Dr Giovanni Toso
Antenna and Sub-Millimeter Wave Section
Radio Frequency Payloads & Technology Division
European Space Agency, ESA ESTEC
Keplerlaan 1, PB 299, 2200 AG Noordwijk, The Netherlands
Giovanni Toso received the Laurea Degree (cum laude), the Ph.D. and the Postdoctoral Fellowship from the University of Florence, Italy, in 1992, 1995 and 1999. In 1996 he was visiting scientist at the Laboratoire d'Optique Electromagnétique, Marseille (France). In 1999 he was a visiting scientist at the University of California (UCLA) in Los Angeles, received a scholarship from Alenia Spazio (Rome, Italy) and has been appointed researcher in a Radio Astronomy Observatory of the Italian National Council of Researches (CNR). Since 2000 he is with the Antenna and Submillimeter Waves Section of the European Space Agency, ESA ESTEC, Noordwijk, the Netherlands. He has been initiating several R&D activities on satellite antennas based on arrays, reflectarrays, discrete lenses and reflectors. In particular, in the field of onboard satellite antennas, he has been coordinating activities on multi-beam antennas (active and passive). In the field of terminal antennas for telecom applications, he has supported the developments of reconfigurable antennas with electronic, mechanical and hybrid scanning; some of these antennas are now available in the market. He has been supporting the development of the software tool QUPES by TICRA, now used worldwide, for the analysis and design of periodic and quasi-periodic surfaces such as reflectarrays, frequency selective surfaces, transmitarrays and polarizers. He has co-authored more than 400 papers published in peer reviewed professional journals and international conferences’ proceedings, and holds more than 20 international patents. In 2009 together with S. Selleri they co-edited the Special Issue on Active Antennas for Satellite Applications for the International Journal of Antennas and Propagation. In 2014 he has been guest editor, together with R. Mailloux, of the Special Issue on “Innovative Phased array antennas based on non-regular lattices and overlapped subarrays” published in the IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation and, for the same society, has been an Associate Editor (2013-2016). Since the first edition in 2006 he has supported the European School of Antennas (ESoA) course on Satellite Antennas. Since 2010, with P. Angeletti, he has been instructing short courses on Multibeam Antennas and Beamforming Networks during international conferences (IEEE APS, IEEE IMS, IEEE IWCS, EUCAP, EuMW) attended by more than 850 participants. In 2018, he was chairman of the 39th ESA Antenna Workshop on “Multi-beam and Reconfigurable Antennas”. In the same year he together with A. Skrivervik and out of 101 teachers received the 2018 ESoA Best Teacher Award. G. He is organising the ESoA course on Active Antennas.
Titles of talks:
- Multibeam Antennas for Satellite, MIMO and 5G communications (for general audience)
- Active Antennas with reduced complexity (for general audience)
- Two- and three-dimensional discrete lens antennas