
Compiled by Ted and Harriet Simpson with contributions from Ross Stone and Stuart Long

AP-S Chronology 2006 - 2016 (PDF) 





President: Andrew F. Peterson Secretary/Treasurer: Michael W. Shields

President-Elect: Charles M. Rhoads


Administrative Committee

2006 - Makato Ando, Jennifer T. Bernhard, Magdalena Salazar-Palma, Douglas H. Werner;
2007 – Mike Jensen, Leo Kempel, Eric Michielssen, Tapan Sarkar;
2008 – Steven R. Best, Cynthia Furse, Roberto D. Graglia, Amir I. Zaghloul;
Past Presidents with vote: Magdy Iskander (2002), L. Wilson Pearson (2003), John L.Volakis (2004), Richard W. Ziolkowski (2005)


Administrative Committee meetings

AdCom Winter Meeting – February 25-26, 2006 in Albuquerque, New Mexico. AdCom Summer Meeting - July 9, 2006 in Albuquerque, New Mexico



The 2006 AP-S International Symposium was held July 9-14, 2006 in Albuquerque, New Mexico. General Chair – Donald McLemore, General Vice Chair – Jerry Hausner, Technical Program Chairs – Scott Tyo and Christos Christodoulou


IEEE 2006 Awards

IEEE Electromagnetics Awardpresented toRaj Mittra “for contributions to research and education in computational electromagnetics.”


Antennas and Propagation Society 2006 Awards

Distinguished Achievement Award – presented to Allan C. Schell “for outstanding leadership in research and development of antennas, antenna arrays and their applications.” 

Chen-To Tai Distinguished Educator Award – presented to Hisamatsu Nakano “for outstanding contributions to electromagnetics education, especially in the development and teaching of numerical analysis techniques for wide-band antennas.” 

John Kraus Antenna Award – presented to Carl E. Baum, D. V. Giri, and Everett G. Farr “for development of novel and innovative ultra-wideband antenna concepts that have enabled a new area of electromagnetics.”


Antennas and Propagation Society 2006 Best Paper Awards

Sergei A. Schelkunoff Transactions Prize Paper Award – George W. Hanson for the paper “Fundamental Transmitting Properties of Carbon Nanotube Antennas,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 53, issue 11, November 2005, pp. 3426-3435. 

Harold A. Wheeler Applications Prize Paper Award – Shared by two papers: 1). Keyoor Gosalia, Mark S. Humayun, and Gianluca Lazzi for the paper, “Impedance Matching and Implementation of Planar Space-Filling Dipoles as Intraocular Implanted Antennas in a Retinal Prosthesis,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 53, issue 8, August 2005, pp. 2365-2373; and 2).

Benoit Fourestié, Jean-Charles Bolomey, Thierry Sarrebourse, Zwi Altman, and Joe Wiart for the paper “Spherical Near Field Facility for Characterizing Random Emissions,” IEEE  Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 53, issue 8, August 2005, pp. 2582-2589. 

R.W.P. King Paper Award – Daniel W. Boeringer and Douglas H. Werner for the paper “Efficiency-Constrained Particle Swarm Optimization of a Modified Bernstein Polynomial for Conformal Array Excitation Amplitude Synthesis,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 53, issue 8, August 2005, pp. 2662-2673. 






President: Charles M. Rhoads Secretary/Treasurer: Michael W. Shields

President-Elect: Jennifer T. Bernhard


Administrative Committee

2007 – Mike Jensen, Leo Kempel, Eric Michielssen, Tapan Sarkar;
2008 – Steven R. Best, Cynthia Furse, Roberto D. Graglia, Amir I. Zaghloul;
2009 – Randy Haupt, Koichi Ito, Brian Kent, Ozlem Kilic;
Past Presidents with vote: L. Wilson Pearson (2003), John L. Volakis (2004), Richard W. Ziolkowski (2005), Andrew F. Peterson (2006)


Administrative Committee meetings

AdCom Winter Meeting – February 17-18, 2007 in El Segundo, California. [AP-S Magazine volume 49-4]. AdCom Summer Meeting – June 10, 2007 Honolulu, Hawaii [AP-S Magazine volume 50-2].



The 2007 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation was held June 10-15, 2007 in Honolulu, Hawaii. General Chair – Magdy F. Iskander, Co-General Chair/Treasurer – Michael A. Jensen, Technical Program Co-Chairs – Zhengqing Yun, Makoto Ando, and Karl F. Warnick


IEEE 2007 Awards

IEEE Electromagnetics Awardpresented toCarl E. Baum “for contributions to fundamental principles and techniques in electromagnetics.” 

Outstanding Service Award – Stuart A. Long “for over 25 years of exemplary sustained service to the Antennas and Propagation Society.”


Antennas and Propagation Society 2007 Awards

Distinguished Achievement Award – presented to Piergiorgio (George) L.E. Uslenghi “for his technical contributions in electromagnetic scattering and his exemplary service to the electromagnetics community.” 

