
    • Evidence of the significance of the nominee's contributions relevant to the award
    • Proposed Research project (less than 500 words)
    • Nominator's Name, Business Affiliation, Work or home address, Telephone, Fax, Email.
    • As nominator, how long and in what capacity have you known the candidate?
    • Is this a NEW or UPDATED nomination? (Nominations may be carried forward for up to 3 years)
  2. Endorsement Letters (maximum of 3 letters, maximum of 2 pages per letter, minimum 10 pt font)
    • Letters should include the name, address, and email of the endorser, and how long and in what capacity they have known the candidate.
    • Letters cannot be written by current members of AP-S AdCom or Field Awards Subcommittee.
  3. Current CV of the nominee

The nominator should email the nomination package in a single PDF file (less than 10 MB) to:

Prof. Gianluca Lazzi
Awards Committee Chair
Departments of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Ophthalmology, Clinical Entrepreneurship and Biomedical Engineering
University of Southern California, Los Angeles, California 90033
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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