
We would like to introduce two new IEEE APS Awards for Industry Leadership, which are described below. Nominations or self-nominations are solicited for the 2023 IEEE AP-S awards. A brief description of each award, its criteria, and a template of the nomination form are provided below. All nominations are subject to the terms in the AP-S and IEEE guidelines detailed in the Operating Manuals and Bylaws. Nominators are encouraged to review these guidelines before submission.

The deadline for nominations is December 31, 2023

IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Distinguished Industry Leader Award (established in 2022)

Description: Established to recognize an industry executive whose leadership in a large company or smaller consulting firm has resulted in major advances, new directions and developments in the antenna and electromagnetics industry. An electromagnetics trained industry executive who has played a major leadership role in research or development and the introduction of antenna related systems, devices, applications or services that have significantly impacted the global community.

Prize: 2,000 USD and a laminated certificate. This will be a single annual award given to an individual.

Funding: The award will be funded from the AP Society.

Eligibility: The award shall be open to individuals at any level who were industry employees at the time of the accomplishments being recognized. The recipient must be a member of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society for a minimum of three years prior to the nomination. Eligibility and Selection process shall comply with procedures and regulation established in IEEE and Society/Council governing documents, particularly with IEEE Policy 4.4 on Awards Limitations. Previous award winners are not eligible for substantially the same achievements (per IEEE Policies 4.4: An individual shall receive only one award for a given achievement, unless the significance merits a higher award, which may be given in the following year or thereafter).

Basis for Judging: Executive leadership resulting in major advances, new directions and developments in the antenna and electromagnetics area. Evaluation is based on factors such as the impact on the industry, global acceptance of products and services, financial success and growth of the business, ubiquity of the products and services, emulation of the contributions by the competition, and the degree of the candidate's global recognition. Other selection criteria include time of service and and specific innovations. The awardee will be selected by a majority (>50%) of the members of the Awards Committee and submitted to the AP-S AdCom for approval.

Presentation: The award will be presented at the flagship IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society annual symposium.

IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society Industrial Innovation Award (established in 2022)

Description: Established to award major industrial accomplishments, standards, deployment of important processes or products that are of substantial benefit to the public in the field of antenna and electromagnetic technologies and visible beyond the company or institution where the contribution was made. The award shall be open to individuals at any level who were industry employees at the time of the accomplishments being recognized.

Prize: 2,000 USD and a plaque. This will be a single annual award and may have multiple recipients. If there are multiple people/team that collaborated on the achievement/contribution, each member will receive a plaque, however the money will be split equally amongst the awardees.

Funding: The award will be funded from the AP Society.

Eligibility: The award shall be open to individuals at any level who were industry employees at the time of the accomplishments being recognized. The recipient must be a member of the IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society for a minimum of three years prior to nomination. Eligibility and Selection process shall comply with procedures and regulation established in IEEE and Society/Council governing documents, particularly with IEEE Policy 4.4 on Awards Limitations. Previous award winners are not eligible for substantially the same achievements (per IEEE Policies 4.4: An individual shall receive only one award for a given achievement, unless the significance merits a higher award, which may be given in the following year or thereafter).

Basis for Judging: Major industrial accomplishments, standards, deployment of important processes or products that are of substantial benefit to the public in the field of antennas, propagation and electromagnetics and visible beyond the company where the contribution was made. The awardee will be selected by a majority (>50%) of the members of the Awards Committee and submitted to the AP-S AdCom for approval.

Presentation: The award will be presented at the flagship IEEE Antennas and Propagation Society annual symposium.


1. Nomination Form (maximum of 5 pages, minimum 10pt font)

  1. Name of Nominee(s):
  2. Professional Affiliation and Title:
  3. Address (include Email):
    IEEE Member: Yes/No, IEEE APS Member: Yes/No, IEEE Number: ##, IEEE Grade: Member/Senior Member/Fellow/Life Fellow
  4. Principal Employment: Years, short description
  5. Education beyond twelfth grade. Please include institution/location, degree, year received.
  6. Achievement pertinent to the qualifications for the Award (please address criteria listed above pertinent to the specific Award).
  7. Evidence of the significance of the nominee's contributions relevant to the award.
  8. Proposed Citation. (maximum 25 words)
  9. Nominator's Name, Business Affiliation, Work or home address, Telephone, Fax, Email.
  10. As nominator, how long and in what capacity have you known the candidate?
  11. Is this a NEW or UPDATED nomination? (Nominations may be carried forward for up to 5 years from the date of their initial submission.)

2. Endorsement Letters (maximum of 4 letters, maximum of 2 pages per letter, minimum 10pt font)

Letters should include the name, address, and email of the endorser, and how long and in what capacity they have known the candidate.

Letters cannot be written by current members of APS AdCom or Field Awards SubCommittee.

Please mail the completed nomination packet to:
Dr. Cynthia Furse
IEEE APS Awards Committee Chair
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If you have questions, I may also be reached at phone (801) 585 7234