Chen-To Tai Distinguished Educator Award – presented to Yahya Rahmat-Samii “for significant contributions to electromagnetics education and for inspiring new methodologies for the design, analysis, and measurement of complex antenna systems.” 

John Kraus Antenna Award – presented to Benedikt A. Munk “for his contribution in designing thin and broadband conformal arrays (10:1) with VSWR < 2 and scan angle ± 60 in both E- and H-plane, without use of lossy materials.”


Antennas and Propagation Society 2007 Best Paper Awards

Sergei A. Schelkunoff Transactions Prize Paper Award – Jose A. Encinar, Leri Sh. Datashvili, J.Agustin Zornoza, Manuel Arrebola, Manuel Sierra-Castaner, Jose L. Besada-Sanmartin, Horst Baier, and Herve Legay for the paper “Dual-Polarization Dual-Coverage Reflectarray for Space Applications,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 54, issue 10, October 2006, pp. 2827-2837.

Harold A. Wheeler Applications Prize Paper Award – Aliou Diallo, Cyril Luxey, Philippe Le Thuc, Robert Staraj, and George Kossiavas for the paper “Study and Reduction of the Mutual Coupling Between Two Mobile Phones PIFAs Operating in the DCS1800 and UMTS Bands,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 54, issue 11, November 2006, pp. 3063-3074. 

R.W.P. King Paper Award – Peter Lindberg and Erik Ojefors for the paper “A Bandwidth Enhancement Technique for Mobile Handset Antennas Using Wavetraps,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 54, issue 8, August 2006, pp. 2226-2233. 






President: Jennifer T. Bernhard Secretary/Treasurer: Michael W. Shields

President-Elect: Makoto Ando


Administrative Committee

2008 – Steven R. Best, Cynthia Furse, Roberto D. Graglia, Amir I. Zaghloul;
2009 – Randy Haupt, Koichi Ito, Ozlem Kilic, Jay Kralovec;
2010 – Peter de Maagt, George Eleftheriades, Giuliano Manara, Prabhaker Pathak;
Past Presidents with vote: John L. Volakis (2004), Richard W. Ziolkowski (2005), Andrew F. Peterson (2006), Charles M. Rhoads (2007)


Administrative Committee meetings

AdCom Winter Meeting – February 23-24, 2008 in San Diego, California. [AP-S Magazine volume 50-5].AdCom Summer Meeting – July 6, 2008 San Diego, California [AP-S Magazine volume 51-2].



The 2008 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting was held July 5-12, 2008 in San Diego, California. Chairman – Michael Thorburn, Vice Chairman/Treasurer – Mark T. Primich, Technical Program Chair – Aluizio Prata


IEEE 2008 Awards

IEEE Electromagnetics Awardpresented to Werner Wiesbeck “for innovative electromagnetic applications in communication systems, remote sensing, and EM compatibility.”


Antennas and Propagation Society 2008 Awards

Distinguished Achievement Award – presented to Zoltan J. Cendes “for his contributions to the widespread use of user-friendly software tools for electromagnetic analysis and design.” 

Chen-To Tai Distinguished Educator Award – presented to Weng C. Chew “for outstanding contributions to education in the fields of electromagnetic theory and computational electromagnetics.” 

John Kraus Antenna Award – presented to Daniel H. Schaubert “for his contributions to the development of the Vivaldi antenna and arrays.”


Antennas and Propagation Society 2008 Best Paper Awards

Sergei A. Schelkunoff Transactions Prize Paper Award – Arthur D. Yaghjian for the paper “Internal Energy, Q-Energy, Poynting’s Theorem, and the Stress Dyadic in Dispersive Materials,” IEEE
Transactions on Antennas and Propagation
, vol. 55, issue 6 part 1, June 2007, pp. 1495-1505.

Harold A. Wheeler Applications Prize Paper Award – N. Llombart, A. Neto, G. Gerini, and Peter de Maagt for the paper “1-D Scanning Arrays on Dense Dielectrics Using PCS-EBG Technology,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 55, issue 1, January 2007, pp. 26-35. 

R.W.P. King Paper Award – Ashwin K. Iyer and George V. Eleftheriades for the paper “A Multilayer Negative-Refractive-Index Transmission-Line (NRI-TL) Metamaterial Free-Space Lens at X-band,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 55, issue 10, October 2007, pp. 2746-2753.






President: Makoto Ando Secretary/Treasurer: Michael W. Shields

President-Elect: Robert D. Nevels


Administrative Committee

2009 – Randy Haupt, Koichi Ito, Ozlem Kilic, Jay Kralovec;
2010 – Peter de Maagt, George Eleftheriades, Giuliano Manara, Prabhaker Pathak;
2011 – Alkim Akyurtlu, William A. Davis, Hao Ling, Michael Okoniewski;
Past Presidents with vote: Richard W. Ziolkowski (2005), Andrew F. Peterson (2006), Charles M. Rhoads (2007), Jennifer T. Bernhard (2008)


Administrative Committee meetings

AdCom Winter Meeting – AdCom Summer Meeting – May 31, 2009 in Charleston, South Carolina [AP-S Magazine volume 52-1 Feb 2010].



