
Nomination Deadline: August 31, 2023

The Call for nominations of IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Distinguished Lecturers for the period 2024–2026 is now open.

Self-nominations are welcome and encouraged. In addition to the conventional Distinguished Lecturer (DL) positions, one DL position will be awarded to a person who has demonstrated successful entrepreneurship or exceptional contributions towards commercialization in an antenna or propagation-related field and has given related presentations to engage with others. Nominees who wish to be considered under this category should indicate their corresponding experience in the nomination documents. Decisions will normally be made on or before the end of the year.

All nominees must state in the nomination documents that they agree to give at least three distinguished lectures in developing countries during the tenure of three years if selected. As a guideline, any country or area that is not recognized by the United Nations as a Developed Economy is considered “developing” for this program. Please read Table A. Developed Economies, “Country classification” in this link. The Chair of the DL Committee can consider and approve exceptions

In addition to the specialized lectures, each nominee must propose and give one lecture suitable for the general audience – a lecture that all AP Society members can appreciate

The entire nomination package should be emailed to the Chair of the Committee, with the subject: “AP-S Distinguished Lecturer Nomination 2022” on or before the deadline for the consideration of the three-year term to be started in 2023. The mandatory video clip can be submitted through sharing the link to online storages such as Dropbox, Google Drive or OneDrive.

The nomination package should include the following six pdf files. Please be reminded that all six files are mandatory and any additional material, including those exceed the page limit, will not be considered.

  1. A letter of recommendation from the nominator, or a statement of purpose in the case of self-nomination (Page limit: 1 page; Filename: NomineeLastName_Letter): This should indicate the feedback received by the nominee after previous external, preferably international, presentations, and his/her willingness to travel to chapters around the world as part of the service.
  2. A curriculum vitae or resume of the nominee (Page limit: 5 pages; Filename: NomineeLastName_Resume): It includes the complete or partial list of presentations given by the nominee since 2016. In the list, identify those presentations which are more general/tutorial/workshop nature with an asterisk.
  3. A set of abstracts for the proposed lectures that the nominee plans on offering (Page limit: 3 pages; Filename: NomineeLastName_Abstracts): The abstracts from current DLs are available on the Distinguished Lecturer Program webpage for the nominees’ reference. The number of lectures offered by each DL varies; 3 to 4 lectures are suggested which include the lecture for the general audience.
  4. A sample set of slides (Page limit: 40 slides; Filename: NomineeLastName_Slides): It can be from one or several recent presentations given by the nominee.
  5. Ten slides on the lecture proposed for the general audience (Page limit: 10 slides; Filename: NomineeLastName_SlidesGeneral): This lecture does not need to be completed at this stage.
  6. A 10-minute video (with voice) of one of the proposed lectures (Length: 10 minutes, size: < 1 GB; Filename: NomineeLastName_Video): This lecture does not need to be completed at this stage.

Nominees will be evaluated by the Committee based on the following selection criteria:

  • Outstanding communication and presentation skills (30%)
  • Quality and relevance of proposed lectures that are of current or tutorial interest to both specialized and general audiences (30%)
  • An outstanding record of accomplishment in the field of Antennas and Propagation (40%)
  • Demonstrated entrepreneurship and/or exceptional contributions towards commercialization in an antenna- or propagation-related field (only applicable to nominees in the entrepreneurship category)

Professor Kwai Man Luk, FREng, FIEEE
IEEE AP-S Distinguished Lecturer Program Committee Chair
Department of Electrical Engineering, City University of Hong Kong
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
May 31, 2023