Call for Nomination
IEEE MTT-S and AP-S Inter-Society Distinguished Lecturer
The Inter-Society Committee of the IEEE Microwave Theory and Technology Society (MTT-S) together with the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (AP-S) is launching an Inter-Society Distinguished Lecturer (ISDL) program. This newly established ISDL program will strengthen and increase the bilateral collaboration and professional synergy between the two societies. It will create cross-sectorial and multidisciplinary distinguished lectures in the fields of mutual and common interest to MTT-S and AP-S, based on an agreed cost-sharing scheme. It is expected that this ISDL will serve joint communities and chapters of the two societies around the globe.
Starting in 2023, the MTT-S and AP-S will jointly select and appoint one Inter-Society Distinguished Lecturer for the duration of three years.
The ISDL joint selection committee of MTT-S and AP-S is searching for candidates who are internationally recognized experts and technical leaders in the technologies bridging both societies, as well as excellent speakers to broad audiences.
Self-nominations are welcome and encouraged. The ISDL candidates can also be nominated by MTT-S/AP-S Technical Committee Chairs, AdCom Members and Chapter Chairs.
A nominated candidate should be a member of both societies and must not have been a DML or AP-S DL in the previous ten years. They should also agree to deliver a minimum of three distinguished lecturing tours each year during the tenure of three years, if selected.
The required nomination documents should include:
- Title and abstract of the talk, and
- One-page biography and affiliation (including region and country) of the candidate.
The nomination documents should be sent to: Luca PIERANTONI
The nomination deadline is April 15, 2023.