The 2009 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting was held June 1-5, 2009 in Charleston, South Carolina. General Chair – Anthony Q. Martin, Technical Program Chairs – Gianluca Lazzi, Mohammod Ali


IEEE 2009 Awards

IEEE Electromagnetics Awardpresented to Kenneth K. Mei “for contributions to computational electromagnetics and Maxwellian circuits.”


Antennas and Propagation Society 2009 Awards

Distinguished Achievement Award – presented to Yahya Ramat-Samii “for pioneering contributions to the design, optimization and measurement of modern ground and space-borne reflector antennas and antennas for handheld communication devices.” 

Chen-To Tai Distinguished Educator Award – presented to Lotfollah Shafai “for his contributions to antenna teaching and research by developing curriculum, numerical techniques, establishing link between industry and university and its impact on students internationally.” 

John Kraus Antenna Award – presented to Kai Fong Lee “for inventing the wideband U-slot patch antenna and for expanding the U-slot technique to small size, dual/triple band and circular polarization applications.” 

Donald G. Dudley Jr. Undergraduate Teaching Awardpresented to Fan Yang “for an extraordinary effort to excite and engage students in electromagnetics through his enthusiasm in EM, excellent teaching, and active research advising.


Antennas and Propagation Society 2009 Best Paper Awards

Sergei A. Schelkunoff Transactions Prize Paper Award – Giorgio Franceschetti, Antonio Iodice, Antonio Natale, and Daniele Riccio for the paper “Stochastic Theory of Edge Diffraction,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 56, no. 2, February 2008, pp. 437-449.

Harold A. Wheeler Applications Prize Paper Award – Lluis Jofre, Chrysavgi Stoltidou, Sebastian Blanch, Teresa Mengual, Borja Vidal, Javier Marti, Iain McKenzie, and J.M. del Cura for the paper “Optically Beamformed Wideband Array Performance,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 56, no. 6, June 2008, pp. 1594-1604. 

R.W.P. King Paper Award – Tommi Laitinen for the paper “Double Phi-Step Theta-Scanning Technique for Spherical Near-Field Antenna Measurements,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 56, no. 6, June 2008, pp. 1633-1639. 

AWPL Piergiorgio L.E. Uslenghi Prize Paper Award – Hyok Jae Song, Tsung Yuan Hsu, Daniel F. Sievenpiper, Hui Pin Hsu, James Schaffner, and Eray Yasan for the paper “A Method for Improving the Efficiency of Transparent Film Antennas,” IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 7, pp. 753-756, 2008.






President: Robert D. Nevels Secretary/Treasurer: Michael W. Shields

President-Elect: Magdalena Salazar-Palma


Administrative Committee

2010 – Peter de Maagt, George Eleftheriades, Giuliano Manara, Prabhaker Pathak;
2011 – Alkim Akyurtlu, William A. Davis, Hao Ling, Michael Okoniewski;
2012 – Yahia M.M. Antar, Stefano Maci, Marta Martinez-Vazquez, Daniel F. Sievenpiper;
Past Presidents with vote: Andrew F. Peterson (2006), Charles M. Rhoads (2007), Jennifer T. Bernhard (2008), Makoto Ando (2009)


Administrative Committee meetings

AdCom Winter Meeting – March 6-7, 2010 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. [AP-S Magazine volume 52-5].AdCom Summer Meeting – July 11, 2010 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada [AP-S Magazine volume 53-3].



The 2010 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and CNC-USNC/URSI Radio Science Meeting was held July 11-17, 2010 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada. Chairman – George Eleftheriades, Technical Program Chair – Lot Shafai


IEEE 2010 Awards

IEEE Electromagnetics Awardpresented to Thomas B.A. Senior “for significant contributions to the advancement of electromagnetic diffraction and scattering theories.”


Antennas and Propagation Society 2010 Awards

Distinguished Achievement Award – presented to Giorgio Franceschetti “for outstanding contributions to fundamental electromagnetic theory, including pulsed antennas and arrays, innovative propagation and scattering models, and exploration of new emerging application areas.” 

Chen-To Tai Distinguished Educator Award – presented to Allen Taflove “for his educational activities and publications, and his impact on undergraduate and graduate students.” 

John Kraus Antenna Award – presented to Dimitrios E. Anagnostou, Guizhen Zheng, Christos Christodoulou, and John Papapolymerou “for contributions in the integration and design of reconfigurable multi-band antennas with RF MEMS switches over a wide-band frequency range (8-25 GHz).” 

Donald G. Dudley Jr. Undergraduate Teaching Awardpresented to Gregory H. Huff “for creative and innovative approaches to electromagnetic education, undergraduate research experiences, and student monitoring.”


Antennas and Propagation Society 2010 Best Paper Awards

Sergei A. Schelkunoff Transactions Prize Paper Award – Mats Gustafsson, Christian Sohl, and Gerhard Kristensson for the paper “Illustrations of New Physical Bounds on Linearly Polarized Antennas,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 57, issue 5, May 2009, pp. 1319-1327.

