
Eng Leong Tan

Eng Leong Tan
Nanyang Technological University
School of Electrical and Electronic Engineering
50 Nanyang Avenue, Singapore 639798
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Eng Leong Tan (SM'06) received the B.Eng. (Electrical) degree with first class honors from the University of Malaya, Malaysia, and the Ph.D. degree in Electrical Engineering from Nanyang Technological University (NTU), Singapore.

From 1999 to 2002, he was a Member of Technical Staff at the Institute for Infocomm Research, Singapore.

Since 2002, he has been with the School of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, NTU, where he is currently an Associate Professor. His research interests include computational electromagnetics (CEM), multi-physics, RF/microwave circuit and antenna design.

Dr. Tan has published more than 130 journal papers and more than 90 conference papers. He and his students received numerous paper and project awards/prizes including: 2019 Ulrich L. Rohde Innovative Conference Paper Award on Computational Techniques in Electromagnetics, First Prize in 2014 IEEE Region 10 Student Paper Contest, First Prize in 2014 IEEE MTT-S Student Design Contest on Apps for Microwave Theory and Techniques, First Prize in 2013 IEEE AP-S Antenna Design Contest, etc. He was the recipient of the IEEE AP-S Donald G. Dudley Jr. Undergraduate Teaching Award with citation: "For excellence in teaching, student mentoring, and the development of mobile technologies and computational methods for electromagnetics education." Dr. Tan has served as Chair and Past Chair for IEEE Singapore MTT/AP Chapter. He has been actively involved in organizing many conferences, including General Chair of PIERS 2017 Singapore, TPC Chair of ICCEM 2020, APCAP 2018 (Auckland) and 2015 (Bali), as well as TPC Chair of IEEE APS/URSI 2021. He is a Fellow of ASEAN Academy of Engineering and Technology, and a Fellow* of the Electromagnetics Academy (in recognition of distinguished contributions to "Computational electromagnetics and education").

Titles of talks:

  • Fundamental Quantity and Equations for Electromagnetics From Classical to Quantum
  • Teaching and Learning Electromagnetics Using Educational Apps on Mobile Devices and 3-D Displays
  • Explicit, Implicit and Fundamental Schemes for Time-Domain Methods in Computational Electromagnetics, Circuits and Multiphysics
  • Stable and Efficient Frequency-Domain Matrix Methods for Analysis of Wave Propagation in Multilayered Complex Media