IEEE AP-S Young Professional Ambassador Program
2024 IEEE AP-S YP Ambassadors
Objective of IEEE AP-S Young Professional Ambassador Program is to inspire and inform AP-S Young Professionals (YP) on a variety of topics both technical and non-technical to enhance their interest and engagement in the field of Antennas and Propagation by delivering the talks at various chapters/sections "on-demand" virtually. IEEE AP-S Chapters can reach out to the Ambassadors to schedule their talks.
IEEE AP-S YP Sub-committee chaired by Qammer Abbasi and the members, Nelson Foneseca, Asimina Kiourti, Debdeep Sarkar and Jiang Zhu, selected the following 10 IEEE AP-S YP Ambassadors (class of 2024) based on the qualification criteria. They are sorted according to their last names as below:

Guillermo Álvarez-Narciandi
MSCA Research Fellow
Centre for Wireless Innovation
Queen’s University Belfast, United Kingdom
Talk: Handheld systems for radar imaging and antenna diagnosis and characterization

Xuesong Cai
Assistant Professor | Marie Curie Research Fellow
Department of Electrical and Information Technology
Faculty of Engineering, Lund University, Sweden
Talk 1: High Resolution Parameter Estimation for Radio Channels
Talk 2: Dynamic Millimeter-Wave and Sub-Terahertz Channel Characterization: Design, Implementation and Measurements

Can Ding
Globa Big Data Technologies Centre (GBDTC)
Faculty of Engineering and IT
University of Technology, Sydney, Australia
Talk 1: Managing Interference in Antenna Collocation: Innovative Strategies for Enhanced Communication Performance
Talk 2: Unlocking 5G Millimetre-Wave Base Stations with Polarization Mixing Technology

Maria Garcia-Fernandez
MSCA Research Fellow
Centre for Wireless Innovation
Queen’s University Belfast, United Kingdom
Talk: UAV-mounted GPR-SAR systems: a key technology for detecting buried explosive threats

Lei Guo
Associate Professor
School of Information and Communication Engineering
Dalian University of Technology, China
Talk 1: RF Power Harvesting for Batteryless Wireless Sensing
Talk 2: Low-profile and Broadband Dielectric Resonator Antenna Designs for 5G and Beyond Applications

Shanpu Shen
Lecturer (Assistant Professor)
Department of Electrical Engineering & Electronics
The University of Liverpool, Brownlow Hill, Liverpool, L69 7GJ, United Kingdom
Talk 1: Multiport Rectenna Design for Ambient RF Energy Harvesting
Talk 2: Pixel Antenna Design, Optimization, and Applications

Amit Kumar Singh
Assistant Professor
Department of Electrical Engineering
Indian Institute of Technology, Patna, India
Talk 1: Reconfigurable Intelligent Surfaces for Millimeter Wave 5G and beyond / 6G
Talk 2: Metamaterial Inspired High Gain Multi Beam Millimeter Wave Antennas

Li-Zhao Song
Chancellor’s Research Fellow
Globa Big Data Technologies Centre (GBDTC)
University of Technology Sydney, Sydney, Australia
Talk 1: Advanced Conformal Transmitarray Antennas for 5G and Beyond Wireless Communications
Talk 2: Terahertz Metasurfaces for Future Communications and Sensing Systems

Hai-Han Sun
Assistant Professor
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
Talk 1: Diving into the Subsurface: Unveiling Hidden Worlds through Ground-Penetrating Radar
Talk 2: Enabling a Compatible Coexistence of Multi-Band Base Station Antennas

Yujie Zhang
Research Fellow
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
National University of Singapore, Singapore
Talk: Reconfigurable Intelligent Electromagnetics: From Antenna to Surface Design
Qammer H. Abbasi, SMIEEE, FRET
Chair, IEEE AP-S Young Professional Ambassador Program Sub-Committee
University of Glasgow, UK