Harold A. Wheeler Applications Prize Paper Award – Simon L. Cotton and William G. Scanlon for the paper “Measurements, Modeling, and Simulation of the Off-Body Radio Channel for the Implementation of Bodyworn Antenna Diversity at 868 MHz,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 57, issue 12, December 2009, pp. 3951-3961. 

R.W.P. King Paper Award – David R. Reid and Glenn S. Smith for the paper “A Comparison of the Focusing Properties of a Fresnel Zone Plate with a Doubly-Hyperbolic Lens for Application in a Free-Space, Focused-Beam Measurement System,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 57, issue 2, February 2009, pp. 499-507. 

AWPL Piergiorgio L.E. Uslenghi Prize Paper Award – Li Yang, Rongwei Zhang, Daniela Staiculescu, C.P. Wong, and Manos M. Tentzeris for the paper “A Novel Conformal RFID-Enabled Module Utilizing Inkjet-Printed Antennas and Carbon Nanotubes for Gas Detection Applications,” IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, 8, 2009, pp. 653-656.






President: Magdalena Salazar-Palma Secretary/Treasurer: J. Scott Tyo

President-Elect: Steven R. Best


Administrative Committee

2011 – Alkim Akyurtlu, William A. Davis, Hao Ling, Michael Okoniewski;
2012 – Yahia M.M. Antar, Stefano Maci, Marta Martinez-Vazquez, Daniel F. Sievenpiper;
2013 – David B. Davidson, Magda El-Shenawee, Sudhakar K. Rao, Michael W. Shields;
Past Presidents with vote: Charles M. Rhoads (2007), Jennifer T. Bernhard (2008), Makoto Ando (2009), Robert D. Nevels (2010)


Administrative Committee meetings

AdCom Winter Meeting – AdCom Summer Meeting – July 3, 2011 in Spokane, Washington.



The 2011 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and CNC-USNC/URSI Radio Science Meeting was held July 3-8, 2011 in Spokane, Washington. Chairman – Jeffrey L. Young Technical Program Chair – Shira Broschat


IEEE 2011 Awards

IEEE Electromagnetics Award– presented to YahyaRamat-Samii “for fundamental contributions to reflector antennas, near-field measurements and diagnostics, antenna and human interactions, and optimization algorithms in electromagnetics.”


Antennas and Propagation Society 2011 Awards

Distinguished Achievement Award – presented to Per-Simon Kildal “for pioneering contributions to design and characterization methods for reflectors, feeds and small antennas utilizing soft and hard surfaces, and reverberation chamber for Over-The-Air measurements.” 

Chen-To Tai Distinguished Educator Award – presented to John L. Volakis “for exemplary contributions as an inspiring teacher and mentor, and for advancing electromagnetic technology.” 

John Kraus Antenna Award – presented to Daniel Filipovic and Gabriel M. Rebeiz “for the analysis and design of extended dielectric-lens antennas and imaging arrays for millimeter-wave and terahertz applications.” 

Donald G. Dudley Jr. Undergraduate Teaching Awardpresented to Vitaliy Lomakin “for excellence in developing and implementing research inspired applied electromagnetics curriculum, and mentoring students.”


Antennas and Propagation Society 2011 Best Paper Awards

Sergei A. Schelkunoff Transactions Prize Paper Award – Tengmeng Tan and Mike Potter for the paper “FDTD discrete planewave (FDTD-DPW) formulation for a perfectly matched source in TFSF simulations,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 58, no.8, pp.2641-2648, August 2010.

Harold A. Wheeler Applications Prize Paper Award – Mark S. Mirotznik, Brandon L. Good, Paul Ransom, David Wikner, and Joseph N. Mait for the paper “Broadband antireflective properties of inverse motheye surfaces,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 58, no. 9, pp. 2969-2980, September 2010. 

R.W.P. King Paper Award – Simon Chiu for the paper “Effect of human presence on UWB radiowave propagation within the passenger cabin of a midsize airliner,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 58, no.3, pp. 917-926, March 2010. 

AWPL Piergiorgio L.E. Uslenghi Prize Paper Award – Dan Sun, Wenbin Dou, and Lizhi You for the paper “Application of novel cavity-backed proximity-coupled microstrip patch antenna to design broadband conformal phase array,” IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 9, pp. 1010-1013, 2010. 

Edward E. Altshuler Prize Paper AwardDo-Hoon Kwon and Douglas H. Werner for the paper “Transformation electromagnetics: An overview of the theory and applications,” IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, vol. 52, no. 1, pp. 24-26, February 2010.






