
IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society
C. J. Reddy Student Travel Grant

The IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society (AP-S) awards several (~4 or 5) travel grants ($1,500 each) annually to help graduate students attend the annual IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation.

To be eligible, each applicant must…

  • be a graduate student (MS or PhD) enrolled in electrical engineering or a related field at an accredited institution of higher learning.
  • be an IEEE AP-S (student) member.
  • have the endorsement of a faculty advisor who is a member of IEEE AP-S.
  • have submitted at least one first-authored paper to be presented in person at AP-S Symposium.
  • work on a research project that falls within the scope of IEEE AP-S.

A student may receive only one travel grant. An advisor may endorse only one applicant at a time.

Selection criteria:

  • A first-authored conference paper accepted for presentation at the AP-S Symposium.
  • Quality of research and writing in the brief project description.
  • Recommendation letter, with particular emphasis on the items listed in the last bullet below.

Applications must be submitted by the deadline and must include:

  • Completed application form (downloadable from the website below).
  • First-authored conference paper to be presented at the AP-S Symposium.
  • Brief research project description no more than one page long (including figures, if any) with a font size of at least 11 points. The project may be a new one or extended from the submitted conference paper. The list of references may extend beyond the first page.
  • Brief curriculum vitae or resume no more than two pages long that includes periods of attendance at all schools, expected and completed graduation dates, and a list of published and submitted journal and conference papers.
  • Recommendation letter from a faculty advisor, who must be a member of the IEEE AP-S. The letter should discuss the student’s aptitude to perform the research, and provide justification of the student’s need for the travel grant.

Applications must include all items listed above to be considered for review. All application materials must be written in English and be integrated into a single PDF document.


DEADLINE: February 28, 2020

Each travel grant recipient will be required to submit a photo that may be used in an announcement during the symposium and/or in the IEEE Antennas & Propagation Magazine, and to complete a United States Internal Revenue Service Form W‑8 or W‑9. Disbursement of award funds will be contingent on receipt of the photo and the appropriate form. All applicable taxes are the responsibility of the recipient. This award is administered in accordance with the IEEE policy on conflict of interest.

Questions and other correspondence on C. J. Reddy Student Travel Grant should be directed to:
Eng Leong Tan
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore 639798
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., Tel.: +65 67906190.

Download PDF Announcement and Application Form