
IEEE AP-S Young Professional Ambassador Program

2023 IEEE AP-S YP Ambassadors

Objective of IEEE AP-S Young Professional Ambassador Program is to inspire and inform AP-S Young Professionals (YP) on a variety of topics both technical and non-technical to enhance their interest and engagement in the field of Antennas and Propagation by delivering the talks at various chapters/sections "on-demand" virtually. IEEE AP-S Chapters can reach out to the Ambassadors to schedule their talks.

IEEE AP-S YP Sub-committee chaired by Qammer Abbasi and the members, Nelson Foneseca, Asimina Kiourti, Debdeep Sarkar and Jiang Zhu, selected the following 10 IEEE AP-S YP Ambassadors (class of 2023) based on the qualification criteria. They are sorted according to their last names as below:

Hasan Abbas

Hasan Abbas


James Watt School of Engineering

University of Glasgow, United Kingdom

Talk 1: Electromagnetic Methods at the Nanoscale – Current State of the art

Talk 2: Application of nanoscale electromagnetics in biomedical applications

Gangil Byun

Gangil Byun

Associate Professor

Department of Electrical Engineering (EE)

Ulsan National Institute of Science and Technology (UNIST), South Korea

Talk 1: Huygens’ Metasurfaces for Wide-Angle Refraction: Theory, Design, Analysis, and Physical Implementation

Talk 2: Recent Advances in Display-Integrated Millimeter Wave Antennas

Sumitra Dey

Sumitra Dey

Hardware Development Engineer

Amazon Lab126, California, USA

Talk 1: Relevance of Characteristic Mode Analysis in Plasmonic Material Based Nanoantenna Optimization

Talk 2: Multiscale Modelling of Carbon Nanotube Reinforced Nanocomposites: Opportunities and Challenges

Wei Fan

Wei Fan

Associate professor | Head of "wireless propagation and over-the-air testing" research group

Department of Electronic Systems

Aalborg University, Denmark

Talk 1: Radio Channel Sounding, Modelling and Emulation for 5G and Beyond Systems

Talk 2: Over-the-air testing (OTA) of 5G radios: Principles and Challenges

Gaurangi Gupta

Gaurangi Gupta

Post-Doctoral Researcher

NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory/Caltech, USA

Talk 1: Innovative Antenna Solutions for Satellite Telecom, Radio Telescope and Radars

Talk 2: Lunar Crater Radio Telescope on the Far-side of the Moon

Hui Li

Hui Li


School of Information and Communication Engineering

Dalian University of Technology, China

Talk 1: Theory of Characteristic Mode and its Application in Antenna Design

Talk 2: Designing Multiple Antennas in Terminal Devices

Saptarshi Mukherjee

Saptarshi Mukherjee

Research Scientist

Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), USA

Talk 1: Electromagnetic Diagnostics for In-situ Metal Additive Manufacturing

Talk 2: Electromagnetic Nondestructive Evaluation: Breaking the diffraction limits

Li-Zhao Song

Syed Akbar Raza Naqvi

Post-Doctoral Research Fellow

School of Information Technology & Electrical Engineering

The University of Queensland, Australia

Talk 1: Dielectric Properties of Healthy Human Skin and Challenges towards Dermal Anomaly Detection using Electromagnetic Techniques

Talk 2: Skin Cancer Detection: Feasibility study across the Microwave Frequency band

Adam Narbudowicz

Adam Narbudowicz

Senior Research Fellow

Trinity College Dublin

The University of Dublin, Ireland

Talk 1: Securing IoT: Antennas as Padlocks, Propagation as a Key

Talk 2: Machine learning + mm-Waves = biodiversity sensor

Chaoyun Song

Chaoyun Song

Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor)

Department of Engineering

King’s College London, London, WC2R 2LS, United Kingdom

Talk 1: "Magic" Antenna Engineering for Sustainable, Flexible and Stretchable Electronics

Talk 2: How to Address the Net Zero Target via Rectifying Antennas?


Qammer H. Abbasi, SMIEEE, FRET

Chair, IEEE AP-S Young Professional Ambassador Program Sub-Committee

University of Glasgow, UK

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