President: Steven R. Best Secretary/Treasurer: J. Scott Tyo

President-Elect: Trevor Bird


Administrative Committee

2012 – Yahia M.M. Antar, Stefano Maci, Marta Martinez-Vazquez, Daniel F. Sievenpiper;
2013 – David B. Davidson, Magda El-Shenawee, Sudhakar R. Rao, Michael W. Shields;
2014 – Danilo Erricolo, Luis Jofre, Christian Pichot, Norma Riley;
Past President with vote: Jennifer T. Bernhard (2008), Makoto Ando (2009), Robert D. Nevels (2010), Magdalena Salazar-Palma (2011)


Administrative Committee meetings

AdCom Winter Meeting –AdCom Summer Meeting – July 8, 2012 in Chicago, Illinois.



The 2012 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting was held July 8-14, 2012 in Chicago, Illinois. General Chair – Danilo Erricolo, Vice General Chair – Mahta Moghaddam, Technical Program Chair – Susan Hagness


IEEE 2012 Awards

IEEE Electromagnetics Awardpresented to Nader Engheta “for contributions to electromagnetic theory and applications of metamaterials and nanoscale optics.”


Antennas and Propagation Society 2012 Awards

Distinguished Achievement Award – presented to Constantine A. Balanis “for contributions to electromagnetics through excellence in book authorship, inspiring and trailblazing teaching, and diversified research.” 

Chen-To Tai Distinguished Educator Award – presented to Magdy F. Iskander “for innovation and distinguished contribution to engineering education and STEM outreach programs.” 

John Kraus Antenna Award – presented to Peter S. Hall “for contributions to the design and understanding of printed circuit antennas, active integrated antennas, small terminal antennas and wearable antennas.” 

Donald G. Dudley Jr. Undergraduate Teaching Awardpresented to Jamesina J. Simpson “for passionate one-on-one teaching, mentoring, and advising of a diverse group of undergraduate students through courses, research, and projects.”


Antennas and Propagation Society 2012 Best Paper Awards

Sergei A. Schelkunoff Transactions Prize Paper Award – Y.P. Zhang, Yilong L. Lu, M. Sun, and Duxian Liu, “Dual grid array antennas in a thin-profile package for flip-chip interconnection to highly integrated 60-GHz radios,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 59, no.4, pp. 1191-1199, April 2011. 

Harold A. Wheeler Applications Prize Paper Award – Chad E.Patterson, Tushar K. Thrivikraman, Ana M. Yepes, Sean M. Begley, Swapan K. Bhattacharya, John D. Cressler, and John Papapolymerou for the paper “A lightweight organic X-band active receiving phased array with integrated SiGe amplifers and phase shifters,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 59, no. 1, pp. 100-109, January 2011. 

R.W.P. King Paper Award – A.M.H. Wong and G.V. Eleftheriades for the paper “Sub-wavelength focusing at the multi-wavelength range using superoscillations: An experimental demonstration,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 59, no. 12, pp. 4766-4776, December 2011. 

AWPL Piergiorgio L.E. Uslenghi Prize Paper Award – Nader Behdad, Mudar A. Al-Joumayly, and Meng Li for the paper “Biologically inspired electrically small antenna arrays with enhanced directional sensitivity,” IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 10, pp. 361-364, 2011. 

Edward E. Altshuler Prize Paper Award – Atabak Rashidian, David M. Klymyshyn, Mohammadreza Tayfeh Aligodarz, Martin Boerner, and Jurgen Mohr for the paper “Photoresist-based polymer resonator antennas: Lithography fabrication, strip-fed excitation, and multimode operation,” IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, vol.53, no.4, pp.16-27, August 2011.






President: Trevor Bird Secretary/Treasurer: J. Scott Tyo

President-Elect: Tapan K. Sarkar


Administrative Committee

2013 – David B. Davidson, Magda El-Shenawee, Sudhakar R. Rao, Michael W. Shields;
2014 – Danilo Erricolo, Luis Jofre, Christian Pichot, Norma Riley;
2015 – Ahmed A. Kishk, Dirk Manteuffel, Levent Sevgi, Leena Ukkonen;
Past Presidents with vote: Makoto Ando (2009), Robert D. Nevels (2010), Magdalena Salazar-Palma(2011), Steven R. Best (2012)


Administrative Committee meetings

AdCom Winter Meeting – ­­­ AdCom Summer Meeting – July 7, 2013 in Orlando, Florida.



The 2013 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC/URSI National Radio Science Meeting was held July 7-13, 2013 in Orlando, Florida. General Chair – Parveen Wahid, Co-Chair – Jay Kralovec, Technical Program Chairs – Xun Gong and Gokhan Mumcu


IEEE 2013 Awards

IEEE Electromagnetics Awardpresented to Nader Engheta “for contributions to electromagnetic theory and applications of metamaterials and nanoscale optics.”


Antennas and Propagation Society 2013 Awards

Distinguished Achievement Award – presented to Prabhakar H. Pathak “for introducing and establishing the Uniform Theory of Diffraction (UTD) as a computational tool in Electromagnetics (EM) and for innovative solutions to EM antenna/scattering problems.” 

Chen-To Tai Distinguished Educator Award – presented to Ahmed A. Kishk “for contributions and continuous improvements to teaching and research to prepare students for future careers in antennas and microwave circuits.” 

John Kraus Antenna Award – presented to Lotfollah Shafai “for contributions to the design and understanding of small high efficiency feeds and terminals, wideband planar antennas, low loss engineered conductors, and virtual array antennas.” 

Donald G. Dudley Jr. Undergraduate Teaching Awardpresented to Reyhan Baktur “for excellence in teaching and mentoring, and the development of creative hands on electromagnetics laboratories.” 

Lot Shafai Mid-Career Distinguished Achievement Award – presented to Marta Martinez-Vazquez “for contribution to the development of antenna systems for practical applications from UHF to mmwaves and giving visibility to women engineers.”


Antennas and Propagation Society 2013 Best Paper Awards

Sergei A. Schelkunoff Transactions Prize Paper Award – Qing He, Houle Gan, and Dan Jiao for the paper “Explicit Time-Domain Finite-Element Method Stabilized for an Arbitrarily Large Time Step,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 60, no. 11, pp. 5240-5250, Nov. 2012. 

Harold A. Wheeler Applications Prize Paper Award – Mohammad Tayeb Ghasr, Mohamed Abou-Khousa, Sergey Kharkovsky, Reza Zoughi, and David Pommerenke for the paper “Portable Real-Time Microwave Camera at 24 GHz,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 60, no. 2, pp. 1114-1125, February 2012. 

R.W.P. King Paper Award – Rick Kindt for the paper “Prototype Design of a Modular Ultrawideband Wavelength-Scaled Array of Flared Notches,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 60, no. 3, pp. 1320-1328, March 2012. 

Piergiorgio L.E. Uslenghi Letters Prize Paper Award – Pietro Vinetti, Michele D’Urso, and Massimiliano Dispenza for the paper “Increasing phased arrays resilience via photonic sensor network feedback,” IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 11, pp. 901-904, 2012. 

Edward E. Altshuler Prize Paper Award – Christopher Holloway, Edward Kuester, Joshua Gordon, John O’Hara, Jim Booth, and David Smith for the paper “An Overview of the Theory and Applications of Metasurfaces: The Two-Dimensional Equivalents of Metamaterials,” IEEE Antennas and Propagation Magazine, vol. 54, no.2, pp.10-35, April 2012.






President: Tapan K. Sarkar Secretary/Treasurer J. Scott Tyo

President-Elect: Roberto Graglia


Administrative Committee

2014 - Danilo Erricolo, Luis Jofre, Christian Pichot, Norma Riley;
2015 – Ahmed A. Kishk, Dirk Manteuffel, Levent Sevgi, Leena Ukkonen;
2016 – Silvio Barbin, Gianluca Lazzi, Donald M. McPherson, Scott Tyo;
Past Presidents with vote – Robert D. Nevels (2010), Magdalena Salazar-Palma (2011), Steven Best (2012), Trevor S. Bird (2013); Honorary Life Members – Robert C. Hansen and W. Ross Stone


Administrative Committee Meetings

AdCom Winter Meeting – Ad Com Summer Meeting - July 6, 2014 in Memphis, Tennessee.



The 2014 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and USNC/URSI Radio Science Meeting was held July 6-11, 2014 in Memphis, Tennessee. General Chairs – Atef Elsherbeni and C.J. Reddy, Technical Program Chairs - Fan Yang, Veysel Demir, and James C. Rautio


IEEE 2014 Awards

IEEE Electromagnetics Award – presented to Allen Taflove “for contributions to the development and application of finite-difference time-domain (FDTD) solutions of Maxwell’s equations across the electromagnetic spectrum.” 

IEEE Undergraduate Teaching Award – presented to Hsi-Tseng Chou “for inspirational teaching and innovations in undergraduate engineering education.”


Antennas and Propagation Society 2014 Awards

Distinguished Achievement Award – presented to John L. Volakis “for game-changing contributions to computational electromagnetics, radar scattering and antennas, and for educational leadership and service to the electromagnetics community.” 

Chen-To Tai Distinguished Educator Award – presented to Eric Michielssen “in recognition of being an outstanding educator, mentor and role model for the next generation of faculty members.” 

John Kraus Antenna Award – presented to Stuart A. Long “for the introduction and development of the dielectric resonator antenna.” 

Donald G. Dudley Jr. Undergraduate Teaching Award – presented to Francesco P. Andriulli “for the excellence in advising undergraduate research and in the development of research inspired courses in applied and computational electromagnetics.” 

Lot Shafai Mid-Career Distinguished Achievement Award – presented to Nuria Llombart “for her original contributions to terahertz antennas and quasi-optical systems, academic leadership, and proven role model for women in antenna engineering.” 

Harrington-Mittra Award in Computational Electromagnetics – presented to Donald R. Wilton “for fundamental contributions to the method of moments in computational electromagnetics.”


Antennas and Propagation Society 2014 Best Paper Awards

Sergei A. Schelkunoff Transactions Prize Paper Award – Zhen Peng, Kheng-Hwee Lim, and Jin-Fa Lee for the paper “A Discontinuous Galerkin Surface Integral Equation Method for Electromagnetic Wave Scattering From Nonpenetrable Targets,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 61, no.7, pp. 3617-3628, July 2013. 

Harold A. Wheeler Applications Prize Paper Award – Qi Wu, Clinton P. Scarborough, Bonnie G. Martin, Robert K. Shaw, Douglas H. Werner, Erik Lier, and Xiande Wang for the paper “A Ku-Band Dual Polarization Hybrid-Mode Horn Antenna Enabled by Printed-Circuit-Board Metasurfaces,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 61, no. 3, pp. 1089-1098, March 2013 

R.W.P. King Paper Award – Meng Li and Nader Behdad for the paper “Wideband True-Time-Delay Microwave Lenses Based on Metallo-Dielectric and All-Dielectric Lowpass Frequency Selective Surfaces,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 61, no.8, pp. 4109-4119, August 2013. 

Piergiorgio L.E. Uslenghi Letters Prize Paper Award – Michael Selvanayagam and George V. Eleftheriades for the paper “Circuit Modeling of Huygens Surfaces,” IEEE Antenna and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 12, pp. 1642-1645, 2013. 

Edward E. Altshuler AP-S Magazine Prize Paper Award – Saeed I. Latif, Lotfollah Shafai, and Cyrus Shafai for the paper “An Engineered Conductor for Gain and Efficiency Improvement of Miniaturized Microstrip Antennas,” IEEE Antenna and Propagation Magazine, vol. 55, no.2, pp. 77-90, April 2013.






President: Roberto Graglia Secretary: Zhongxiang Shen

President-Elect: Michael Jensen Treasurer: Donald M. McPherson


Administrative Committee

2015 – Ahmed A. Kishk, Dirk Manteuffel, Levent Sevgi, Leena Ukkonen;
2016 – Gianluca Lazzi, J. Scott Tyo, Donald M. McPherson, Silvio Barbin;
2017 – Christophe Caloz, Jamesina Simpson, Mahta Moghaddam, Karu Esselle;
Past Presidents with vote – Magdalena Salazar-Palma (2011), Steven Best (2012), Trevor Bird (2013), Tapan K. Sarkar (2014); Honorary Life Members – Robert C. Hansen and W. Ross Stone


Administrative Committee meetings

AdCom Winter Meeting – January 31 – February 1, 2015 in Hong Kong. AdCom Summer Meeting - July 19, 2015 in Vancouver, BC, Canada.



The 2015 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and North American Radio Science Meeting was held July 19-24, 2015 in Vancouver, BC, Canada. General Chairs - David G. Michelson, Lot Shafai, and Rodney Vaughan; Technical Program Chairs - Costas Sarris, Sean Hum, and Ashwin Iyer


IEEE 2015 Awards

IEEE Electromagnetics Award– presented to Donald R. Wilton “for fundamental contributions to integral equation methods in computational electromagnetics.” 

IEEE Undergraduate Teaching Award – presented to Branisalov M. Notaros “for contributions to undergraduate electromagnetics education through inspiring teaching and innovative course materials.”


Antennas and Propagation Society 2015 Awards

Distinguished Achievement Awardpresented to Nader Engheta “for seminal contributions in the theory, application, and demonstration of metamaterials, plasmonic optics, and chiral and omega media.” 

Chen-To Tai Distinguished Educator Award – presented to Jian-Ming Jin “for outstanding contributions to graduate teaching, curriculum development, and research guidance of graduate students in the area of computational electromagnetics.” 

John Kraus Antenna Award – presented to George V. Eleftheriades “for pioneering contributions to metamaterials and their applications to antennas and sub-diffraction imaging.” 

Donald G. Dudley Jr. Undergraduate Teaching Award – presented to Ashwin K. Iyer “for introducing innovative teaching methodologies to effectively engage and inspire undergraduate students in engineering electromagnetics.” 

Lot Shafai Mid-Career Distinguished Achievement Award – presented to Mona Jarrahi “for pioneering contributions to plasmonic antennas and optical phased arrays for terahertz and microwave systems and being a role model for women scientists and engineers.” 

Harrington-Mittra Award in Computational Electromagnetics – presented to Levent Gurel “for pioneering contributions to the accurate solution of large-scale electromagnetic problems via integral equations, parallel computing, and fast algorithms.”


Antennas and Propagation Society 2015 Best Paper Awards

Sergei A. Schelkunoff Transactions Prize Paper Award – Krzysztof A. Michalski and Juan R. Mosig for the paper “On the Plane Wave-Excited Subwavelength Circular Aperture in a Thin Perfectly Conducting Flat Screen,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 62, no. 4 - part 2, pp. 2121-2129, April 2014. 

Harold A. Wheeler Applications Prize Paper Award – Nathan R. Labadie, Satish K. Sharma, and Gabriel M. Rebiez for the paper “A Circularly Polarized Multiple Radiating Mode Microstrip Antenna for Satellite Receive Applications,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 62, no. 7, pp. 3490-3500, July 2014.

R.W.P. King Paper Award – Liang Liang and Sean Victor Hum for the paper “Realizing a Flat UWB 2-D Reflector Designed Using Transformation Optics,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 62, no. 5, pp. 2481-2487, May 2014. 

Piergiorgio L.E. Uslenghi Letters Prize Paper Award – Michele Tamagnone and Julien Perruisseau-Carrier for the paper “Predicting Input Impedance and Efficiency of Graphene Reconfigurable Dipoles Using a Simple Circuit Model,” IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 13, pp. 313-316, 2014. 

Edward E. Altshuler AP-S Magazine Prize Paper Award – Huan-Ting Meng, Bao-Lin Nie, Steven Wong, Charles Macon, and Jian-Ming Jin for the paper “GPU Accelerated Finite-Element Computation for Electromagnetic Analysis,” IEEE Antenna and Propagation Magazine, vol. 56, pp.39-62, April 2014






President: Michael Jensen Secretary: Zhongxiang Shen

President-Elect: Ahmed A. Kishk Treasurer: Donald M. McPherson


Administrative Committee

2016 – Gianluca Lazzi, J. Scott Tyo, Donald M. McPherson, Silvio Barbin;
2017 – Christophe Caloz, Jamesina Simpson, Mahta Moghaddam, Karu Esselle;
2018 – Guido Lombardi, Eric Mokole, Parveen Wahid, Kin-Lu Wong;
Past Presidents with vote – Steven Best (2012), Trevor S. Bird (2013), Tapan K. Sarkar (2014), Robert Graglia (2015); Honorary Life Members – Robert C. Hansen and W. Ross Stone


Administrative Committee meetings

AdCom Winter Meeting – February 27-28, 2016 in Redondo Beach, California. AdCom Summer Meeting - July 26, 2016 in Fajardo, Puerto Rico.



The 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation and URSI/USNC National Radio Science Meeting was held June 26-July 1, 2016 in Fajardo, Puerto Rico. General Chair - Scott Tyo, Co-Chairs Rick Ziolkowski and Rafael Rodriquez-Solis, Technical Program Chair - Andrea Alu

IEEE 2016 Awards

IEEE Electromagnetics Awardpresented to Giorgio Franceschetti “for leadership in the academic world, teaching, research, and scientific activities in advanced electromagnetics.”


Antennas and Propagation Society 2016 Awards

Distinguished Achievement Award – presented to Hisamatsu Nakano “for in-depth electromagnetic analyses of antennas and for innovative antenna designs and their novel realizations for modern communications systems.” 

Chen-To Tai Distinguished Educator Award – presented to Stefano Maci “for extraordinary impact in high-level education in the Antennas and Propagation community through the European School of Antennas.” 

John Kraus Antenna Award – presented to Yahya Rahmat-Samii “for significant contributions in advancing the analysis, design and measurement of modern reflector antennas for ground and space applications.” 

Lot Shafai Mid-Career Distingushed Achievement Award – presented to Mojgan Daneshmand “for pioneering contribution to microwave-to-millimeter-wave microsystem-based antenna and microwave technologies for Communication and Sensing, and being a role model for women in Engineering.” 

Harrington-Mittra Award in Computational Electromagnetics – presented to Jin-Fa Lee “for introducing innovative numerical methods to solve practical radiation and scattering problems in electromagnetics.”


Antennas and Propagation Society 2016 Best Paper Awards

Sergei A. Scheklunoff Transactions Prize Paper AwardGabriele Minatti, Marco Faenzi, Enrica Martini, Francesco Caminita, Paolo De Vita, David Gonzalez-Ovejero, Marco Sabbadini and Stefano Maci for the paper “Modulated Metasurface Antennas for Space: Synthesis, Analysis and Realizations,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 63, no. 4, pp. 1288-1300, April 2015. 

Harold A. Wheeler Applications Prize Paper Award – Matthew A. Morgan and Tod A. Boyd for the paper “A 10-100 GHz Double-Ridged Horn Antenna and Coax Launcher,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 63, no. 8, pp. 3417-3422, August 2015.

R.W.P. King Paper Award – Lei Guo and Amin M. Abbosh for the paper “Optimization-Based Confocal Microwave Imaging in Medical Applications,” IEEE Transactions on Antennas and Propagation, vol. 63, no. 8, pp. 3531-3539, August 2015.  

Piergiorgio L.E. Uslenghi Letters Prize Paper Award – Matthew W. Lukacs, Angela J. Zeqollari, Peter J. Collins, and Michael A. Temple for the paper “RF-DNA Fingerprinting for Antenna Classification,” IEEE Antennas and Wireless Propagation Letters, vol. 14, pp. 1455-1458, 2015. 

Edward E. Altshuler AP-S Magazine Prize Paper Award – Simon Henault and Yahia M. M. Antar for the paper “Unifying the Theory of Mutual Coupling Compensation in Antenna Arrays,” IEEE Antenna and Propagation Magazine, vol. 57, no. 2, pp. 104-122, April 2015.